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Has anyone ever been hit by orbital debris?


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Pretty much as it is in the title, I'm curious as to whether anyone has ever been hit by orbital debris? Like leftover booster stages, fuel tanks, junk, parts, etc.

Just wondering if anyone has ever been a victim :D One of my older stations literally vaporised into several broken parts after I accidentally rested my bottle of beer onto the shift key and fired a KV Rocketry Maverick engine into the centre of the station during an undocking procedure (note to self: disable engines).

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Lol, I love how there is thread on this every few days, can't get enough destruction eh? :P but yes, I have.

Looks like lots of people have been watching "Gravity" during the past weeks :D

And nope, i haven´t ... even during the times (past vrsions) when my Kerbin-Orbit was "crowded" with debris (that is, before I implemented the policy to try to keep the debris for the launch stages suborbital or at orbits that were far away from my usual parking orbits (~90-120km)) I never was hit by debris (although, at this time, I had around 2-3 occasions, where I was able to watch debris flying by in higher or lower orbits)

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I purposely fire off hundreds of probe cores to form massive debris clouds.

Then make sure it's in a retrograde orbit.

Whatever the case, I've blocked myself from entire celestial bodies because there is too much crap.

Common tatic of mine in war simulations.

Block off the enemy methane refinery.

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