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BROKEN [0.90] TextureReplacer 2.1.2 (20.12.2014)


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It's a small photoshop trick: when resizing the image that you want to use in the visor reflection, try to use "nearest" resampling. That produce a much more "sharper" image, which maintains the main details in detriment of the image smoothing. (I hope I explained, lol)

That's not cool at all for photo edition, but is very cool and produce very optimized small images to use as fake reflections. :wink:

What size are the reflections?

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128x128 optimized reflections, all curiously lightweight than my previous visor texture. Great work Shaw!


Dangit, Proot. I'm still fiddling with boring textures and you're doing gorgeous stuff like THIS. *jealous fist shake*

Speaking of boring textures, I think I fixed one of my (many) long standing problems. Ike finally looks kind of nice instead of a mushy gray blob, so I'm getting close to pushing an update of my pack. The more I play with and compare new and old textures I notice blurriness and ugly spots and tell myself I can do better, so I keep redoing them from scratch. Totally not going insane.

Edit: Updated my pack. Have a 3200x2000 image of Kerbin to celebrate. A few planets have been redone entirely, but a handful still desperately need changing, so I'm just calling this v1.5 for now.

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v1.2 released.


  • added support for custom visor shader
  • added reflective shader for visor that supports transparency
  • fixed environment map textures
  • code refactored, split into multiple smaller classes

An special thanks to rbray89 (give him some rep), he's contributed a reflective shader (although it only worked for me after some heavy modifications; anyway, it helped me a lot).

Edited by shaw
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v1.2 released.


  • added support for custom visor shader
  • added reflective shader for visor that supports transparency
  • fixed environment map textures
  • code refactored, split into multiple smaller classes

An special thanks to rbray89 (give him some rep), he's contributed a reflective shader (although it only worked for me after some heavy modifications; anyway, it helped me a lot).

Haha, I wasn't able to test it, and it was more a "shot-in-the-dark" on weather it would work or not.

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It's a small photoshop trick: when resizing the image that you want to use in the visor reflection, try to use "nearest" resampling. That produce a much more "sharper" image, which maintains the main details in detriment of the image smoothing. (I hope I explained, lol)

That's not cool at all for photo edition, but is very cool and produce very optimized small images to use as fake reflections. :wink:

I mean how do they reflect such far stars... I wonder. That visor must have some magic I tell ya.

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@Gaiiden: Skyboxes you sent work perfectly for me. I guess memory is the issue after all.

yea I guess it is. I enabled texture compression and it loaded okay. Then I disabled compression and removed HD clouds for some more overhead and it still loaded okay (at around 3.2GB). I've played the game and watched the memory creep up towards 4GB (I have a leak somewhere I've been too busy to trace) and not crash until the VAS showed over 4GB so I wasn't expecting it to crash with less than 4GB (without compression the game loads up around 3.5GB). Maybe there's some kind of allocation spike at load or something.

Could there be a setting for how much to compress? I'd like to compress as little as possible to load the game. Unless it's felt that the differences wouldn't be noticeable. I currently run with everything maxxed out as I have a tweaked low-memory GameData folder to use while flying missions.

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yea I guess it is. I enabled texture compression and it loaded okay. Then I disabled compression and removed HD clouds for some more overhead and it still loaded okay (at around 3.2GB). I've played the game and watched the memory creep up towards 4GB (I have a leak somewhere I've been too busy to trace) and not crash until the VAS showed over 4GB so I wasn't expecting it to crash with less than 4GB (without compression the game loads up around 3.5GB). Maybe there's some kind of allocation spike at load or something.

Could there be a setting for how much to compress? I'd like to compress as little as possible to load the game. Unless it's felt that the differences wouldn't be noticeable. I currently run with everything maxxed out as I have a tweaked low-memory GameData folder to use while flying missions.

What?!? Lucky man, my Mac caps out KSP at 2.9 GB. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA how hard that its? *Cries*

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Does anyone know how to use gimp really well? I can't figure out how to blend the nebula into the background of stars too well, as well as making it partially transparent to let some of the originals blend in.


It's not too hard to do. Load the skybox image, then load/drag'n'drop the nebula over it. Reposition and on the right window (which show layers) should have a slider for transparency. From there it's just a bunch of tweaking. Usually I work with many duplicate layers when doing planet textures.

Something like this is what I assume you're trying to do. Tools on the left window can also have an opacity setting, such as the eraser. Can be useful.

No you aren't he will probably have it fixed soon enough :P

Download from the SpacePort is available. Had the same issue.

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It's not too hard to do. Load the skybox image, then load/drag'n'drop the nebula over it. Reposition and on the right window (which show layers) should have a slider for transparency. From there it's just a bunch of tweaking. Usually I work with many duplicate layers when doing planet textures.

Something like this is what I assume you're trying to do. Tools on the left window can also have an opacity setting, such as the eraser. Can be useful.

EDIT2: I found the right window, but how do you get the tabs with the layers in them.

Mine does not look right.

Edited by WhiteWeasel
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@Shaw now, with the same values than before in visorReflectionColour, I get a barely visible reflection.

Should I change something more in the shader to get the same strong effect?

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My values are:

visorReflectionColour = 1 0.85 0.85

Like in my above screenshoot with the previous version.

The only change: I've moved the opaque .jpg visor to 10% transparent .png

Transparency and reflections are working, but the reflection now is barely visible.

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Are you using some very bright colour for visor? What happens if you change visorReflectionColour to values above 1.0?

No, the PNG have only a 10% of transparency and is a dark ocre tone, but rising the values seem very reasonable.

I do that a lot of times in other configs but never thought about do it here, I'll try, thanks!

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Are you using some very bright colour for visor? What happens if you change visorReflectionColour to values above 1.0?

Above 1 produces saturation in the reflection but nothing change. I think this is a small bug: the layer with the reflection seems to be under the visor reflection texture. Don't should be it over the texture?

Take a look: http://i.imgur.com/IoyyzTr.jpg


Reflection is there (supersaturated) but seem to be under the texture visor.

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Both visor and reflection are the same layer. They are simple added together (each pixels is: (1 - visor alpha) * background colour (kerbal face) + visor alpha * visor texture + reflection texture).

Could you send me your env map (reflection skybox)? I'll tweak the shader a little.

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Hello, is there any mod / programs that would allow us to create new kerbal heads for this??? Is there anyway that the 'kerbalizer' in ksp can be used???

I really like / love this and want to try and make a 'family' portrait and use them for the video's I make for my nephews...

again, really great work, and it brings lots of enjoyment....

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