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Mk3 Refit Project: Beta Release


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I've made a few parts with the goal of making the Mk3 cockpit look less awkward. Since I see the Mk3 all the time, hopefully someone will get some use out of a few new parts:



Updated with new parts - current list:

**(Beta 2)**

* Experimental Docking Port Nosecone

* Experimental Shuttle Tail

* Mk3 Extended Fuel Tank

* Mk3 Refit Cockpit (A non-Squad version that won't be affected by the 0.25 patch)

* - Fixed smoothing and collision for Rear Tank.

* - added texture changes by Lack (bulkhead doors & window tint)


MK3 Stock Cockpit, Materials Refit

Mk3 2.5m Adapter

Mk3 Shielded Control Nosecone

Mk3 Extended Crew Module

Mk3 Extended Cargo Bay

Mk3 Extended Main Engine Mount/Fuel Tank

Mk3 Stock Jet Fuel Tank Refit (placeholder)

Mk3 Stock Mk2 Adapter Refit (placeholder)



kerbalstuff Mk3 Refit Project

Recommended mods to supplement these parts:

Dtobi's Space Shuttle Engines

Ven's Part Revamp

SXT by Lack

Edited by Nazari1382
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  Deathsoul097 said:
Nice! Would you consider creating a MK3 fuselage styled line of parts for space planes? Such as a crew tank, rocket fuel, engine mounts and engines?

I'm planning to do a few of those to make both spaceplanes and shuttle-style mk3 craft more versatile, leave any other suggestions here.

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  SkyHook said:
Maybe it would be better to start over, creating a line of parts that perform the role of the MK. 3?

Thats kind of the joke, because there are several mods out there that are filling a similar role or that people are waiting on, but the mk3 is still used often. This pack is a fun side project for showing the tired and ugly workhorse some love(and maybe make it less ugly)

  Zaryulenko said:
If this refit project adds fuel tanks and cargo bays this will be perfect and if they have heat tiles much better :)

I'm looking to add the parts that are most needed for this pod so even though there are a couple cargo bays out there, mine will definately include stuff for payloads, and support for other mods.

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I think the Mk 3 fuselages will come into use when Squad finally gives us stock cargo bays (or someone does it stockalike, there currently are few for mk-2, almost none for mk-1, and none for mk-3). Then we can make shuttles with small landers (whereas mk 2 is really only good for satellites, same as mk 1 and other decent sized payloads.

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  NathanKell said:
Simply not true: I mentioned TouhouTorpedo's Mk3 expansion above, but here's the link. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mk3-fuselage-expansion-pack/

Not trying to derail at all; these are cool parts too. It's just it seems like no one's ever heard of TT's packs.

Oh it does have cargo bays (just not opening the way I would have them do XD). That was my bad. I knew about that pack but didn't think it had cargo bays.

I would have them open at the base of the vertical piece rather than the start of the upper curve to give more space when open (might have to use Infernal robotics to allow it be an openable workshop-like area).

Sidenote: The mk 4 cargo bays work amazingly as mothership cargo pods. Excellent as re-entry vehicles for ground rovers too. Styling is also decent with B9 and the HL fuselages.

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  RoboRay said:
As a big fan of TT's Mk3 parts, I'm happy to see more that fill in some gaps in the selection or just offer alternatives.

This actually gave me an idea. I was working on a dual engine mount but it just looks too much like a pair of pants. I think I'll try an inverted 3-engine mount that makes this setup, not including the engines.

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Balancing wise, 1.6T for an empty Mk3-2.5m adapter, isn't that a bit on the heavy side compared to e.g. a fuel tank capable of holding roughly the same amount of fuel (368/450)? For comparison, an empty 720/880 fuel tank weighs 1T. An empty Mk3 fuselage (comparable size if not capacity) weighs 0.3T.

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Cool. I always wanted to do more parts that fit the stock mk3 stuff, but I found them to just be too small for actual shuttle usage, so I scaled mine all up. My shuttles still use the same fuselage shape though.

I have this texture file on hand if you need to match the heat tiles: http://imgur.com/QgX3ofk - it was extracted from the version that was in the old C7spaceplanes mod before it became an official stock part.

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  DevL said:
Balancing wise, 1.6T for an empty Mk3-2.5m adapter, isn't that a bit on the heavy side compared to e.g. a fuel tank capable of holding roughly the same amount of fuel (368/450)? For comparison, an empty 720/880 fuel tank weighs 1T. An empty Mk3 fuselage (comparable size if not capacity) weighs 0.3T.

True, I'll take a ton off the part.

  Tiberion said:
Cool. I always wanted to do more parts that fit the stock mk3 stuff, but I found them to just be too small for actual shuttle usage, so I scaled mine all up. My shuttles still use the same fuselage shape though.

Thanks, they are definately too small for station construction, but I think some stuff can be made to fill in a few gaps. If anyone wants to scale my stuff up and use it with the tyberdyne ships that'll be more options for a 2.5m payload shuttle!

  royying said:
I suggest a MK3 end cap

some craft design don't put engine at the end of the craft, eg. a MK3 size rover

put a end cap on it can cover the unpainted metal skin and "look" like more aerodynamically

I'll do a few styles of end caps for sure.

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How about making a MKIII multi-adapter? So we could have an easy way to place three engines on the rear end of a MKIII, space shuttle style. Maybe also a two engine mount, which could double as a MK3-2x1.25m adapter.

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  Albert VDS said:
The Mk3 2.5m rights itself if it's just lying on the ground. It still tries to do the same if something is attached to it.

The center of mass is low in the part, roughly between where the mk3 CoM is and a 2.5 CoM is vertically.

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