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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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Someone requested a MiG-19ST for reasons that I can only assume are related to War Thunder's newest planes.


The AA-2 Atoll missiles are faithfully represented, (to the extent that one can faithfully represent an air-to-air missile in stock KSP...), as are many of the bits and greebles of the MiG-19


This is somehow a fairly draggy craft, but with two panthers, it can punch right up to the Mach 1 - 1.2 range of the proper deal, all while handling reasonably well in all phases of flight (except for on landing when the wheels hit the ground. More experimentation will fix that)

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I've begun picking up KSP after a long absence. Naturally I wanted to try to bring up my VTOL SSTO class of aircraft back into my roster. The current test craft has been field tested on Kerbin for eventual Laythe deployment.


It has VTOL capability in atmosphere and is mainly used for landing on water surfaces as well as land.










As a bonus, I've re-developed the interplanetary transfer ring to fit the new aircraft. I've solved the docking alignment issues by adding 2 docking ports to ensure the craft is aligned along the Z axis.



Edited by Levelord
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On 5/14/2019 at 11:44 PM, Levelord said:

It has VTOL capability in atmosphere and is mainly used for landing on water surfaces as well as land.

Your craft seems to have slight imbalance in your fuel setup, but you seem to have great control over it. I stopped building VTOLs because I had issues with balancing. How do you focus on building with CoM shifts? RWs only have so much power.

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22 minutes ago, Shadow dream said:

Your craft seems to have slight imbalance in your fuel setup, but you seem to have great control over it. I stopped building VTOLs because I had issues with balancing. How do you focus on building with CoM shifts? RWs only have so much power.

All of the fuel tanks drain equally into all engines. That's how I set up the craft, so no matter how much fuel is drained, the CoM remains the same. As for the balance, some of the engines have their maximum thrust pre-adjusted in the aircraft hangar to come in line with the other engines.


You're right that the RWs are weak engines, and there are actually just enough of those packed into the service bays to lift the aircraft off the ground. it rises at a comfortably slow pace of 5m/s 0.1m/s which is actually a good thing for control.

Edited by Levelord
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5 hours ago, Shadow dream said:

Your craft seems to have slight imbalance in your fuel setup, but you seem to have great control over it. I stopped building VTOLs because I had issues with balancing. How do you focus on building with CoM shifts? RWs only have so much power.

I use RCS Build Aid to check the CoM over time. There's even a readout to tell you the x, y, and z offsets of dry CoM vs. wet CoM, if you want to get super nitpicky about it.

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15 hours ago, sturmhauke said:

I use RCS Build Aid to check the CoM over time. There's even a readout to tell you the x, y, and z offsets of dry CoM vs. wet CoM, if you want to get super nitpicky about it.

Yep, super nitpicky is what I learned to be when building my own Space Shuttle. I love it but the paaaiiinnn of balancing ....  :-)

VTOLs are easier in that regard. I use to build them with MK2 parts, so I place a cargo bay as root, then 4 tanks arround it. (I just noticed Levelord clipped a tank into that NERV as well).

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Both STS and Buran style shuttles have large, two dimensional shifts in CoM over time - it's just inherent in the design. STS style is slightly easier to deal with in my opinion. Easier still is to do it Dreamchaser style, with a small return vehicle on top of a more traditional rocket stack, or just abandon realism altogether and use kerbally side boosters and such, which is what most of us have been doing lately.

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Built a rover which is very safe and not at all explodey.


It actually looks like a car!

Could probably be fine-tuned a little but I put it on KerbalX anyway.

Edit: Wow, Triop liked one of my posts! I am honoured!

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Basically finished the update to my stock 1:1 Apollo Lunar Module. With all of the new parts the update ended up being a complete redesign. The only part left on it is that I am waiting for the new DLC so that i can articulate the landing legs (I didnt want to try and build custom hinges when the robotics parts are so soon). The craft ended up having still a stupidly high part count of ~600, despite the entire redesign and newer parts/building methods. This is also the first step of my planned update to a certain past project that I hopefully can get done. 


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Working on the new Break Dance, Testing if the cars will hit, they don't. &)

4 of these will be placed on the platform, this is just a test.

I wish . . .




Update 2:


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