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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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I've been really enjoying the Extraplanetary Launchpads mod for some time but was not all that keen on the standard models for some of the parts.

In particular, the magnetometer looked and functioned far from what I envisioned. I much preferred the extendable magnetometer boom from DMagic's Orbital Science mod. The boom is small (when not extended), realistic and attractive.

I decided to try reconfiguring the part.cfg file for DMagic's boom and found it worked perfectly. All I had to do was copy the following code to the part.cfg of the DMagic Mag boom. The detecting height is higher than that of the Extraplanetary boom because I wanted it to work while in orbit around Eve, whose atmosphere goes up to 98 km.



name = KethaneDetector

DetectingPeriod = 1.5

DetectingHeight = 100000

PowerConsumption = 0.4



Name = Ore



Of course, you'll need to install the DMagic Orbital Science mod first to get the boom, but I highly recommend it. It makes for a much more realistic ore detector.

Edit: I should also mention that I didn't want to integrate ore and kethane detection in the same unit, which is a solution some others have used.

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What worked for EL 4.0 was to set the state to Building, then scroll down to the BuiltStuff node and change the remaining RocketParts cost from 0 to 5. The 5 RocketParts was to keep the build from finishing while KJR was still "stabilizing physics load" in case finishing the build the instant the station loaded would cause more shenanigans.

Ah, I was wondering if that was a pre- or post-0.23.5 change. I'm glad you got it fixed, though. Nice workaround :).

Hey taniwha, how much code have you written so far on asteroid mining?

I have code that calculates an asteroid's actual volume (from the mesh), assigns specially flagged resources in a random mix to the asteroid, and sets the mass appropriately (class E asteroid of pure kethane: 106.8kt).

The flagging is handled by code that extends resource definitions.

I've started working on code for "procedural resources": ie, resources specific to each asteroid (and maybe even specific tanks on your ship, dunno yet) that are actually a mix of other resources.

However, it's been about a month since I've done any real work on it due to being very tired from my new job. But... I live in Japan and it's Golden Week: 5 day weekend, though some will be spent with my family.

what do you think this is, 1985? ^_^

Next year is 2015... the other 30 year trip :)

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Hey guys, was wondering if someone could help me out. I am looking for a way to add ore to a specific hex or group of hexes. Primarily to test things and so I don't have to build two bases on the Mün. Not really keen on having to transport fuel a couple hundred km to the launch pad

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I have code that calculates an asteroid's actual volume (from the mesh), assigns specially flagged resources in a random mix to the asteroid, and sets the mass appropriately (class E asteroid of pure kethane: 106.8kt).

The flagging is handled by code that extends resource definitions.

I've started working on code for "procedural resources": ie, resources specific to each asteroid (and maybe even specific tanks on your ship, dunno yet) that are actually a mix of other resources.

Awesome. I was playing with the Kethane source yesterday and was working on making a KethaneExtractor detect that a drill is extended into an asteroid. I think it's at the point where I can start running it and finding out all the ways it doesn't work, but I haven't started trying to modify KethaneData yet to actually get resources from the roid. Sounds like you're way ahead on the resources side.

I'll try to get the drill working tonight.

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bonesbro: One thing to note is that I plan on making it so you will be unable to extract anything from an asteroid without first feeding a sample to an appropriate part.

I assume you're still using Kethane for the resource detection & extraction - is your sampler part the thing that marks the resource deposit as scanned?

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Hey guys, was wondering if someone could help me out. I am looking for a way to add ore to a specific hex or group of hexes. Primarily to test things and so I don't have to build two bases on the Mün. Not really keen on having to transport fuel a couple hundred km to the launch pad

That's deep in stuff that's managed by the Kethane plugin. You might get an answer on that thread.

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In the VAB Build Resources info window there is a field that reports the Build Time.

Does anyone know what this is based on? One Kerbal? Which workshop?

Can I use the VAB reported build time to estimate the actual build time?

Does it mean that for the Construction Workshop (ProductivityFactor = 5) if I have 10 kerbals (with average intelligence because I understand that makes a difference and that is why it will only be an estimate) on board and a VAB reported build time of 36 Kh I can expect something like...

(36/5)/10 = 0.72 Kh or if I am not mistaken approximately 120 Kerbin days?

Edited by Kaa253
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In the VAB Build Resources info window there is a field that reports the Build Time.

Does anyone know what this is based on? One Kerbal? Which workshop?

Can I use the VAB reported build time to estimate the actual build time?

Does it mean that for the Construction Workshop (ProductivityFactor = 5) if I have 10 kerbals (with average intelligence because I understand that makes a difference and that is why it will only be an estimate) on board and a VAB reported build time of 36 Kh I can expect something like...

(36/5)/10 = 0.72 Kh or if I am not mistaken approximately 120 Kerbin days?

"Kh" with the capital K is Kerbal-hours, not kilo-hours. If your math is right otherwise, 36 Kerbal-hours divided by 10 kerbals at a productivity factor of 5 would be 0.72 hours, or about an orbit and a half if you're building in LKO. That sounds about right to me.

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sorry if this has been answered before but novapunch does not like this mod.... both the 2m pod and 3.5m pods which come with trunks clip through them when you put them onto the launch pad and you get a bunch of null execptions in the log when you try to revert it.

i know it's this mod because i added a mod at a time until this was the only one remaining and it had no sideeffects until i added this mod...

if you need any more info just ask i'll happily break my saves millions of times over just so you guys can try get this problem fixed. my thoughts is that maybe it's the inbuilt decoupler in the trunk config but i could be wrong.

anyway i gotta hit the hay... blender and beer don't play nice with eachother at all.

Antimatter001 signing off

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Hello all, first timer here... I've been poking at the mod to figure it out, and now I have two questions. I ran a quick search on this thread but couldn't find what I'm looking for.

Question 1: the Construction Workshop and Orbital Construction Dock are researched first. From experimenting with them, they seem to do everything you need for orbital shipbuilding. That leaves the question what the other four very large components are for - the Launch Pad, Launch Pad 2, Runway and Kerbal Rocket Workshop. Are those just stylistic variations with some integrated extra modules like kethane scanners or probe cores? Or do you actually require them for a key feature of the mod?

Question 2: the Construction Workshop accepts up to 10 Kerbals. Assuming you have TAC Life Support installed, and the workshop is part of a station that includes ample life support resources, I would like for all of the Kerbals in the workshop to consume these resources normally, as if they were in a pod. Does this work out of the box, or do I have to tweak the workshop config? (and if yes, how?)

Edited by Streetwind
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Hello all, first timer here... I've been poking at the mod to figure it out, and now I have two questions. I ran a quick search on this thread but couldn't find what I'm looking for.

Question 1: the Construction Workshop and Orbital Construction Dock are researched first. From experimenting with them, they seem to do everything you need for orbital shipbuilding. That leaves the question what the other four very large components are for - the Launch Pad, Launch Pad 2, Runway and Kerbal Rocket Workshop. Are those just stylistic variations with some integrated extra modules like kethane scanners or probe cores? Or do you actually require them for a key feature of the mod?

Question 2: the Construction Workshop accepts up to 10 Kerbals. Assuming you have TAC Life Support installed, and the workshop is part of a station that includes ample life support resources, I would like for all of the Kerbals in the workshop to consume these resources normally, as if they were in a pod. Does this work out of the box, or do I have to tweak the workshop config? (and if yes, how?)

I can confirm that the workshop, like all normal crew spaces, works with TAC life support as-is. It gives you the usual 10 Kerbal-days worth of resources as well.

As I understand it, the launch pads and runways are mainly there for looks -- specifically, they look more natural for planetside construction than the orbital dock does.

The Kerbal Rocket Workshop is a legacy part; upgrades to the construction workshop have made it obsolete.

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Streetwind: most of EL's parts can be considered to be legacy, though the various pads do at least serve a bit of an aesthetic function, and a bit of a practical one, too: it's probably easier to support larger ships with them when landed than with the orbital dock. The old rocket parts converter tower thing is indeed legacy now, though one could argue that it looks semi-suitable for building tall parts.

Starstrider42: thanks for that confirmation.

Deredere: other than careful planning, not yet. It's on my todo list, and something I had thought of before releasing 4.0, but forgot to add. Since then I've been rather busy with bugs or ennui.

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what is the most resent version that is compatible with ksp .23.0? if it is 4.1.2, there seem to be issues with it. if not, how do I acquire it?

The most recent version for .23 is 4.0.3.

To download it copy the link to current version and paste it in the address bar then change the version number at the end to 4.0.3

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Deredere: other than careful planning, not yet. It's on my todo list, and something I had thought of before releasing 4.0, but forgot to add. Since then I've been rather busy with bugs or ennui.

No worries! And I'm sorry if I've ever given you grief with my complaining.

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Me too. Thanks for the answers. "K" is for Kerbal and kilo would be "k".

Therefore, building is obviously only happening when the ship has focus... :P

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Any reason why stuff spawns underground when I load it on the launchpad2? I am trying to use the FASA launch tower to get my kerbals into their rocket but the elevator is buried. The stock clamps work on ground level so I have created a ladder system, it's just not as aesthetically pleasing.

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