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[Collection] Silisko Industries - BACE 0.3(1) released! [April 28]


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Skyrim is crazy addictive. I play it way way to much. You try and do a quest, before bed, and end up spending 3 hours getting to the place. Because on the way, you find a cave, and kill everyone. Then you need to sell the stuff you took, and by the time you get to the quest, your to tired, and go bed. That\'s why ive played it for 30 hours, and only done 3 of the story quests. I\'ve only just met the greybeards. THERE IS SO MUCH TO STEAL!!!

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Guest meteorite 101
  Rico88 said:

This mod really looks good. Especialy the command pod with that telescope/cockpit window(?) on it. It gives it a unique look.

i want that mod plz give me the link

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Good old days of .4 etc.

As far as game mechanics are concerned, if 0.13.1 had been released six months ago, we\'d have had a shitload more fun. Although I do remember needing to wait the hours it took to see if you made it into a stable orbit or not.

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  Satellife said:



Come on, in its current state the game is just a big sandbox for your hypothetical scenarios. Not every scenarios have to start from the launchpad. Instant orbit parts (that I didn\'t try to be honest) just let you bypass that lack of scenario scripting features. Let\'s not fall into weird nostalgia about 'basics' of an incomplete demo-state game but let\'s remember that 'part hacking' can instead get devs to bring new features to the game.

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personaly, i dont use IO because the only point of IO is to see how something will operate in space, without having to go through the polava of getting it into orbit in the first place. but as the only IO mod at the moment makes all the connections realy funky, it isnt great for testing.

personaly, i would much prefer a instant mun orbit mod. how many people have wondered if their rocket theyve built has enough fuel to get to the surface, and wether it has enough fuel to get it back again. because of the radical different gravity, it impossible to do such tests on kerbin.

and this problem is something i cant see persistance solving.

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