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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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Three not quite SSTA space carriers. They all have some issues.  Small one, not enough cargo capacity (basically zero).  Medium one, not enough fuel due to using only chemical engines.  Large one, too high part count and too low TWR on nukes.  I have tried a jet design too but the part count for a 1000+ ton ship gets too high with jets.


There are over 1500 parts in this screenshot.  The largest one is 2500 tons and 615 parts.

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Sector 7 Space Laboratories

Space Dock 7 Update

While En Route for the Mun the Atomic Rocket Motors were using more fuel than I expected, so an additional Mobile Fuel Tank was delivered. When I get to the final location I will release the Reaction Wheels and the Atomic Rocket Motors which will free up the internal docking port. The plan is to put it in the Mun or Minmus Orbit.





Fuel Transfer During Space Travel


Edited by Castille7
Added Fuel Transfer Picture
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On 8/28/2016 at 3:02 PM, Talos said:



24 minutes ago, He_162 said:

... ejection seat.

Not a single failure in any condition, and it has always been reliable, and on top of that, it looks great!

Just curious, what's the highest speed you've tested that at? So far my ejector seats seem to cause instant death at speeds of over 200m/s (it tells me that it collided with something that doesn't even make sense, like the ground, even though I ejected at decent altitude), even if I use mod high twr sep motors

Edited by EpicSpaceTroll139
stupid autocorrect
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My space carriers generated a lot of interest, so here's another.  It's a pretty heavily modified version of the center one, made in 1.2.  I need to pull about 400 delta V from somewhere, and then it can make it to Minmus...


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19 hours ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:


Just curious, what's the highest speed you've tested that at? So far my ejector seats seem to cause instant death at speeds of over 200m/s (it tells me that it collided with something that doesn't even make sense, like the ground, even though I ejected at decent altitude), even if I use mod high twr sep motors

Mach 2.5, at 10,000m.

Mach 3 at 20k+ meters

Mach 1 at sea level is fine, so long as you are just under or right at.

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HSK Kormoran's main superstructure is 80% done, with some small details and to back half of the first floor. (Where one of the guns are located.) I've reached 400 parts, which is pretty good compared to my other projects at this stage. Next will be HMAS Sydney's main superstructure bits, and then the other details on the ships. (Like the many cranes on Kormoran for example.)


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So originally, the engines I designed for that P-38 Lightning I posted in another thread not too long ago, came about because I wanted engines powerful enough to make one of these...



A functional stock Osprey.  It.. manages to hover, barely.


And it manages to fly like a plane, although its very slow...



But trying to get it to transition between the two modes is... basically impossible while the plane is moving. ;.;  The plane itself is more willing to tilt itself then the center axle once the plane is in motion. :confused:  I figure this is something that can not be easily over-come without a complete redesign into something that doesn't really look like an Osprey.  Oh well.  Not everything works out!


Here is my engineering sample in-case anyone wanted to play with it.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/6glbx6ii7843zv0/Osprey Test.craft?dl=0

Action group 1 to decouple the engines, 2 to start all the fuel cells that power the thing, 3 was going to be the docking port releases for the center axle, and 4 is to change the deploy of the blades.

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Hi guys. As you might have noticed, i haven't really been uploading anything here lately, mostly due to a bit of lazyness and of ofcource because of the whole "mods are broken due to a major update" thing.

So, why not give a little bit of an update/sneekpeak on all my current projects that are going to appear here once all the needed mods get updated.


The first project worth mentioning is, the U.S.S Bogue project that i said i was going to do. Well, here's the project so far:


The carrier itself is going to have two version:

The first one is going to be a simplified version with part count in mind.

The second one is going to be a full detail version with all the AA guns, walkways, lifeboats and such.


Even tough it may seem that all is well........it's not


I took the whole part saving thing to heart, so much so that i actually underestimated the amount of struts that thing actually needs in order to stay together :blush:.

So even tough it's fine at first, it explodes once you get into it's load range with any other craft.

Oh well, sometimes you have to test the limits to see when you've gone too far :wink:.


Also, with the Bogue, i will be making three new USN aircraft replicas, those will be:

Vought F4U Corsair.

Curtiss SB2C Helldiver.

Grumman TBF avenger.

I also plan on making some older USN aircraft's just for the fun of it, these include:

Grumman F3F.

Martin T4M.

Vought SBU1.


That's pretty much it for the navy section.


There are also some replicas on store right now that need uploading.

One of these is a project of mine where i aim to make "photorealistic" replicas of commercial aircraft's using some mod's. Im trying to keep the mod count at around 2 per aircraft.

I got two of these aircraft's done before i switched to he 1.2 prerelease.

These are:

Boeing 747-400 Cargo


There is still some tweaking left to do to make the cargo loading process a little more smooth.


Yes, that is stock lighting.


The other one i was able to complete is the 737-900


I even added a black stripe for decoration using communitrons. And boy did it make my game lag in the editor :confused:. You can also see my new logo in the rudder.


Other replicas that i've done that just need uploading are:

The Spirit of Saint Louis that i made for a challenge. Unfortunetly though, i forgot about the whole challenge and i never completed it.



I ran out of fuel just before i reached the target destination.


Another replica that i was supposed to upload a long time ago is a a BIG ONE, its a replica of the Douglas XB-19.



The wingspan of this beast ended up being somewhere around 90m making it one of the biggest aircraft's i've ever made.


Alright, that's it with replicas.

I also have a couple of more "different" project going on. The other one involving bearings, and the other one involving space.


The original version of this bearing was an attempt at making a more slim version of @Jon144 bearing that he used on the Kinchook.

After making a single rotor desing that was able to fly..........well, with fly, i mean it was able to gain altitude but it was pretty much uncontrollable.


I already had a pretty good idea on how Stock bearings work, so it was only a day or two of work to make it "work".

Tough im not sure if it's actually any good, the true bearing experts like @Azimech would need to test it and analyze it.


And here is the aircraft i built to test it with, it flies, but only with the help of two Goliath engines.

I don't know if the fault is in the engine or the aircraft itself.

And no, your not seeing things, that is infact a pilot. Since i was going to make a replica of the Tornado 1, it made sense to spice it up and Tails himself behind the controls.


Sorry, i couldn't help myself. I would have used KerbPaint if ModuleManager didn't destroy my game again :(.


And finally, the last project that is on the works right now.

This is something you might have already spotted. It's my Kermandy project.

If, IF everything goes right, it should be an interplanetary capable multipurpose frigate, that is heavily inspired by the SR-2 Normandy from Mass Effect.


That's the only pick i have of it right now.

It will be fully stock, but it's not going to be an SSTO, it will be launched into orbit using a lifter rocket.

I haven't done too many test with it other that atmosferic ones. This due to the fact that i am still working on a lifter for this thing.


So yea, as you can see, there is a lot to go trough, tough all it really needs is a couple weekends and it will be all done :wink:.

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Stock MV-22 Osprey 

I have finally figured out a way for this to work fairly well, don't expect updates anytime soon on this one.



Still working on the design, this could change drastically 



Rotary System


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I've been working on the F-2 series since March or February, and they're now at their 7th version, not including some modifications. Actually, the basic model of it goes back one or two years ago, in pre 1.0 KSP. It's pretty fun making them, and I've stopped working on any successor since the airframe is so upgradable. I've made a small album, documenting its evolution from 2 years ago till now.


I got the link, but forgot how to embed albums. Anyone remember how?


Edited by NotAnAimbot
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HMAS Sydney's main details are complete! The part count is around 630 parts! All that is left to do is to fully arm the ship, and small details and rigging. The ship reaches 16.8 M/s, around the actual speed of the warship. The next job is to build the cranes aboard Kormoran, and in general get Kormoran to the same state as HMAS Sydney.  Then I plan to complete the ships completely, and start an all 'round project thread. The project is moving at suppressing fast progress for a warship project.1Qm876F.pnggUoDwmc.pngsRQouSC.pngHMAS Sydney as a moving ship needs some fixing, like adding electric generators, moving the boilers to the correct area, making sure that the warship's "navball" orientation is correct.

Edited by SaturnianBlue
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My SpaceX style Duna launcher turned out to have enough fuel to get there without a refuel tanker. I'll have to test if it has enough fuel to LAND though. :D

Just got to get the first stage landing/boost back sorted though. It might need some more DV, or just a change to the flight path (though that will mean I will need a refuel on the second stage).


Or scale it down to a 4x symmetry instead of 6x (should still be able to fit 100 Kerbals in it).


I scaled it down to 4x symmetry and landing stage one is great, stage 2 now needs a refuel, but should make it to Duna. I'll keep the above design for really large payloads (they can make Duna and land easy without refuelling). But will try landing the first stage with the Trajectory mod to see if it runs better than MechJeb.

Will post Pics/Vids at some point. :)

Edited by Technical Ben
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The HSK Kormoran has been worked up very much, I'm about 85-90% complete with the ship, as there are a couple mechanism for the screens in front of the armament, actually choosing the best armament, placing said armament, and several other things (Painting the ship? Don't know how Kerbpaint on a Mac will work in 1.2) are still left to do. The ship turns and moves quite well. 


I will probably work on the HMAS Sydney to finish the ship.

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