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[1.0][Release-5-0][April 28, 2015] Active Texture Management - Save RAM!


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I have an other issue. I dont get memory exhaustion and i do notice difference in speed of VAB/KSC/Map loading and overall game performance in sandbox. But my current carrer game became unplayable - i cant enter VAB/Map/SPH/Mission control. Can enter R&D, but cant exit from there - Exit button click does nothing. I cant even exit to main menu. Only Alt+F4 helps.

Tryed this with x86-release and x86-release-basic - same result:

1) Interface become unresponsive in exiting game with numerous completeed contracts and active flights.

2) Interface fully works in sandbox mode.

3) Interface works in new career game, but contracts window is empty.

Anyone else have such a problem?

Plagued by exactly the same issue here. Behaviour crops up with ATM, does not crop up when ATM is removed. Similar list of mods, but I took out a bunch without affecting the issue.

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I have been playing this game heavily modded for more than a year now. Thanks to ATM I have been able to do this. I don't know why but with the few mods I have loaded it still hits the limit.

on .24.2 I was runnine over 1200 patches and I WASNT using ATM.. I have in the past but had it running great with only occasional crashes... this version runs like a pig.

on topic though... I couldn't get the game to load with 64 ATM and KSP bit but I switched back to 32 bit and re installed 32 bit ATM and im running at just over 2GB. stable so far with a couple mods.. I guess il push it and install a few more see what happens now.

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I think i'm having some conflicts with texture replacer:

Error section of my log file that keeps repeating and repeating over and over (it still is as I type this lol):

[ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 344699059B | peak: 0B | reserved: 360230306B 

[ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 939806029B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1007783819B

[ ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS ] used: 286712B | peak: 0B | reserved: 12582912B

[ ALLOC_TYPETREE ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 0B

[ ALLOC_PROFILER ] used: 264132B | peak: 0B | reserved: 8388608B

[LOG 16:52:20.550] [TR.TextureReplacer] UnityEngine.UnityException: Texture 'TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveX' is not readable, the texture memory can not be accessed from scripts. You can make the texture readable in the Texture Import Settings.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Texture2D:GetPixels (int,int,int,int,int)
at UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels (Int32 miplevel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at TextureReplacer.Reflections.initialise () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at TextureReplacer.TextureReplacer.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[LOG 16:52:20.560] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAhelmet
[LOG 16:52:20.561] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAjetpack
[LOG 16:52:20.563] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAjetpackNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.564] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAtexture
[LOG 16:52:20.566] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAtextureNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.567] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAvisor
[LOG 16:52:20.569] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_NegativeX
[LOG 16:52:20.570] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_NegativeY
[LOG 16:52:20.572] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_NegativeZ
[LOG 16:52:20.573] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_PositiveX
[LOG 16:52:20.575] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_PositiveY
[LOG 16:52:20.576] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_PositiveZ
[LOG 16:52:20.578] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/Head1
[LOG 16:52:20.579] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/Head1NRM
[LOG 16:52:20.581] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalHelmetGrey
[LOG 16:52:20.582] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalHelmetNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.584] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalMainGrey
[LOG 16:52:20.585] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalMainNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.587] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalVisor
[LOG 16:52:20.598] [TR.Reflections] Environment map -x -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeX
[LOG 16:52:20.599] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeX
[LOG 16:52:20.601] [TR.Reflections] Environment map -y -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeY
[LOG 16:52:20.602] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeY
[LOG 16:52:20.603] [TR.Reflections] Environment map -z -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeZ
[LOG 16:52:20.605] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeZ
[LOG 16:52:20.606] [TR.Reflections] Environment map +x -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveX
[LOG 16:52:20.608] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveX
[LOG 16:52:20.609] [TR.Reflections] Environment map +y -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveY
[LOG 16:52:20.610] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveY
[LOG 16:52:20.612] [TR.Reflections] Environment map +z -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveZ
[LOG 16:52:20.613] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveZ
[ERR 16:52:20.620] Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Trying to allocate: 393213B with 32 alignment. MemoryLabel: Texture
Allocation happend at: Line:411 in
Memory overview

None of my texture replacer files are .tga format, anybody know what's up? I don't have many parts mods installed, running about 1.37 Gb GameData folder so I doubt memory is the issue. Any help would be appreciated :D

EDIT: Hmmm... tried removing texture replacer to test, still getting stuck during loading at the same place but however now log file is complaining about something to do with Kerbal Engineer, very peculiar.......

Edited by Sippyfrog
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More exceptions because the png's are tiny, but useless if blurred.


folder = medsouz
enabled = true

compress = false
mipmaps = false
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false


folder = FinePrint
enabled = true

compress = false
mipmaps = false
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false

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thanks for your MOD... just wanted to put that out there.

I'm a lay user of the mods here, but i wanted to point out that the SXT (Stock Extension Mod ) seems to be incompatible with yours. I can't tell which is doing what but both run when the other is not loaded, and the game stalls on launch on a "lander Part" i believe and never loads.

I don't know if that helps, hopefully it helps each of you.


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Yeah, but before the sarbian-fix (I'm not blaming sarbian, who is indeed awesome) it was reporting 740MB saved, which was also consistent with what I was seeing in Resource Monitor. Now Resource Monitor says almost 100% of my physical memory is being used, and the crash log agrees.

BTW: Do we know why KSP uses so much more memory now? It can't just be the SP+ parts. I was running that in 0.24.2, along with ScanSat, and SDHI, and some more smaller part mods, thanks to ATM. And that was on top of a ton of plugins. Just curious.

On edit: I know I'm trying to shoehorn KSP into 2GB, and 4GB is recommended. It used to work fine though. I'll be sad if I'm mostly confined to stock.

Raw KSP alone sits at 1.7GB. before, it was much lower. With aggressive ATM, memory usage sits at 1.4GB. KSP is getting huge.

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thanks for your MOD... just wanted to put that out there.

I'm a lay user of the mods here, but i wanted to point out that the SXT (Stock Extension Mod ) seems to be incompatible with yours. I can't tell which is doing what but both run when the other is not loaded, and the game stalls on launch on a "lander Part" i believe and never loads.

I don't know if that helps, hopefully it helps each of you.


I think i can comfirm... I've been trial and erroring it and STX does seem to be a conflicting thing... But like I said, testing now

EDIT 1: Okay, just did load w/o STX or this mod as when I thought this was the problem I still got stuck loading those parts, but it loaded fine, testing with activetexturemanagement now...

EDIT 2: Loaded fine! SXT was definitely the problem... idk why, HOWEVER, could use further looking into from others...


EDIT 3: Okay i hate to spam, but upon loading my game without SXT it actually booted, however i'm seeing serious complications with texture replacer, and my log file is still spamming this:

[ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 344699059B | peak: 0B | reserved: 360230306B 

[ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 939806029B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1007783819B

[ ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS ] used: 286712B | peak: 0B | reserved: 12582912B

[ ALLOC_TYPETREE ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 0B

[ ALLOC_PROFILER ] used: 264132B | peak: 0B | reserved: 8388608B

[LOG 16:52:20.550] [TR.TextureReplacer] UnityEngine.UnityException: Texture 'TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveX' is not readable, the texture memory can not be accessed from scripts. You can make the texture readable in the Texture Import Settings.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Texture2D:GetPixels (int,int,int,int,int)
at UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels (Int32 miplevel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at TextureReplacer.Reflections.initialise () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at TextureReplacer.TextureReplacer.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[LOG 16:52:20.560] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAhelmet
[LOG 16:52:20.561] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAjetpack
[LOG 16:52:20.563] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAjetpackNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.564] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAtexture
[LOG 16:52:20.566] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAtextureNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.567] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAvisor
[LOG 16:52:20.569] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_NegativeX
[LOG 16:52:20.570] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_NegativeY
[LOG 16:52:20.572] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_NegativeZ
[LOG 16:52:20.573] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_PositiveX
[LOG 16:52:20.575] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_PositiveY
[LOG 16:52:20.576] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_PositiveZ
[LOG 16:52:20.578] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/Head1
[LOG 16:52:20.579] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/Head1NRM
[LOG 16:52:20.581] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalHelmetGrey
[LOG 16:52:20.582] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalHelmetNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.584] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalMainGrey
[LOG 16:52:20.585] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalMainNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.587] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalVisor
[LOG 16:52:20.598] [TR.Reflections] Environment map -x -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeX
[LOG 16:52:20.599] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeX
[LOG 16:52:20.601] [TR.Reflections] Environment map -y -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeY
[LOG 16:52:20.602] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeY
[LOG 16:52:20.603] [TR.Reflections] Environment map -z -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeZ
[LOG 16:52:20.605] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeZ
[LOG 16:52:20.606] [TR.Reflections] Environment map +x -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveX
[LOG 16:52:20.608] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveX
[LOG 16:52:20.609] [TR.Reflections] Environment map +y -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveY
[LOG 16:52:20.610] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveY
[LOG 16:52:20.612] [TR.Reflections] Environment map +z -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveZ
[LOG 16:52:20.613] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveZ
[ERR 16:52:20.620] Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Trying to allocate: 393213B with 32 alignment. MemoryLabel: Texture
Allocation happend at: Line:411 in
Memory overview

TL;DR: SXT and Texture Replacer caused some problems, got rid of SXT, game started up finally, however still a bunch of problems with Texture Replacer, could use help

Edited by Sippyfrog
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Hello all,

I'm noticing significant slowdown on X86 with ATM running. With my mod list I can't run the game without either openGL force or ATM. Game loads and plays fine with all mods in forced open GL, but if I disable that and run on ATM my frame rate completely plummets to unplayable levels. Not sure how ATM would do this but if I remove ATM the problem vanishes (but I still need openGL to load, but that's a RAM limit issue).

My mod list:

[TABLE=width: 224]


[TD]Astronomers visual pack[/TD]



[TD]Better Atmospheres[/TD]






[TD]Deadly Reentry[/TD]



[TD]Distant objects enhancments[/TD]



[TD]Docking indicator[/TD]



[TD]Editor Extensions[/TD]



[TD]Envrionmental Visual Enhancements[/TD]






[TD]Fine Print![/TD]



[TD]Modular Kolonization[/TD]



[TD]Infernal Robotics[/TD]



[TD]Kerbal Attachment system[/TD]



[TD]Kerbal Engineer[/TD]



[TD]Kerbal Joint Reinforcement[/TD]



[TD]Procedural Fairings[/TD]



[TD]TAC Fuel Balancer[/TD]






[TD]Texture replacer[/TD]



[TD]Blizzy Toolbar[/TD]



[TD]Procedural Wings[/TD]






[TD]KSP interstellar[/TD]






[TD]BahamutoD Armory




Any ideas? I can provide relevant logs if needed.

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Hello all,

I'm noticing significant slowdown on X86 with ATM running. With my mod list I can't run the game without either openGL force or ATM. Game loads and plays fine with all mods in forced open GL, but if I disable that and run on ATM my frame rate completely plummets to unplayable levels. Not sure how ATM would do this but if I remove ATM the problem vanishes (but I still need openGL to load, but that's a RAM limit issue).

My mod list:


Any ideas? I can provide relevant logs if needed.

Is your lag starting at the main menu itself? Because when i'm booting up with the mod I get about 4-5 fps at the menu screen whereas without I'm getting about 40-50 fps at the menu.

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I think i can comfirm... I've been trial and erroring it and STX does seem to be a conflicting thing... But like I said, testing now

EDIT 1: Okay, just did load w/o STX or this mod as when I thought this was the problem I still got stuck loading those parts, but it loaded fine, testing with activetexturemanagement now...

EDIT 2: Loaded fine! SXT was definitely the problem... idk why, HOWEVER, could use further looking into from others...


EDIT 3: Okay i hate to spam, but upon loading my game without SXT it actually booted, however i'm seeing serious complications with texture replacer, and my log file is still spamming this:

[ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 344699059B | peak: 0B | reserved: 360230306B 

[ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 939806029B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1007783819B

[ ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS ] used: 286712B | peak: 0B | reserved: 12582912B

[ ALLOC_TYPETREE ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 0B

[ ALLOC_PROFILER ] used: 264132B | peak: 0B | reserved: 8388608B

[LOG 16:52:20.550] [TR.TextureReplacer] UnityEngine.UnityException: Texture 'TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveX' is not readable, the texture memory can not be accessed from scripts. You can make the texture readable in the Texture Import Settings.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Texture2D:GetPixels (int,int,int,int,int)
at UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels (Int32 miplevel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at TextureReplacer.Reflections.initialise () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at TextureReplacer.TextureReplacer.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[LOG 16:52:20.560] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAhelmet
[LOG 16:52:20.561] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAjetpack
[LOG 16:52:20.563] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAjetpackNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.564] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAtexture
[LOG 16:52:20.566] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAtextureNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.567] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/EVAvisor
[LOG 16:52:20.569] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_NegativeX
[LOG 16:52:20.570] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_NegativeY
[LOG 16:52:20.572] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_NegativeZ
[LOG 16:52:20.573] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_PositiveX
[LOG 16:52:20.575] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_PositiveY
[LOG 16:52:20.576] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/GalaxyTex_PositiveZ
[LOG 16:52:20.578] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/Head1
[LOG 16:52:20.579] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/Head1NRM
[LOG 16:52:20.581] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalHelmetGrey
[LOG 16:52:20.582] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalHelmetNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.584] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalMainGrey
[LOG 16:52:20.585] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalMainNRM
[LOG 16:52:20.587] [TR.Replacer] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalVisor
[LOG 16:52:20.598] [TR.Reflections] Environment map -x -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeX
[LOG 16:52:20.599] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeX
[LOG 16:52:20.601] [TR.Reflections] Environment map -y -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeY
[LOG 16:52:20.602] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeY
[LOG 16:52:20.603] [TR.Reflections] Environment map -z -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeZ
[LOG 16:52:20.605] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/NegativeZ
[LOG 16:52:20.606] [TR.Reflections] Environment map +x -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveX
[LOG 16:52:20.608] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveX
[LOG 16:52:20.609] [TR.Reflections] Environment map +y -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveY
[LOG 16:52:20.610] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveY
[LOG 16:52:20.612] [TR.Reflections] Environment map +z -> TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveZ
[LOG 16:52:20.613] [TR.Reflections] Corrupted GameDatabase! Problematic TGA? TextureReplacer/EnvMap/PositiveZ
[ERR 16:52:20.620] Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Trying to allocate: 393213B with 32 alignment. MemoryLabel: Texture
Allocation happend at: Line:411 in
Memory overview

TL;DR: SXT and Texture Replacer caused some problems, got rid of SXT, game started up finally, however still a bunch of problems with Texture Replacer, could use help

Hey bud, could you try adding this config to ATM, tell me if it kills the logspam? Just create a file called TR.cfg or something like that, then paste the following and try to launch.



folder = TextureReplacer

enabled = false


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Hey bud, could you try adding this config to ATM, tell me if it kills the logspam? Just create a file called TR.cfg or something like that, then paste the following and try to launch.



folder = TextureReplacer

enabled = false


Trying it out now! Will update!

EDIT 1: Tried it, same results :P Maybe I put the file into the wrong folder? I put it under BoudlerCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/TextureReplacer.cfg

Is it supposed to go somewhere else? And the log file was spamming the sames messages over and over again still unfortunately, but thanks for the help!

Edited by Sippyfrog
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Is your lag starting at the main menu itself? Because when i'm booting up with the mod I get about 4-5 fps at the menu screen whereas without I'm getting about 40-50 fps at the menu.

Yup, in game it's still slow as all hell. A little better the menu, but still unplayable. Also, my tool icons appear to be miniaturized... :S

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Trying it out now! Will update!

EDIT 1: Tried it, same results :P Maybe I put the file into the wrong folder? I put it under BoudlerCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/TextureReplacer.cfg

Is it supposed to go somewhere else? And the log file was spamming the sames messages over and over again still unfortunately, but thanks for the help!

Gah! Sorry bud, didn't know the .cfgs weren't working. I had you make that config because, in your error log, it said that certain textures in TextureReplacer folder were made not-readable, which is an attribute set in ATM. The config you made disables that and makes the textures readable again...that is, if .cfgs were functioning. I think it's a safe bet to run without ATM at this point, because Squad added a new GameDatabase and custom asset loading, so it'll take a bit for our superhero modders to figure out how to implement those systems.

In the mean time, definitely run OpenGL, delete any parts you dont think you'll need, set texture resolution down to at least half, if not lower if you don't mind ugly. Wish I could help further, good luck :(

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Ok just tested it. 3-6 i kept getting game crashes with the access violation 0x00000005 tag before it loaded. Switched back to medouz patch and it starts up. Somethings up with 3-6. Thanks for all your hard work sarbian and rbay just trying to help.

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Gah! Sorry bud, didn't know the .cfgs weren't working. I had you make that config because, in your error log, it said that certain textures in TextureReplacer folder were made not-readable, which is an attribute set in ATM. The config you made disables that and makes the textures readable again...that is, if .cfgs were functioning. I think it's a safe bet to run without ATM at this point, because Squad added a new GameDatabase and custom asset loading, so it'll take a bit for our superhero modders to figure out how to implement those systems.

In the mean time, definitely run OpenGL, delete any parts you dont think you'll need, set texture resolution down to at least half, if not lower if you don't mind ugly. Wish I could help further, good luck :(

Haha i've been running without it :) and i'm fine, I have barely ANY part mods at the moment so I dont need to worry!

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The new version seems to ignore the .cfg files altogether. I was trying to get it to not compress the 000_toolbar icons and the RPM font textures and nothing I tried seemed to work.

Here's something i learned recently. KSP is case sensitive about the extension. i.e. "Blah.cfg" will work, "Blah.CFG" or "Blah.Cfg" will not be read at all by KSP. Not sure if this is relevant here, but it certainly confused me for a while troubleshooting my last patch.

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Here's something i learned recently. KSP is case sensitive about the extension. i.e. "Blah.cfg" will work, "Blah.CFG" or "Blah.Cfg" will not be read at all by KSP. Not sure if this is relevant here, but it certainly confused me for a while troubleshooting my last patch.

The thing is, it doesn't seem to be using the CFG files at all. I'm getting really tiny toolbar icons and completely messed up RPM screens even if I try editing the default ones.

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So things are still a little unstable. without ATM, i was crashing every couple of loads. With atm, im not crashing, but i come across peculiar bugs like ships not loading past the command pod and.... God.


EDIT: Close and reload did not fix ship not loading, or make God go away. Game broken.

Edited by Venusgate
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Sarbian is awesome! Everyone should give Sarbian rep... Like now.


Implements a new way to override KSP's internal texture loading altogether. No more waiting for the white screen to dissapear, and textures will load 2x as fast as KSP's loading.

Does that mean the "custom assetloader" squad gave to the community is indeed a way for the extra clever guys to improve the game?

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