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What planet hates you?

Captain Sierra

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What's that one planet that, no matter what, defies your missions? No matter what your goal, the result is always failure? These aren't the planets you can't get to. These are ones you try and try and every time you arrive, something mission breaking happens. Too much aerobraking, to little, unplanned gravity slingshot, rapid unplanned disassembly, etc. You name it, it happens.

For me, Jool.

Losses to date:

9 missions

14 crafts

7 kerbals

0 successes (and I'm working on an entry for Jool 5 :P)

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Duna. Atmosphere not quite thick enough to slow you down properly, but great for ripping craft apart when the parachutes deploy. I've landed on lots of bodies, even the mighty Tylo, but Duna still kills more of my kerbals than anywhere else.

Launch windows are so infrequent that it's annoying to test new designs there too. Have a new lander design now that I hope will ale Duna safer, but it'll be ages before I can test it.

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Eve seemed to have it in for my Grand Tour attempt. I flew from Kerbin to Eve, where the Kraken took a fancy to my ship nd started flexing it in all sorts of weird directions. I then stayed for about 6 months, while I sent new parts from Kerbin and rebuilt the ship in Eve orbit. It wasn't the greatest start, but it did let me tweak the design slightly.

Pre Kraken attack...


Post Kraken attack...


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Duna... To be more accurate, Ike. Cause this little ******* ruined three times in a row my Duna capture almost throwing my ship into the deep space two times. Damn tis litle thing is VERY, VERY annoying. I fear I will add Jool in 1y 200/300d when my messed navigation will throw my ten ships of the same exploration group inside the chest of the gaz giant planet :sealed:

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To be more accurate, Ike. Cause this little ******* ruined three times in a row my Duna capture almost throwing my ship into the deep space two times. Damn tis litle thing is VERY, VERY annoying.

I've taken to coming in relative up or relative down to avoid Ike. Yes, inclination changes cost fuel, but that little bugger can't get me from a polar intercept trajectory. :evilgrin:

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Judging by the losses, it would be Kerbin. I don't know how many Kerbals I killed there in experimental crafts that went wobbly...

Destructive rover testing using the launchpad and the rails up to it as a sort of skate park.

Note to self, trying to do somersault with an 20 ton rover should not be part of the testing program.

Else not an planet, Tylo hates me. it have even messed up Laythe landings

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The Mun.

To date, I've lost....

15 probes

3 attempted sample returns

6 attempted manned expeditions (Three landed, but got stranded)

1 attempted base

Most of this is due to that fact that I absolutely suck at braking horzontal speed with a engine. So I end up flying a mere meter from the surface at 10 M/s.

Duna, on the other hand, welcomes me with open arms and flowers. Every expedition to Duna was a success, and we've got bases there. So does Laythe.

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I love this planet but it (do we say "it" or "she", in proper english, for a planet?) hates me. She / it broke many of my ships, without killing its inoccupant.

I think Duna is a machiavelic planet. She likes pain and suffering, not destruction. Machiavelic DUNA ! (In this case, I use "she"intentionnaly ;-) ).

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I fear no planet.... but that... thing. it scares me. I'm not talking about that freak... its not in the kerbolar system is it? one shadows to think the thoughts of sustained cruelty that lie behind those white, contrasting poles......

*whispers* its duna.....

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Vall, because I've lost more landers there than I care to count. The gravity is deceptive and I never know when to start burning. Most everywhere else is a cut and dried affair.

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Moho for me.

First probe completely failed to make rendez. with the planet, had to be terminated.

Attempt to build a ship to send Kerbals there was scrubbed at the last minute when I realized there was no way they could come home.

Second probe barely made it, but the ISA Mapsat failed to give good data, then the lander crashed into the surface going fully 200 m/s. Gravity quite a bit higher here than expected, yet no atmosphere.

(My Duna missions so far have all been happy-happy-joy-joy, which from reading this thread seems atypical.)

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The extreme gravity caused my mod-ship-science-ship-mod-mod-ship-mod to explode, mostly via accelerating it towards the extremely thick atmosphere and it couldn't slow down (it was too high up for parachutes, which I placed on the wrong side)

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Well, it hasn't killed anybody or really made a difference, but whenever I go to Duna it never predicts my trajectory and makes me waste fuel.

Something else is that the first two times I crashed was when I sent a mission to Gilly. I guess it doesn't like me either. :(

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