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[1.12.x] KSP Alternate Resource Panel v2.11.0.0 (April 10)


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  sirklick said:
Congratulations on your new launch, this plugin fixes some fairly long standing frustrations with the stock resource panel. I do have a possible bug report to file. I am using quite a few of the realism mods so I cannot be %100 sure that this plugin is the cause, but I have not had this issue in quite some time and the only recent addition to this instances plugins I have made is this mod so here goes.


Everything works fine after restarting KSP.

EDIT: Removed plugin and attempted with the exact same ship and it happened again. NOT YOUR PROBLEM :) Great job.

Thanks for doing the follow test, is great. The errors in the log from that mod are because there is no vessel and therefore no stages - I'll add a fix for that as well - just so it doenst show up.

Thanks again for testing, is a great help

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  Trigger Au said:
Yes it would be possible to make it movable, but I wanted to replicate the current panels fixed size and location, I'll put that on the list.

I did start with using different colors for each bar, but when I looked at how many resources there are I simply ran out of colors that looked good. Thus the coloring on the icons and the standardised color bars. If I (or someone can) think of a good way to do that, and doesn't end up looking like the rainbow flight plan I'll see whats good.

I can see how that would be counterproductive now. :) Having everything colored would overcomplicate it. What if you used colors for the most common fuels? Like orange, blue, and yellow for liquid fuel, oxidizer, and monopropellent? Liquid fuel and oxidizer could even be combined into one color and perhaps a lighter green could be used for electricity. They would stand out from the wall of green bars when you have mods that add a lot of different resources like life support.

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  Nemitis said:
I can see how that would be counterproductive now. :) Having everything colored would overcomplicate it. What if you used colors for the most common fuels? Like orange, blue, and yellow for liquid fuel, oxidizer, and monopropellent? Liquid fuel and oxidizer could even be combined into one color and perhaps a lighter green could be used for electricity. They would stand out from the wall of green bars when you have mods that add a lot of different resources like life support.

I might save this one for a bit later, the other idea I had for the busy-ness of the list with lots of resources was some form of grouping/filtering, but I think I'll concentrate on the missing icons, and data first. Is a good idea

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What would be handy is if the fuel/ox for the stage turned red if it was insufficient to handle the set maneuver node. Either you can't do it, or you have to stage midway. Have the total turn red if its insufficient to leave the body you are on or to land on it. This is fancy math stuff when atmos is considered, but you've shown you can do the fancy math stuff in alarm clock ;). These functions could unlock in the tech tree.

For monoprop, putting a vertical marker where main engine burns take place. That allows the user to see how much is used in various maneuvers. If the amount goes below 25% since the last major burn (monoprop was 60% full when the last burn happened, so when it dips below 15%) then turn the monoprop red.

Having power change color depending on whether it's charging/draining would be handy. Need a filter to smooth out the data so it doesn't flicker incessantly.

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  johnsonwax said:
What would be handy is if the fuel/ox for the stage turned red if it was insufficient to handle the set maneuver node. Either you can't do it, or you have to stage midway. Have the total turn red if its insufficient to leave the body you are on or to land on it. This is fancy math stuff when atmos is considered, but you've shown you can do the fancy math stuff in alarm clock ;). These functions could unlock in the tech tree.

For monoprop, putting a vertical marker where main engine burns take place. That allows the user to see how much is used in various maneuvers. If the amount goes below 25% since the last major burn (monoprop was 60% full when the last burn happened, so when it dips below 15%) then turn the monoprop red.

Having power change color depending on whether it's charging/draining would be handy. Need a filter to smooth out the data so it doesn't flicker incessantly.

Nice ideas. well the first two are some serious maths thats for sure, determining burn rates/times was actually one of the reasons I started looking at resources, but currently I would have to build a simulator to work em out (as MJ and KER already do well). This one will probably be a long term goal for me, and maybe I could interface with the MJ/KER mods instead of reinventing the wheel., oh and color indications/alerts is definitely something I want to touch on

The flickering - I assume you mean the EC flicker that happens when you are on the launch pad, is the alternator in the engine modules and drives me nuts! Should be able to have a crack at my time based measure tonight so lets see how that goes. I was also considering excluding the tiny battery that appears to be part of each alternator as well, but we'll see how I go. Oh and the Intake Air one does something similar too.

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  wasmic said:
  Dante80 said:
A couple of suggestions about icons:

1. Cryogenic fuels would be nice in orange.

2. Mono propellant in yellow.

3. Xenon/Argon in purple.

I'd say that Liquid Oxygen should be light blue, and liquid hydrogen should be a lighter blue. lqdMethane from KSPI should be pale green or pale pinkish. Kethane should be a healthy green. Xenon should be purple, argon should be a "primary color blue". Kerosene should be a dark brown.

Let me just start by saying I love this mod, thank you so much for a job well done.

And then sorry, but I must protest/correct you/respectfully disagree here.. As far as our world goes, Xenon is intense nearly white blue, while Argon is purple, at least when you pass these gasses through an electron field. Also, some icons should be colored according to their semi-standardized tank colors, so I would propose the following hex values for these and a couple other resources:


[tr][td]Xenon[/td][td] #9FC1FF[/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Electric Charge[/td][td] #FFE400[/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Monopropellant[/td][td] #E7BE5D [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]AblativeShielding[/td][td] #BEBE3C [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]RocketParts[/td][td] #FF7D00/#666468 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Metal[/td][td] #696969 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Ore[/td][td] #AA7828 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)[/td][td] #3D321D [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]ArgonGas[/td][td] #8F3FBC [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]HydrogenGas[/td][td] #1A367F/#B155AC [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]StoredCharge[/td][td] #609BC3 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]EnrichedUranium[/td][td] #5DFF00 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]DepletedUranium[/td][td] #FFE607 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]ThermalPower[/td][td] #FF1900 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Megajoules[/td][td] #FFE400 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Antimatter[/td][td] #F763A1/#CA551B [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]IntakeAtm[/td][td] #0086E1 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]UF4[/td][td] #00960A [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]ThF4[/td][td] #CCCFFF [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Actinides[/td][td] #FF8800 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]DepletedFuel[/td][td] #FFE607 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Science[/td][td] #FFFFFF [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]VacuumPlasma[/td][td] #FF0077 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Argon[/td][td] #8F3FBC [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Aluminium[/td][td] #7C0101 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]ExoticMatter[/td][td] #FF0018 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Deuterium[/td][td] #EA00EA [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Lithium[/td][td] #0C75FF [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Tritium[/td][td] #FF6D1E [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]WasteHeat[/td][td] #C2781C [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]LqdMethane[/td][td] #006161 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]KIntakeAir[/td][td] #0086E1 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Food[/td][td] #2AFF00 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Water[/td][td] #043AFF [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]CarbonDioxide[/td][td] #C6CEC8 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Waste[/td][td] #636900 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]WasteWater[/td][td] #004A3E [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]CO2[/td][td] #C6CEC8 [/td][td]██████████[/td][/tr]


Didn't you mention something about a rainbow effect?

By the way.. is there any way to consolidate resources? I have at least 2 CO2s, two O2s, a few uraniums, argons, intake air.. ..I remember when they did that for Minecraft.. ..I'm guessing there is no simple way short of a registry, but thought I would at least ask.

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Just want to jump in here and suggest, if at all possible, let user decide. From other mods, we have seen some colors dont work for some folks, and you just wont be able to satisfy everyone. So, if at all possible, maybe try to allow this to be configured via .cfg or something like that...

This mod is really, really great. thanks again.

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I suspect all this interest about the icons is actually taking away from the mod itself. For how good the ones already provided are, making new ones is not a big effort (I already did a few more), so everybody can actually build his own set. The issue should remain with the plugin, to identify all reasources defined in game, and to associate an icon going by the same name (if such one exist in the mod icon folder) or to default to a simple abbreviation (if no such icon is found).

We may see a number of users with an artistic inclination come and propose their own set, in future.

What I would ask is for this mod to allow any such new icon to be recognized and used in game. Correct icons must match a standard, like for the existing ones the correct names being "img_XXXX.png" with XXXX the name of the resource exactly as defined by the relevant script. Dunno if the .png dimensions mean anything to the plugin, so better stick with 32 x 16 as standard (however artists may try otherwise).

Another thing I would like to see is a possible choice of skins for this mod window. Matter of personal preference, but the standard skin with KSP is not always the best to see, and different users may need to set differently to better see things.

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I have to say, I never expected such a response to such a "simple" mod. I will do my best to make it as configurable as is possible - and in fact I've just finished the code to allow adhoc icon loads based on the resource name (not hard coded) - but may not be able to fit in every request.

My basic vision for this is an alternative for the existing panel with a set of icons that are consistent (and hopefully checked by the mod developer for non-standard icons), and also the ability for people to have a custom set themselves. There have been some great suggestions thus far and I will do my best to fit these in as well.

Now back to the coding...

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  Ackander said:
Let me just start by saying I love this mod, thank you so much for a job well done.

And then sorry, but I must protest/correct you/respectfully disagree here.. As far as our world goes, Xenon is intense nearly white blue, while Argon is purple, at least when you pass these gasses through an electron field. Also, some icons should be colored according to their semi-standardized tank colors, so I would propose the following hex values for these and a couple other resources:


Didn't you mention something about a rainbow effect?

By the way.. is there any way to consolidate resources? I have at least 2 CO2s, two O2s, a few uraniums, argons, intake air.. ..I remember when they did that for Minecraft.. ..I'm guessing there is no simple way short of a registry, but thought I would at least ask.

No Probs Ackander, its bugged me for a while and I finally had some incentive - although the people waiting on some stuff for KAC my not be so thrilled, oh and for Xenon - I'm never trusting wikipedia again :) although I do like that purplish color, and who'se to say on Kerbin it doesn't glow lavender :wink: (I think I got away with that)

This list of resources is a great reference for me, and along with the stuff I have looked at, and diomedea helped with I reckon I can knock up a bunch of icons for most stuff. I think I will probably reuse some colors, as the bounding shapes can also help differentiate types.

For consolidating resources I am basically reading whatever the modder put in the resource config, so yeah to mix disparate resource IDs would require a mapping/registry for me, but probably more importantly i I mixed the multipe CO2s in the display and one type ran out the mods would need to cater to this as well to prevent issues. I am thinking about some form of filter/group now that I realise just how many resources people have created, but I think I'll place that one down near the bottom of my list.

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Very nice improvement to the main game, and while KER has removed much of my need to stage in map mode (by not being in map mode during launch) it has not entirely done so and not knowing how much fuel the current stage has left while in map mode has been a fairly constant irritant for me. Especially because they even give you a "show current stage" option that works about 5% of the time :)

So much appreciated!

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  Trigger Au said:
No Probs Ackander, its bugged me for a while and I finally had some incentive - although the people waiting on some stuff for KAC my not be so thrilled, oh and for Xenon - I'm never trusting wikipedia again :) although I do like that purplish color, and who'se to say on Kerbin it doesn't glow lavender :wink: (I think I got away with that)

This list of resources is a great reference for me, and along with the stuff I have looked at, and diomedea helped with I reckon I can knock up a bunch of icons for most stuff. I think I will probably reuse some colors, as the bounding shapes can also help differentiate types.

For consolidating resources I am basically reading whatever the modder put in the resource config, so yeah to mix disparate resource IDs would require a mapping/registry for me, but probably more importantly i I mixed the multipe CO2s in the display and one type ran out the mods would need to cater to this as well to prevent issues. I am thinking about some form of filter/group now that I realise just how many resources people have created, but I think I'll place that one down near the bottom of my list.

I think the point I was trying to make, more than anything, is what a large task it would be for you to iconize and impliment every single resource in KSP. The list I gave is merely what are in the mods I'm using minus the one's you've already iconized, imagine how many more resources are in use out there. For now, I would suggest having a generic resource icon/color for a place holder, so you can concentrate on your priorities for the mod, whatever they may be.

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  Trigger Au said:
I have to say, I never expected such a response to such a "simple" mod. I will do my best to make it as configurable as is possible - and in fact I've just finished the code to allow adhoc icon loads based on the resource name (not hard coded) - but may not be able to fit in every request.

My basic vision for this is an alternative for the existing panel with a set of icons that are consistent (and hopefully checked by the mod developer for non-standard icons), and also the ability for people to have a custom set themselves. There have been some great suggestions thus far and I will do my best to fit these in as well.

Now back to the coding...

The interest in your mod shows a) how much something like this was wanted / needed and B) how great it is....

Please do not think that any suggestions, at least from me, are made because of anything is missing.. Quite the opposite, I think all of the interest is because of how great and how 'wanted' this mod is...

You have done fantastic and I really like and appreciate what you have done...

Many thanks.

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This looks awesome! One thing I'd like to see is an option to have the bar colors for the various resources go from green to red as they get depleted so you can tell at a glance, not only from the length of the bar, but the color, about how much you have left of something. As it is, this mod is definitely going on my list of "must-have" mods. Add in the ability to completely disable the default resource list and move your window around and it would be just about perfect!

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So just a quick update here:

  • Have changed the load method for the icons so it should be easy to do no code replacements/custom sets
  • Added in the display of the variation value (the bit in the brackets)
  • Built a standardised template for making the icons with some examples for types
  • Build myself a checklist of icons to make and built about 40% - used some of the pointers from here and PMs
  • And of all the things to cause me grief - I stuffed converting the display to a draggable window and it took me ages to get it back - noob :(.
  • Added dragging and locking of the panel

Hers a quick sample of some of the icons


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The icons look really good man, they are very stylish without becoming busy. gj!

Added in the display of the variation value (the bit in the brackets)

Is that the resource instant consumption/change rates? I really look forward to see how you will display them.

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I would almost suggest that the bars use the same technique as arcade fighter style health bars: they temporarily highlight a part of the bar when losing some of it.

It might be a bit too fancy, but it has its use as it would allow us to see how much we burned in this burn.

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  Trigger Au said:
So just a quick update here:

  • Have changed the load method for the icons so it should be easy to do no code replacements/custom sets
  • Added in the display of the variation value (the bit in the brackets)
  • Built a standardised template for making the icons with some examples for types
  • Build myself a checklist of icons to make and built about 40% - used some of the pointers from here and PMs
  • And of all the things to cause me grief - I stuffed converting the display to a draggable window and it took me ages to get it back - noob :(.
  • Added dragging and locking of the panel

Hers a quick sample of some of the icons


I'm sorry but:

Kethane is KH4



Flag from the Kethane files.

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Kerbal scientists are in disagreement about what Kethane is, with some insisting it's a simple hydrokarbon and others claiming it's an oxidizing element. This is why the converters can make both.

Edited by Majiir
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  Trigger Au said:
So just a quick update here:

  • Have changed the load method for the icons so it should be easy to do no code replacements/custom sets
  • Added in the display of the variation value (the bit in the brackets)
  • Built a standardised template for making the icons with some examples for types
  • Build myself a checklist of icons to make and built about 40% - used some of the pointers from here and PMs
  • And of all the things to cause me grief - I stuffed converting the display to a draggable window and it took me ages to get it back - noob :(.
  • Added dragging and locking of the panel

Hers a quick sample of some of the icons


Looks great, man. However, I believe that the colors of xenon and argon should be switched - argon emits blue light when put in a vacuum tube and an electrical flow is directed through it, where xenon emits purple light. Argon should possibly also have a darker/more saturated blue, and hydrogen should take over the light blue. However, I fully agree on Kethan being green :P. I also really like the ElectriCharge icon.

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