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[1.0][Release-5-0][April 28, 2015] Active Texture Management - Save RAM!


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  combat squirrel said:

EDIT: That worked PERFECTLY, I have higher fidelity textures on my ships now and sitting at 3.2gb exactly! :D thanks :D

How do you know how much ram KSP is using?

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  DarthVader said:
this isn't working for me. I installed the folders in game data (as I would any other mod) booted ksp up (23.5 from ksp.app not from launcher.) and the game loaded at normal speed and froze at mk 1 pod internal model. I checked the .log file and it said the config.cfg was empty (so I re downloaded the mod and put in a fresh config.cfg) booted again same result. What am I doing wrong?.

Specs: Macosx verson 23.5 running off an 4gig flashdrive.

The first launch after installing ATM can take some time as ATM builds its cache. Running KSP off a flash drive is going to make that take even longer as the read-write speed isn't as fast as HDD or SSD.

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  Green Skull said:
Ok last configs update for a bit. Fixed ASET and KSO interior to be hi-res for reading of buttons. ALL RPM screens work for me. Removed TextureReplacer config as it was messing with my spacesuits and possibly causing problems else where with TextureReplacer textures. Changed High settings to crunch more RAM from IVA's - they will look worse! Fixed exception caused by ATM / Interstellar conflict. Minor tweaks from looking at my own and others logs. Added Beastly Science for Vanlock and another couple for parts I've recently downloaded.

*PLEASE NOTE* These configs are written on my PC for windows. They should work on other systems but you may have to adjust some settings yourself to optimise for your own system or requirements.

DOWNLOAD HERE Green Skull ATM configs v1.0

Registered just to share my immense gratitude for your developing and sharing this. I couldn't figure out why KSPRC took me from 60FPS down to 12FPS. Your configs brought the game back to life for me while letting me keep KSPRC and the rest of my mods. Thank you so much for this and all your other contributions to the community!.

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Thank you Shady. I've managed to get some time to KSP today so I've uploaded version 1.1 of my configs. There are now three options - regular, high saving and optimised for GFX. Also included are all of my optional configs which are scattered in a few downloads.

*PLEASE NOTE* These configs are written on my PC for windows. They should work on other systems but you may have to adjust some settings yourself to optimise for your own system or requirements.

DOWNLOAD HERE Green_Skull_ATM_configs_v1.1

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Hello, i am looking for assistance.

On the past, combining this mod with texture reduction packs i managed to play using a fairly large ammount of mods. I have ugraded to 0.23.5 and now, even with the agressive and quarter res textures the game crashes. What gives? I can not use texture reduction packs anymore, as the tread where they are hosted still links to old spaceport. Any help?

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  Green Skull said:
Thank you Shady. I've managed to get some time to KSP today so I've uploaded version 1.1 of my configs. There are now three options - regular, high saving and optimised for GFX. Also included are all of my optional configs which are scattered in a few downloads.

*PLEASE NOTE* These configs are written on my PC for windows. They should work on other systems but you may have to adjust some settings yourself to optimise for your own system or requirements.

DOWNLOAD HERE Green_Skull_ATM_configs_v1.1

Good to see regular updates for this.


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I need some de-bugging help real quick guys. This is my KSO config, which worlds for the parts, but not the Spaces or Props.

folder = KSO
enabled = true

texture = KSO/Parts/kerbin_lifter_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Parts/kerbin_orbiter_docking_mod_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Parts/kerbin_orbiter_engines_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Parts/kerbin_orbiter_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Parts/kerbin_space_station_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/RPM/MFD_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Spaces/internalkso/analog_gauges_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Spaces/internalkso/cockpit_interior_lower_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Spaces/internalkso/cockpit_interior_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Spaces/internalkso/RCS_panel_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Spaces/internalstation/kerbin_space_station_interior_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Spaces/internalstation/SST_Stick_Petals_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Spaces/ksotug/analog_guages_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Spaces/ksotug/KSOS_Arm_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Spaces/ksotug/RCS_panel_norm_NRM
texture = KSO/Spaces/ksotug/SST_Stick_Petals_norm_NRM

compress = true
mipmaps = false
scale = 1
max_size = 0
filtering = Bilinear
make_not_readable = true
compress = false
mipmaps = false
scale = 1
max_size = 0
filtering = Bilinear
make_not_readable = true
compress = false
mipmaps = false
scale = 1
max_size = 0
filtering = Bilinear
make_not_readable = true

Edited by likke_A_boss
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@rbray - Is on the fly de-duplification possible? Hash all the textures, consolidate textures with duplicate hashes into a single asset. There's a lot of bloat in GameData/Squad/ that could be eliminated. PolecatEZ did it once with model nodes and overwriting duplicate textures, and I tried a similar proof-of-concept about a year ago. It's a pain to do manually and can break other mods that reference stock textures for reuse (e.g., Lack's SXT).

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Is it my imagination, or does Curse not carry...any of the mods for this thread? At all?

Searching for them certainly doesn't work. Are there any mirror links, are should we just wait for Curse to be less awful?

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  Synthesis said:
Is it my imagination, or does Curse not carry...any of the mods for this thread? At all?

Searching for them certainly doesn't work. Are there any mirror links, are should we just wait for Curse to be less awful?

There are links in the OP to the download. Why would you want to download off of Curse when the Github link are right there?

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  Synthesis said:
Is it my imagination, or does Curse not carry...any of the mods for this thread? At all?

Searching for them certainly doesn't work. Are there any mirror links, are should we just wait for Curse to be less awful?

Also, Curse isn't magical (see what I did there). They don't just get mods out of the ether. They only carry mods that modders have submitted to them. The same went for Spaceport.

Now, in the past, and likely into the future the single best way to get mods is form this here forum. Find the forum post, go to the first page, and find the download links and instructions. If they direct you to curse, download from there. Same goes for any other distribution system.

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Hi !

I would like to install this mod that sounds awesome, but I would like to know something before :

Is there any way to only 'whitelist' what to compress ?

Because what I ideally like to achieve with this mod is to install it and have it doing nothing except what I tell him to do !

(I've searched some informations about this but can't find anything revelant atm.)

Thank you for this wonderful tool anyway !

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  nemlive said:
broke my final frontier :huh: all the images are a black space

This doesn't mean anything without more info. Are you using mac/win/linux? 32 or 64 bit? What version of KSP? Any other mods we should know about?

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my loading times were really good - before. now they are like 10 times, but i have a lot less problems with high part rockets. i guess i have to go with one of two evils xD

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