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[1.0.4] Smart Parts v1.6.6 | DDS Textures and Bug Fixes | July 5


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@ManuxKerb: Can you give me a more details on how this happens? In my tests all the parts remembered their settings fine when I left the scene and came back to them. Both Editor -> Flight and Flight -> Flight were okay for me.

If you could get me a copy of your output_log.txt also so I could see any errors, that would help as well.


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I'm not sure what to do about the CKAN at this point.

It boils down to the fact that the last visit to the forum by Firov was on March 8th, so just under 2 months ago. I've taken a hiatus longer then that myself before and come back so I'm not prepared to actually take the mod over at this point.

I'll have to talk to the CKAN guys and see what they say.


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Thanks for the update Diazo! Perfect timing for me as I'm just setting up to get stuck into KSP 1.0. I see others mentioning the issue of fuel being detected, but I guess I'll just cross my fingers and hope it works most of the time. That's the Kerbal way, right? :P

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Hi Diazo.

As i just reinstalled my KSP i need a bit of time but i will submit the log.

The problem is not reverting to VAB or anything. It happens when you attach or detach another part of your vessel, after you attached and fully configured the smartpart, and even then if you look at the part it still would say: Use AG 1 at an altitude of 7000 or so but when you then fly the rocket up there it would not execute the AG1 at 7000 it would just do nothing. This happend in 0.9 quite often for me in a rover i would try to land and the airbags would no open when i was close to the mun surface as i did some last minute change after i attached and configured the smart part.

If you read back a couple of pages another user reported the same behaviour and described it a bit different if i did not make it clear enough.

Thanks for making them even better!

PS: You could download one of the rovers from kerbalx if that is needed for debugging :-)

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Alright, looks like there is a few small issues I can fix. I'll look at releasing an update in the next few days.

-Timer using gametime correctly. (GitHub)

-Fuel sensor not triggering on empty tank

-Configured part not triggering (ManuxKerb's issue)

There any other small issues I should look at?

I'll also push that update to the CKAN if I can get it out.


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Version 1.5.3

Download here.

-Timer module now uses Game Time, not Real Time.

-Fuel sensor now considers 0.1% to be an empty (0% full) fuel tank to compensate for floating point errors.

-Enable/Disable Staging option on the Timer module is now available in both Editor and Flight modes.

-Add a config file so that if KIS is installed most parts are stackable. (Fuel Breakers are not, rest is stackable.)

-Update CKAN to see my releases.

On the issue of a part forgetting its settings after being configured, I am still unable to replicate this. Can someone post detailed instructions on how this is happening please?

My tests:

Load the stock Kerbal 2, then attach and configure an altitude sensor to the fuel tank just above the engine.

Test 1: Remove and re-add both the docking clamps and the winglets. (Altitude sensor does not get removed.) Altitude sensor triggers as expected at altitude.

Test 2: Remove the fuel tank and reattach it. (So the Altitude sensor is removed and reattached as well.) Altitude sensor again triggers as expected.

I can't get any more details out of the two reports of this issue so I will need more details.


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I have used these parts in the past and i must say i'm glad they're back!

I feel silly but i cant remember how to set a part to activate an actiongroep.

After placing the part on a craft i don't see an option to connect (f.e. an altimiter) to action group 1 which it must activate at a specified altitude.

What am i missing/forgetting?!

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Hi Diazo,

Thank you very much for the update! I dont have much time over the weekend so i can't test the parts but when the "forgetting" bug affected me, i did not reattach the same part.

I attached the smat part. launched, found out that i made some mistake, reverted to vab, removed one part completely, attached another part. Did not touch the smart part, and then launched. then the bug happend.

The bug did also only happen in space, if that is important, one time it should unfold solar pannels when im at 85 or higher and the other time some fuel empty bugs but that sould be sorted now :-) Thanks again. And then at the mun decent (no athomsphere).

Thanks for looking into that!

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I have used these parts in the past and i must say i'm glad they're back!

I feel silly but i cant remember how to set a part to activate an actiongroep.

After placing the part on a craft i don't see an option to connect (f.e. an altimiter) to action group 1 which it must activate at a specified altitude.

What am i missing/forgetting?!

When a part is placed, it defaults to the STAGE action group. That is the slider you need to change to get to Action Group 1.

Hi Diazo,

Thank you very much for the update! I dont have much time over the weekend so i can't test the parts but when the "forgetting" bug affected me, i did not reattach the same part.

I attached the smat part. launched, found out that i made some mistake, reverted to vab, removed one part completely, attached another part. Did not touch the smart part, and then launched. then the bug happend.

The bug did also only happen in space, if that is important, one time it should unfold solar pannels when im at 85 or higher and the other time some fuel empty bugs but that sould be sorted now :-) Thanks again. And then at the mun decent (no athomsphere).

Thanks for looking into that!

Alright, I see if that report can trigger the part forgetting its settings for me.

I also keep seeing "descent" in these reports. It is important to note that the Altitude part uses height above sea level at all times, not height above ground, so make sure if you are over a mountain (which can be several kilometers above sea level) you account for that in your altimeter setting.

With this post having made me think of it, I will probably add that as an option on the next release so that you can set if the Altimeter uses ASL or ASG.


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I have used these parts in the past and i must say i'm glad they're back!

I feel silly but i cant remember how to set a part to activate an actiongroep.

After placing the part on a craft i don't see an option to connect (f.e. an altimiter) to action group 1 which it must activate at a specified altitude.

What am i missing/forgetting?!

After looking at an (old) introduction to smart parts it is clear that something is amiss with my install.

Check out the following two screenprints.



Anybody an idea what is missing in my install?

Win 7, KSP 1.0.2.





Docking Port Alligment Indicator




Infernal Robots (+ rework packs)









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That is really odd.

The slider bar I am talking about is not even being drawn as it should be occupying the top line just above the meters that is shown correctly.

I am not sure what could cause this, the meters line that shows correctly uses the same method to display that the action group line does so I'm not sure why one displays and one doesn't.

Can you post your output_log.txt (KSP\KSP_Data\Output_log.txt) so I can see if there are any errors being generated please?



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After looking at an (old) introduction to smart parts it is clear that something is amiss with my install.

Check out the following two screenprints.



Anybody an idea what is missing in my install?

Win 7, KSP 1.0.2.





Docking Port Alligment Indicator




Infernal Robots (+ rework packs)









RemoteTech & ScanSat

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@TheCardinal: Another user has reported the same issue with missing lines on the part menu, but the only mods that were common to both of you looks to be KSPAPI. It is possible Infernal Robotics might be part of the issue as the other user had Procedural Parts installed and that and IR both use Tweakscale.

You are running SmartParts ver. 1.5.3 where I updated KSPAPI to version 1.7.4, not Smartparts ver. 1.5.2 which has KSPAPI version 1.7.2 in it correct?

If that does not work, I'll need the log file to troubleshoot any farther.


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Good news, everyone! The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated!

Anyway... awkwardness aside, I'd like to thank Diazo for stepping up to help maintain the mod while I was away. He did an excellent job, and I'm sure he's going to continue taking an active role in it's development going forward, which I fully support and encourage.

As far as my absence, truthfully, I was mostly just taking a break from KSP while waiting for version 1.0 to roll out. Now that it's here, I've prepared another official update (or six...).

The big news is that I was able to implement a much requested feature... the proximity detector. Incidentally, it was a very interesting challenge. In the end, it ended up being an amalgamation of the remote control and altimeter parts.

Like the remote control, it uses the concept of discrete 'channels', up to 20 in total. Each proximity sensor will listen to other proximity sensors broadcasting on the same channel, once it hits the target distance to the nearest sensor on the same channel it will activate whichever action is configured for that proximity sensor. Note that it's also able to fire actions on remote vessels, just like the other smart parts. Like the altimeter, it's capable of firing actions during approach, departure, or both. It's also capable of resetting itself. Unfortunately, because I was never able to get the original model/texture files for Smart Parts, I had to temporarily reuse the model of the remote control. I plan on fixing this, in a way that won't break vessels that use it. I just need to figure out how to import KSP models into 3DS Max. I've tested it fairly extensively, but it's still a bit experimental. As such, I wouldn't rely on it 100% for high priority missions. If you find a bug with it, please let me know.

Anyway, beyond that, the timer bug has also been fixed thanks to NobodysNightmare. Furthermore, I've corrected the auto-stager bug that can occasionally prevent it from staging at '0%' due to floating point errors. As long as it's below 1% of total capacity and it's no longer drawing resources, it will still fire. Finally, Diazo's KIS compatibility module manager patch has been integrated.

I still need to read through this thread to see if there are any new bugs that have cropped up, but beyond that I plan on making the fuel gauge/controller bi-directional in the next patch, which will be a boon with the addition of mining, and possibly the fuel cells.

As always, you can get the official release from my GitHub page here...

New Releases


v1.5.2 Bug Fixes

* Timer now accounts for timewarp (Thanks to NobodysNightmare)

v1.5.3 KSP 1.0.2 compatibility and bug fixes

* KSP 1.0.2 compatibility

* Auto stager now properly activates when rounding errors result in minor fraction (<= 1%) of resource remaining in tank

v1.6.0 Proximity Sensor

* New proximity sensor part

* Allows up to 20 individual 'channels' to monitor

* Capable of firing actions on both the remote and local crafts

* Will select nearest object on the same channel as target

* Similar logic to altimeter smart part - fire on approach, departure, or both

* Works out to 2,000 meters

* As placeholder, shares model with radio. Planned to change in future. Will not break craft.

v1.6.1 Version File Update

* Updated SmartParts.version file

v1.6.2 Proximity Detector Bug Fixes

* Fixed (hopefully) bug that could prevent proximity detector from firing actions on remote craft

v1.6.3 KIS Support

* Added KIS support (Thanks to Diazo)

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Alright, as people have probably noticed, Firov is back so all future Smart Parts discussion should be in this thread.

For completions sake, I'll bring over the suggestions from the other thread so we have a record of that discussion. Note that the fact that something is in this list only means it was discussed, this is not any guarantee any of these features will make it in.

-Allow altimeter to trigger either on ASL or Altitude above ground.

-Allow fuel controller to be bi-directional so it works on tanks being filled by a drill. (Confirmed as intended in next version.)

-Add sensors that trigger on acceleration, velocity(surface or orbit), and air pressure.

And there we go, happy KSP'ing all.


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I think i caught a bug before even starting the game:

name = km_smart_radio
in its config file. That'll cause problems for people who use the radio! ;)

(The description is also fragmentary; I downloaded the pack off of github.)

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These were working but now have died, the GUI doesn't come up with many things missing making configuration impossible. Example included in screenshot to show what in the world I'm talking about :P


Check if all KSPAPIextensions.dll's are up to date. Just one older version will cause the missing lines in the GUI (I had the same problem previously)

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I think i caught a bug before even starting the game: has in its config file. That'll cause problems for people who use the radio! ;)

(The description is also fragmentary; I downloaded the pack off of github.)

Ugh. I can not believe I did that... :confused: Good catch.

I've uploaded a hotfix, version 1.6.4. Note that this may break any craft using the old part. I highly recommend removing the old proximity sensor from any craft using it and saving before upgrading.

In theory, it should simply replace the proximity sensor with a radio control, but I'm not sure on that.

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Here's another one, unless it's intentional: the heat settings for the controllers are still set to the old default of 3600 - which means you can de-orbit them... unattached.

I noticed this when Bill dropped a Radio-GAGA he was trying to bolt to the capsule while sub-orbital - and the thing landed at KSC to be picked up by StageRecovery. :)

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Any chance of some a new condition for descent? I'd like to activate an action group on descent, but only if it's suborbital: Right now events fire, even when I'm just aerobraking, which isn't great if I only want to detach unneeded modules from my crew pod prior to landing.

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