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[1.8-1.9] Modular Fuel Tanks v5.13.1


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It turns out I broke things in 5.9.1, but nothing /too/ serious: MFT tanks start out with no resources at all, but once filled, they work. Until I get it fixed (hopefully soon), you can use the auto-fill buttons in the PAW (right-click menu).

Edited by taniwha
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I think i mentioned something similar to this a while back but Nertea's Cryo engines call for a "cryogenic" tank that isn't define by MTF, 

He said he doesn't maintain the patch for mtf, so i didn't think mentioning it here would hurt, If i knew how to modify them i wouldn't have issues doing it but i'm not code literate at the this time.

Edited by Grease1991
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Is this TAC-LS issue because of a quirk with MFT? I'm not sure where to look:


it seems that TAC-LS itself does this with GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupportMFT\MM_AddResourcesMFT.cfg

actually I'm trying to create a patch for MFT


I need help, I have problems with the recursion variable stuff in my try to create that patch:

	!MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks] { }
	!TANK_DEFINITION[Default] { }

		name = ModuleFuelTanks
		volume = 3.549
		@volume *= #$/CrewCapacity$
		type = Default
//		typeAvailable = LifeSupportAll
		name = Default
		basemass = 0.0003125 * #$/MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]/volume$

		@volume += #$/RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]/maxAmount$

	@basemass = 0.0003125 * #$/MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]/volume$
		name = MonoPropellant
		amount = 0
		@amount = #$../RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]/amount$
		maxamount = 0
		@maxamount = #$../RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]/maxAmount$
		note = Also MonoPropellant is needed to survive

		@volume += #$/RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]/maxAmount$

	@basemass = 0.0003125 * #$/MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]/volume$
		name = ElectricCharge
		amount = 0
		@amount = #$../RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]/amount$
		maxamount = 0
		@maxamount = #$../RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]/maxAmount$
		note = Also ElectricCharge is needed to survive

		@volume += #$/RESOURCE[Food]/maxAmount$

	@basemass = 0.0003125 * #$/MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]/volume$
		name = Food
		amount = 0
		@amount = #$../RESOURCE[Food]/amount$
		maxamount = 0
		@maxamount = #$../RESOURCE[Food]/maxAmount$
		note = (TAC Life Support Mod Required)

		@volume += #$/RESOURCE[Water]/maxAmount$

	@basemass = 0.0003125 * #$/MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]/volume$
		name = Water
		amount = 0
		@amount = #$../RESOURCE[Water]/amount$
		maxamount = 0
		@maxamount = #$../RESOURCE[Water]/maxAmount$
		note = (TAC Life Support Mod Required)

		@volume += #$/RESOURCE[Oxygen]/maxAmount$

	@basemass = 0.0003125 * #$/MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]/volume$
		name = Oxygen
		amount = 0
		@amount = #$../RESOURCE[Oxygen]/amount$
		maxamount = 0
		@maxamount = #$../RESOURCE[Oxygen]/maxAmount$
		note = (TAC Life Support Mod Required)

		@volume += #$/RESOURCE[CarbonDioxide]/maxAmount$

	@basemass = 0.0003125 * #$/MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]/volume$
		name = CarbonDioxide
		amount = 0
		maxamount = 0
		@maxamount = #$../RESOURCE[CarbonDioxide]/maxAmount$
		note = (TAC Life Support Mod Required)

		@volume += #$/RESOURCE[Waste]/maxAmount$

	@basemass = 0.0003125 * #$/MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]/volume$
		name = Waste
		amount = 0
		maxamount = 0
		@maxamount = #$../RESOURCE[Waste]/maxAmount$
		note = (TAC Life Support Mod Required)

		@volume += #$/RESOURCE[WasteWater]/maxAmount$

	@basemass = 0.0003125 * #$/MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]/volume$
		name = WasteWater
		amount = 0
		maxamount = 0
		@maxamount = #$../RESOURCE[WasteWater]/maxAmount$
		note = (TAC Life Support Mod Required)

// If tank volume is still zero than non of the above resources where present and we delete ModuleFuelTanks
	!MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks] {}

It's the variants of
amount = #$../RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]/amount$
maxamount = #$../RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]/maxAmount$

I tried

  • without ../
  • with ../
  • with ../../
  • with ../../../

I'm lost now.

Edited by Gordon Dry
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3 MM errors. related to MFTX_ModularFuelTanks.cfg



[ERR 00:06:48.878] [ModuleManager] Error - more than one pass specifier on a node: MunarIndustries/MFTX_ModularFuelTanks/@PART[MI*]:FOR[MunarIndustries]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LiquidFuel],@RESOURCE[Oxidizer],!MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]]:AFTER[ModularFuelTanks]

my bad, this was meant for Fuel Tank Expansion Rebuilt

Edited by Jesusthebird
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However, it is just a message to not be surprised if there are problems, not a guarantee that there will be problems. There is one problem, mostly harmless, in that the editor filter doesn't get setup correctly. I have it fixed locally but have not had the time to do a release.

This means that despite the warning (and the NRE on entry to the editor), MFT 5.9.1 does work in 1.3.1.

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