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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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The... uh... easiest way to build EL is on linux: clone the github repo (do not download the zip), and run `make KSPDIR=<path_to_ksp> install` in the top level director. However... this requires bash, git, make, inkscape, lyx, xetex, blender, my io_object_mu blender addon, mono and I don't know what else (and you need to configure blender just right). However, that's a full install. If all you want is a fresh dll, run the same `make` command in the Source directory, then you need only make, git, bash and mono.

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14 hours ago, taniwha said:

The... uh... easiest way to build EL is on linux: clone the github repo (do not download the zip), and run `make KSPDIR=<path_to_ksp> install` in the top level director. However... this requires bash, git, make, inkscape, lyx, xetex, blender, my io_object_mu blender addon, mono and I don't know what else (and you need to configure blender just right). However, that's a full install. If all you want is a fresh dll, run the same `make` command in the Source directory, then you need only make, git, bash and mono.

I don't suppose you'd be willing to drop a prerelease somewhere for those of us who don't have a build environment? :D

I've actually got a use case for EL for once, and I'd be using it with some modded parts (KPBS's launchpad is probably the only relevant modded part in my case though) on 1.10.

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2 hours ago, Nicky21 said:

While you work on updating to 1.10 , can you pretty please add a global variable that controls the overall construction speed ? Pretty please ? With cherry on top !

To be fair, it looks like @taniwha already has a 1.10 version, it just needs to finish being tested.

No feature requests! Feature requests delay our satisfaction even more! :D

(I do like this idea in general though, but I'd rather have a 1.10 release :V)

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Of course, being unable to build a base in place on Minmus, I'm forced to take alternative measures for now:



(no this is not a serious solution in any way, shape, or form, but I've been laughing for 5 minutes watching this thing ascend)

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Actually, such a feature is already there (has been for several releases): check section 5.3 of the manual. However, changing the default value in the EL_ResourceRates node in ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/Resources/Recipes.cfg. Just don't set it to 0 (I very strongly suspect things will break if it is 0).

And yes, it's just that I haven't had time to do proper testing.


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1 minute ago, taniwha said:

Actually, such a feature is already there (has been for several releases): check section 5.3 of the manual. However, changing the default value in the EL_ResourceRates node in ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/Resources/Recipes.cfg. Just don't set it to 0 (I very strongly suspect things will break if it is 0).

Funny, I was specifically looking for that in the manual too. I was thinking to myself after posting that "I haven't seen this, but I'd be surprised if it didn't exist somewhere..."

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13 hours ago, taniwha said:

Actually, such a feature is already there (has been for several releases): check section 5.3 of the manual. However, changing the default value in the EL_ResourceRates node in ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/Resources/Recipes.cfg. Just don't set it to 0 (I very strongly suspect things will break if it is 0).

And yes, it's just that I haven't had time to do proper testing.


Holy shift !!!! Every time in the last year when you made an update or i reinstalled the game I went trough the files and manualy set the productivity of each part to somethign liek 0.025. This is such a time saver ! Thank you !

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On 7/20/2020 at 1:29 PM, taniwha said:

building EL for anyone but me can be a real challenge

Confirming. I almost gave up first time :) I'm curious as to what you use for makefile/C# projects? I ended up by creating csproj/sln from scratch and adding all files and references in VS.

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8 hours ago, Sibiro said:

Confirming. I almost gave up first time :) I'm curious as to what you use for makefile/C# projects? I ended up by creating csproj/sln from scratch and adding all files and references in VS.

The creation of the makefiles themselves? They're hand-edited in vim (my editor of choice), but have evolved over the last 6 or 7 years from a "seed" makefile I received from someone (I don't remember in which mod I first used make, nor who gave me the makefile). However, I have been using make since the early 90s.

For the make program itself, I use GNU make.

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16 minutes ago, SkiRich said:

I noticed that the resource this mod uses is MetallicOre, while the community resource pack already has a definition for MetalOre.

Is there any plane set to make this mod use MetalOre or both?

That's interesting. I could've sworn there was a way to alias one resource to another, but I'll be darned if I can find it now. Might be something added by one of my mods.

Edited by etmoonshade
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@SkiRich EL uses and defines MetalOre, not MetalicOre (CRP defines MetalicOre). However, if you wish to change what resources EL uses, check section 5.2 of the manual. Using recipes, you'll be able to into some fairly nitty-gritty detail as to what resources are needed to do constructions.

@etmoonshade For simple aliasing, EL_ResourceRecipe might be what you're looking for.

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3 minutes ago, lotokerman said:

Just got an issue loading my craft in 1.10 using EL parts. EL UI are loading in 1.10 but I after selecting the craft you want to build, the load craft button isn't working.

AFAIK, EL hasn't been formally updated for 1.10.x yet:

On 7/30/2020 at 8:03 AM, taniwha said:

And yes, it's just that I haven't had time to do proper testing.

(FWIW, I get the same error, and I know that Hangar had a very similar error caused by 1.10 that needed to be fixed)

Edited by etmoonshade
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6 minutes ago, etmoonshade said:

AFAIK, EL hasn't been formally updated for 1.10.x yet:

(FWIW, I get the same error, and I know that Hangar had a very similar error caused by 1.10 that needed to be fixed)

Ohhh thank you. Also in 1.9 i have an issue in survey stake where upon building, the craft is either created under the surface or stucked even if i release the craft.

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7 hours ago, lotokerman said:

Ohhh thank you. Also in 1.9 i have an issue in survey stake where upon building, the craft is either created under the surface or stucked even if i release the craft.

Uh, you can't release when doing a survey build because there's nothing holding the built vessel. It sounds to me like either something went wrong while loading the craft file, or you were trying some very advanced uses of stakes (messing with the Y axis).

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31 minutes ago, kspnerd122 said:

I literally went through the internet archive to find that thing,

Whatever for? As I said, just edit the version number in the download URL. I have every released version back to 3.1 on my server, and a list of versions in the OP, grouped by compatible KSP version.

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