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[1.6.1] Soundtrack Editor 4.6 (2019-01-28)


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Today's update: Making steady progress towards a release. More GUI work to make the playlist editor more useable, lots of cleanup and general bug fixes. There are a few tricky issues with playlists not being played when they should (or at all) that I'm working through, but things are starting to come together. I've also put together a new track for night time at KSC, featuring crickets. The main missing feature at this point is the ability to play multiple channels of sound, so you can get the ambient background tracks in the VAB and SPH.

  On 6/15/2016 at 1:19 AM, Prowler_x1 said:

Awesome stuff... Don't forget the "Backup, Import, Export Playlist" buttons.


That's a great idea! It'd make sharing and combining playlists much easier. I've been thinking about this and decided that splitting the playlist file into one file per playlist will likely be the best solution. You can mix and match with whatever other playlists you come across. These playlists will be in a Playlists folder next to the KSP executable, outside of GameData, so that they aren't automatically loaded by the game or searched by ModuleManager, and are more accessible than a GameData/SoundtrackEditor/PluginData/Playlists folder. More GUI... :(

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  On 6/22/2016 at 1:59 PM, pizzaoverhead said:

Today's update: Making steady progress towards a release. More GUI work to make the playlist editor more useable, lots of cleanup and general bug fixes. There are a few tricky issues with playlists not being played when they should (or at all) that I'm working through, but things are starting to come together. I've also put together a new track for night time at KSC, featuring crickets. The main missing feature at this point is the ability to play multiple channels of sound, so you can get the ambient background tracks in the VAB and SPH.

That's a great idea! It'd make sharing and combining playlists much easier. I've been thinking about this and decided that splitting the playlist file into one file per playlist will likely be the best solution. You can mix and match with whatever other playlists you come across. These playlists will be in a Playlists folder next to the KSP executable, outside of GameData, so that they aren't automatically loaded by the game or searched by ModuleManager, and are more accessible than a GameData/SoundtrackEditor/PluginData/Playlists folder. More GUI... :(


I remember that you had difficulties with multi-channel tracks back in 1.0 too. Sorry to hear that it's still an issue for KSP :(

Your method of storing music sounds fantastic though! Just the kind of thing I was hoping for to make sharing and storing music easier :)

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  On 6/22/2016 at 2:44 PM, Avera9eJoe said:

I remember that you had difficulties with multi-channel tracks back in 1.0 too. Sorry to hear that it's still an issue for KSP :(

Your method of storing music sounds fantastic though! Just the kind of thing I was hoping for to make sharing and storing music easier :)


It's no trouble, it's just been sitting on the back burner while everything else is done. I look forward to seeing what everyone will do with this! With the channel selector in place, you could use it as a quick way of adding sound effects to the game by putting them on the Ship sound channel. KSP already includes a few unused sounds to test out.

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If you're curious as to some of the songs I'm planning on using, this song is going to be the "main" docking song. I'm a big fan of ambient tracks in space, but I feel that docking could also have a more heavier rhythms as it's a surprisingly intense endeavor. I plan on using tracks 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 in the album for my docking playlist. This song is one of a few that I plan on having in my reentry playlist. If anyone cares to listen to Jahzzars music and give me some more titles that I could use in the reentry playlist I'd love suggestions. The beginning is more sudden and loud than I like though, so I'm probably going to manually fade it in. It gets very good at around 48 seconds. I don't have many other songs for my reentry playlist though. All songs are going to be from Jahzzar for simplicity.

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  On 6/22/2016 at 1:59 PM, pizzaoverhead said:

Today's update: Making steady progress towards a release. More GUI work to make the playlist editor more useable, lots of cleanup and general bug fixes. There are a few tricky issues with playlists not being played when they should (or at all) that I'm working through, but things are starting to come together. I've also put together a new track for night time at KSC, featuring crickets. The main missing feature at this point is the ability to play multiple channels of sound, so you can get the ambient background tracks in the VAB and SPH.

That's a great idea! It'd make sharing and combining playlists much easier. I've been thinking about this and decided that splitting the playlist file into one file per playlist will likely be the best solution. You can mix and match with whatever other playlists you come across. These playlists will be in a Playlists folder next to the KSP executable, outside of GameData, so that they aren't automatically loaded by the game or searched by ModuleManager, and are more accessible than a GameData/SoundtrackEditor/PluginData/Playlists folder. More GUI... :(


Looking forward to the update, I can't wait to set up my soundtrack again. I've missed this mod and didn't realize it was updated to 1.0+. How is the stability? I'm a bit cautious due to my heavily modded install.

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I already am ready to plug some music playlists into this mod. If one is fine using SoundCloud and downloading some MP3 files (for Windows), Kerbal Space Program Re-Score has a few stellar songs, including one song fitting for the transition from the mid-to-upper atmosphere to space, a docking track, three other orbiting songs, an amazing (MUCH better than the stock one, with almost all changes being the instruments playing it) version of the main theme, and a song for idling on the launchpad. The names also conveniently fit what situation each song is supposedly good for listening to during.

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Just finished copying the 2.5 GB of source music I'll be using for my first playlist. I'll probably be using 50-ish songs from Jahzzar's works in the playlist I'll be pitching but it could amount to more if I find even more ways to use music. I'm also preparing, sorting, and backing up everything on my PC in preparation for a clean Windows install I plan on doing within the week. Moving Windows over to an SSD :)


Speaking of which, Pizza would it be possible to play tracks based on your distance to objects? I.E. If you're within [X] meters of the magic boulder play [Y] playlist? If it sounds too convoluted to do in a timely manner don't worry about adding it :P Just an interesting thought.

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  On 6/22/2016 at 5:09 PM, Avera9eJoe said:


If you're curious as to some of the songs I'm planning on using, this song is going to be the "main" docking song. I'm a big fan of ambient tracks in space, but I feel that docking could also have a more heavier rhythms as it's a more technical endeavor. I plan on using tracks 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 in the album for my docking playlist. This song is one of a few that I plan on having in my reentry playlist. The beginning is more sudden and loud than I like though, so I'm probably going to manually fade it in. It gets very good at around 48 seconds. I don't have many other songs for my reentry playlist though. All songs are going to be from Jahzzar for simplicity.



Those songs in that album you are using fit a variety of different docking tones. Your "main" docking song sounds to me like something to play for docking out of the Kerbin system, if this mod can be that specific. Either way, I would like to see more of the songs in your playlists so I can pull a few out once this mod is updated. :D

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  On 6/24/2016 at 8:05 PM, LaytheDragon said:

Let me say: ? Cowboy Bebop? What's that (I don't know much of music in general), and is it even suited for space?


Oh you gotta binge watch it now: http://kissanime.to/Anime/Cowboy-Bebop/Episode-001?id=2147

No excuses man :)

- Or if you want to get to know the characters a bit quicker go watch the movie. - It doesn't share any secret info about the show. It's on that same site in fact.


- Cowboy Bebop is a space-western widely known as having one of the greatest soundtracks in all of animated film. The main theme song is a strong contestant for the #1 title too. It's got about 7 hours worth in OST and I've probably listened to every song at-least ten times :). Some of them over a hundred. 

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  On 6/24/2016 at 8:01 PM, Avera9eJoe said:

Hmm... another thing to note, if I where to make a Cowboy Bebop playlist as well, who all would use it?




(my old iTunes playlist "KSP Trax" started with all the Cowboy Bebop music, plus everything Yoko Kanno did for GITS:SAC, Brain Powerd, and Macross Plus)

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I've got 124 songs left to listen to (only 30 second-ish of each) and sort out into genres before I can group them by sound and then get them into playlists :) After all this I'll hop to sorting out the Cowboy Bebop OST.

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So uhh... I've got 2.34 gigs of music I'd like to add in to KSP... I don't think that's going to be possible though... is it? Everything is in .mp3 format right now.

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  On 6/29/2016 at 7:24 PM, Avera9eJoe said:

So uhh... I've got 2.34 gigs of music I'd like to add in to KSP... I don't think that's going to be possible though... is it? Everything is in .mp3 format right now.


Once this mod is updated, I would like to beta test your 2.34 gigabytes of music!

In the meantime, it is a Wednesday, and the most recent few progress reports for this mod have come out on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (not in that order). Because of this, I am even more excited (is the mod about to be updated/is it almost complete? It is likely that we will find out not long from now). 


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  On 6/30/2016 at 1:14 AM, LaytheDragon said:

Once this mod is updated, I would like to beta test your 2.34 gigabytes of music!

In the meantime, it is a Wednesday, and the most recent few progress reports for this mod have come out on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (not in that order). Because of this, I am even more excited (is the mod about to be updated/is it almost complete? It is likely that we will find out not long from now). 



Well, the source material is 2.34 GB. It's going to be considerably shrunk though. The real issue I'm having with planning is how to prevent playlists from overlapping each other in various conditions. I'm thinking of having these playlists:


Main menu: One song, Mysterious

R&D: One song, Driving but melancholy

Astronaut Complex: Miniature playlist of garage band style songs (3 songs?)

Tracking Station: Same playlist as docking, ambient but driving.

Mission Control: One song, Driving and noble

Administration Facility: One song, smooth jazz

VAB/SPH: Driving rock music that plays when you're in the VAB/SPH.

Launchpad/liftoff: Intense and exciting music upon launching from launchpad.

[Play if vessel flight time is less than 5 min, end when in space]

Flight: Happy but relaxed music playing when flying airplanes on Kerbin and Laythe.

[Play if in atmosphere and radar altitude > 300m, end if velocity < 400m/s]

Atmospheric surface: Same exact playlist as the flight.

[Play if in atmosphere and on surface, end if in flight for more than 20 seconds]

Space: Ambient music that plays when you're in space, both interplanetary and in S.O.I.

[Play in space]

Vacuum surface: Same exact playlist as space.

[Play if in vacuum and on surface, end if off surface for more than 1 minute]

Mountains: Same exact playlist as space.

[Play if on surface and altitude is (Don't remember what the height of mountains is off the top of my head)]

Docking: Ambient, but driving music that plays when docking.

[Play if in space and if distance to target is < 2.4km for more than 20 seconds (To prevent debris and stage separations from turning off your music)]

Reentry: Intense and suspenseful music that plays on entering the atmosphere at high speed.

[Play if in atmosphere and velocity > than 400m/s, end if radar altitude < 300m]

S.O.I. change: Erie and mysterious music that plays upon changing S.O.I.

[Play if change in S.O.I.] I may need to individually make a playlist for each instance of S.O.I. change if this command isn't possible.

Spooky Easter egg playlist: Spooky music that plays when near spooky Easter eggs.

[Play if within 1km of the kraken, Magic Boulder, Duna head, or flying saucers]

Easter egg playlist: Same music as space playlist that plays when within close proximity of any Easter eggs.

[Play if within 1km of all easter eggs, end if it's one of the ones above ^, end if distance is > 1k]



@pizzaoverhead, I don't think you need to read those if you don't want, but the main concern that these playlists would need is a start and end delay timer. [Play if parameters are filled for more than [X] seconds], [End if parameters aren't filled for more than [X] seconds]. After that I'm not sure what the best way would be to set up a docking playlist without it interfering with stage separations. Something based around distance from target might work.

- I wanted to say that I'm guessing that many of the issues you said you where having with playlists randomly cutting out or in is because they are interfering with each other. Just a blind guess though.

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  On 6/30/2016 at 4:57 PM, Avera9eJoe said:

@pizzaoverhead, I don't think you need to read those if you don't want, but the main concern that these playlists would need is a start and end delay timer. [Play if parameters are filled for more than [X] seconds], [End if parameters aren't filled for more than [X] seconds]. After that I'm not sure what the best way would be to set up a docking playlist without it interfering with stage separations. Something based around distance from target might work.

- I wanted to say that I'm guessing that many of the issues you said you where having with playlists randomly cutting out or in is because they are interfering with each other. Just a blind guess though.


If a song is cut off by another song due to the parameters not being filled for [X] seconds, I would like the current song to fade out (not too fast, but not too slow of a fade), but not end abruptly. I hope that is a feature being incorporated, @pizzaoverhead 

Those playlists do sound nice (not literally, as I haven't heard them yet). If I were to download them, I would probably tweak them/remove and or add songs to my liking, but they should be quite stellar right off the (launch)pad.

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  On 6/30/2016 at 5:14 PM, LaytheDragon said:

If a song is cut off by another song due to the parameters not being filled for [X] seconds, I would like the current song to fade out (not too fast, but not too slow of a fade), but not end abruptly. I hope that is a feature being incorporated, @pizzaoverhead 

Those playlists do sound nice (not literally, as I haven't heard them yet). If I were to download them, I would probably tweak them/remove and or add songs to my liking, but they should be quite stellar right off the (launch)pad.


Indeed. I'm hoping to be able to get them all to fade out over 5 seconds when the playlists shift gears. I'm hoping everything sounds good at your first impressions :) - All music has an acquired taste though. As soon as I am done sorting through some playlists I can upload them as zips and send you links if you want?

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