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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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I have previously been working on an SSTO named Space Hunter, the craft is not handling well when lite on fuel so reentry is not good, I might release it but not claim it to be an SSTO. Another SSTO I just started on named Hurricane is looking really good on the fuel when getting into Orbit, a Minmus landing is looking doable. Another little idea I am playing with, "Rocket Man" a little silly looking craft that maybe should have been named Rocket Boy? he is not handling well but fun and challenging to fly around. I won't be tweaking him much and I might even add landing gear for those who would like that challenge. I almost got him in an Orbit, once I did a straight shot to about 280m. With a few tweaks he could go into an Orbit. I plan to release him soon.

"Rocket Man"



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squed plox fix xdxd 1.1 rushed omg

Other than that, 1.1's been great. The performance improvements are awesome, but all my planes look ugly now.

Also, does anyone know how the restoration of NoOffsetLimits is going? I literally can't make much without it. 

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15 minutes ago, Columbia said:


squed plox fix xdxd 1.1 rushed omg

Other than that, 1.1's been great. The performance improvements are awesome, but all my planes look ugly now.

Also, does anyone know how the restoration of NoOffsetLimits is going? I literally can't make much without it. 

It helps to angle the airplane in the editor so the tail won't drop when physics kick in.

No Offset Limits is a part of Editor Extensions Redux nowadays.

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Just now, Azimech said:

It helps to angle the airplane in the editor so the tail won't drop when physics kick in.

No Offset Limits is a part of Editor Extensions Redux nowadays.

Yes, but even when the main landing gear touched the ground, they immediately collapsed too. As seen in the gif, the tailwheel only collapsed after the second impact with the ground. 

And thanks. I should really download Editor Extensions for once.

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32 minutes ago, Columbia said:

Yes, but even when the main landing gear touched the ground, they immediately collapsed too. As seen in the gif, the tailwheel only collapsed after the second impact with the ground. 

And thanks. I should really download Editor Extensions for once.

The distance craft are loaded in above the runway/launchpad is insane given how broken the legs/wheels are.. My current build the legs start vibrating the second they touch the ground and explode.. 40t lander sitting on 8 large landing legs.. S I G H. . .

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23 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

The distance craft are loaded in above the runway/launchpad is insane given how broken the legs/wheels are.. My current build the legs start vibrating the second they touch the ground and explode.. 40t lander sitting on 8 large landing legs.. S I G H. . .

Agreed, I sometimes have small issues with stuff wobbling around when spawning and I'm only talking about titchy launch platforms... Though so far in 1.1 I haven't made anything particularly sizey (yet), but yeah, if things are wobbling around to the point of spontaneous self destruction, that's something that warrants a fix in my opinion (though I definitely believe than 1.1 is a truly great update :))

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Just now, ReconXPanzer said:

Agreed, I sometimes have small issues with stuff wobbling around when spawning and I'm only talking about titchy launch platforms... Though so far in 1.1 I haven't made anything particularly sizey (yet), but yeah, if things are wobbling around to the point of spontaneous self destruction, that's something that warrants a fix in my opinion (though I definitely believe than 1.1 is a truly great update :))

It is an amazing update! The performance alone is worth the update. Just the legs and wheels need major attention. I suspect the quick scale fix for the legs has broken them.

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One more wip then I'll try not to spam this thread so much :D, here is an SSTO in the works "Hurricane" this craft is drinking fuel like crazy, but getting into Orbit with fuel to spare. I was struggling with it's control while in Orbit and I haven't tried a reentry yet. I'll continue with the tweaks and testing giving an update later.



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I gave HMS Hood a paint job, and it seems to turn fine, accelerate fine, but I still need to get it in such a way that at 2X warp the ship won't end up in a distressing form. I'm not sure about what to do with the floating stern, 881 Parts now, nearly equal to the Bismarck.

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After finding an old MK3 habitat ring segment I'd made before 1.0.5 that still works in 1.1, I went ahead and built a station system that mixes both o'neill cylinder and stanford torus aesthetics while also serving as a useful orbital fuel depot and civilian "city". 



I'm hoping to make a companion refinery station and release them in a pack, though sadly it's a bit too heavy to loft up there without hyperedit. :( 307 tons of non-aerodynamic station heavy.


Also, I've got a new SSTO design I'm tentatively calling the StarHopper; its LV-N and pure LF tank setup should (in theory) give a large dV on-orbit once I get it up, refuel at a station, and then launch for my destination.



I'm hoping to get it working, so that I can see about making a larger, ISRU-equipped follow-up to it.

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Been doodling around more with stock weaponry and testing. I've also been working on a destroyer of sorts, with a pretty heavy loadout. Also 1.1 finally improved performance enough for my laptop to run scatter + EVE.


Six anti-capitol tirepedoes, four LFO anti-ship missiles, and four RCS anti-fighter missiles. Plus the armor is tough to crack (It eats sepatron rounds for lunch, and shook off several RT-5 rounds. Granted, this was in 1.05.


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1 hour ago, Servo said:

Been doodling around more with stock weaponry and testing. I've also been working on a destroyer of sorts, with a pretty heavy loadout. Also 1.1 finally improved performance enough for my laptop to run scatter + EVE.


Six anti-capitol tirepedoes, four LFO anti-ship missiles, and four RCS anti-fighter missiles. Plus the armor is tough to crack (It eats sepatron rounds for lunch, and shook off several RT-5 rounds. Granted, this was in 1.05.


Mind sending that destroyer my way? I'd like to take a crack at it with my anti-caps.

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And here's the first early prototype flight of a stock turboshaft helicopter in 1.1. Like always: an ork to control and a joy to crash. It uses the same powerplant as my turboprop airplane and features a very early version of cylic control.



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1 hour ago, Columbia said:

Despite it being totally unfinished and much of the front looking like trash, can anyone guess the aircraft?


You're using those fuel tanks for a fuselage? Two tons each when empty ... that's gonna be a very heavy baby!

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"Island Express Ferry - Update 3"


During Sea Trials I had to save my work while underway to the Island and when I returned to my saved game the Ferry with 4 Rovers exploded! :confused: ;.; So we started all over again and launched the Ferry, docked it to the beach, launched the loading ramp and aligned it with the Ferry. On the previous attempts to load the Ferry it was taking lots of time sending one rover at a time so I built 6 rovers at a time on this cart and rather than attaching capsules to load Kerbals I decided to build a Tram. Now I have a 4 Part Ferry Set because things don't always work the way you would think in Kerbal Land. Speaking of which the Rover cart had it's under power struggles as did the Loading Ramp did also and that's why I am now loading Kerbals on the water in hopes that I will be able to drive each one off the rear of the cart and on to the Ferry! so we hope! I will continue my mission and give another update later.



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My current project, currently named Alpha. Her primary design specification is to operate as a ferry between Laythe's surface and the orbiting transfer ship above. Here she is sat in her cradle like launch system (while she can SSTO it to LKO, I'd rather not). I'm beginning to work on reentry performance, and while she's a bit finicky, I'm improving the model and landing more successfully each time. As a side note, does anyone fine the Mk2 Cockpit to have an abysmally low heat tolerance? 

She's not actually all that complex in terms of functionality, with 4 Rapiers to get her into orbit, along with 6 VTOL engines for landing on Laythe, and 2 orbital engines, the RCS and a docking port.

I'd love your opinions!

Thanks :) 



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12 hours ago, TangerineSedge said:

Don't know why but something about it vaguely seems Wellington-like, but I doubt it


9 hours ago, pTrevTrevs said:

I'm gonna guess either an Armstrong Whitworth Whitley or a Handley Page Halifax. It could be a Wellington, but that seems almost too easy to guess to me.

...Wow, I didn't expect anyone to guess, given the incomplete state of the nose and cockpit too.

British bombers do look alike -- For all I know, it could be an Avro Lancaster. British bombers all look ugly.

12 hours ago, PhylumCnidaria said:

I play a LOT of War Thunder, and I can safely say that's a Vickers Wellington, like Tangerine said.


the jelly welly.

I prefer the name "RP Piñata". :rolleyes:

11 hours ago, Azimech said:

You're using those fuel tanks for a fuselage? Two tons each when empty ... that's gonna be a very heavy baby!

Two tons each? Well, Jesus..

I don't think there's much else to replace it with, though, and it'll mean flexibility when changing the center of mass too.

I guess I'll have to use quite a few jet engines to power it.

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I originally was planning to wait until 1.1 to continue building stuff, but life and stuff got in the way and all my modded crafts got broken...oh well :P

Anyways, I'm working on something now (anyone care to guess what it will be?)


(it's obviously in a very WIP state, lots of things to do...)


To Columbia-"You think you have the audacity to call British bomber aircraft ugly? You'll regret that decision!" (I'll admit that the Short Stirling looks like a flying box though, and thanks to War Thunder, cannot unsee the Welly as a source of free RP)

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"Island Express Ferry Project - Behind the Scenes"

Just throwing this one out there, during my Island Express Ferry Project I found myself with one unplanned moment arising after the next. It was taking a long time to launch one rover at a time so I made a rover cart to haul 6 rovers at a time and I left the capsules off because of the time it takes to load Kerbals. Well in the end I created a Tram to transport Kerbals then another to rescue them from sliding into the water. Now I can do away with the loading ramp and use just the Rover Cart to load the Rovers at the Ferry, this is working well, for the most part. Here is a little action of things behind the scenes when they don't go well. I was planning to load 3 Rovers per side and noticed I went on the wrong side. With very hard to control Rovers here's how that went. Hey we live and we learn!


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