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Favourite part extravaganza!


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What are your favourite parts in the game? And why do you like them more than the other parts. Both stock and mod.

Reasoning doesn't have to be from a technical or usable stance. Just why do you like that part more than any other in the KSP logo box?

For me it's the Rockomax jumbo-64 tank. It looks great with that Space-shuttle-external-tank-orange and the pipe leading up to the top. It has this really cool feel on it. Oh and it carries lots of fuel :D

My favourite mod part is the protractor. Its just a TI calculator I own with a piece of duct tape. It made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it

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My favorite stock parts are pods (cockpits and capsules) which have IVA (internal) viewing. I also like the aerospike for the spike aesthetic and in its utilization. I like the LV-N Atomic engine for its glow effect and its practical use in space. I enjoy the shielded docking port for use on spaceplanes and rockets, for their use and looks rolled into a relatively less massive form (although the inline port has a nice animation). I like the inline reaction wheel for its stabilizing effect and the AVR8 winglet for its size and function; the telus ladders for their use and cool animations. While I've not yet made any animated parts, I appreciate the skills of those who've made them.

My favorite mod parts are Mechjeb (for its light as well as its function), Kerbal Engineer (for the reel-to-reel animation as well as the function) and my fueled adapters & nose cones (shameless plug: see my sig line. Edit: Thanks to Squad, they are now tweak-able!).

Edited by Dispatcher
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Well, I assume struts are everybody's real favorite, so I guess don't count in this poll ;).

My favorite stock part is the 2.5m probe core. Nearly every rocket starts with one of these, whether it will have a crew or not. It makes it much easier to standardize the whole fleet on the 2.5m docking ports, among many other nice things.

My favorite mod part is much harder to pin down. I have lots of mods because I really like stuff in all of them. But for sheer practicality, I suppose the 2.5m inline NERVA from Nova-Punch has to win.

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LV-T30. Great, useful engine. 48-7S also wins some merit, but I'm not that fond of its model.

Best mod part: Does the Rockomax "atlas" from KSPX still count? If not, firespitter parts are pretty cool looking, if not completely useful :)

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Ion engines.

I know... I'm weird... and patient. I just wish we had a reactor that could power them instead of solar arrays or a boat load of RTGs....

Also RTGs. Especially when I look at the Curiosity Rover on Mars and see one hanging off the back of it... KSP is REAL!

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My favorite part is the Skipper. Once I get that unlocked I can start doing some heavy lifting.

Favorite mod part: The Kerbil Engineer Redux tape drive. Gives me all the info I need without having to flip back and forth from map view or chase markers around with my mouse. Plus it looks good!

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I liked that tripe connector thing (the TR 1180C) in Carreer mode, when I got the Rockomax tank and the poodle engine and tried it I was underwhelmed, then I saw that lookat at my stack of Rockomax 200s tanks, then straped on the TR 1180 on the botom, and then straped on 3 LTV 20s because I did not have a "skipper" at that time. then I reached for some sunglasses because I build a lifter with 11 of them by useing a lot of them under a mix of Rocomax and FL T 9800s

then I started getting a little crazy with my ship builds

but just a little....

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