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[1.0.x; Part, Plugin] parameciumkid's Jump Drive 0.6 (compatibility update)


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  Xentoe said:
Soo, hope the creaor of this is still there.

Because seems this is now the only cool looking Jumpgate Mod fpr KSP.

The MassRelais Mod seems to be dead and never come to a release.

And aditional I like this one here mutch more too.

Deserves further Developement, and go finaly to releasestate.

i agree, i am also awaitng further news from devoloper, i hope he will be back, this is one of the few mods that are simple and effectively fun.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  INSULINt said:
You should play Eve, if you don't already :D LOL

I tried it, but I realized I would never have the money to play it or the opportunity to do these things.

Playing EVE for real would be my ultimate fullfillment.

Just for fun I decided to make custom sounds for this mod because I didn't really like the stock ones. Check them out here -> https://www./?7zvj2z7r9k9h0et

Feel free to use them in this mod.

How did you made these. I am very curious.

Edited by MegaUZI
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  MegaUZI said:
I tried it, but I realized I would never have the money to play it or the opportunity to do these things.

Playing EVE for real would be my ultimate fullfillment

Well, right now I'm bingeing on elite dangerous, so i can't really say much LOL. But there are quite a few newbie/casual friendly corps in the game. I tend towords solo mission/exploration content myself though. Obvs there's still the 15$/month, but the great thing now is the skill queue beyond 24 hours. Right now I'm working towords a major upgrade of exploration setup that's literally just sitting in the hanger right now cus i can't actually fly it. So basically I'm taking somewhat of an oppertunity to play other games till that ship is a thing i can do.

Either way, I'm sure that when dmp gets stable or the official mp is a thing this mod will be an awesome thing to play :D

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I'm still here!

It's just that the more time goes by, A: the better I want to make the next version before I release it, and B: the higher the probability a new version will come out.

Also I've been busy with some coding projects for important IRL business and not had much time left over for modding KSP, let alone playing KSP xD

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Parameciumkid, with the next release, would it be possible to make the jump portion of your code work with out the transform you have in your jump drive, A few others and I have tried to add your jump module to other parts for aesthetic reasons, but could never get it work. This is by far my favorite FTL mod, as I can build ridiculously large vessels and move them around the kerbin system.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

With NearFuture Tech this mod smells like a cheat. Can you make a mod version where Jump Drive consumes not only Electric Charge, but Electric Charge with Karborundum (from Karbonite+ mod) or any other unobtanuim to make the Drive less cheaty?

Edited by Cheetah
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  Cheetah said:
With NearFuture Tech this mod smells like a cheat. Can you make a mod version where Jump Drive consumes not only Electric Charge, but Electric Charge with Karborundum (from Karbonite+ mod) or any other unobtanuim to make the Drive less cheaty?

That would then make this mode dependent one another mod not in the scope of what the mod author wants. He has been looking into making it need another special fuel type within the mod itself but other than just talking about it nothing has happened yet!

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- - - Updated - - -

  Wormhol3 said:
I use this mod in junction with KSP Interstellar. I use one of Interstellar's warp drives to drop a beacon off in two locations and then use those beacons to build a station around to help manage the IMMENSE task of keeping a space carrier and her support craft up to spec.

You don't have to drop it of, just travel to any location, get into orbit and whenever equipment you need (for example a lander) you just jump it in with another ship. This means you can use the Jump Drive to transport a lot of mass anywhere in the solar system. You only need one tiny probe with a single beakon. How do you mean, overpowered?

  Cheetah said:
With NearFuture Tech this mod smells like a cheat. Can you make a mod version where Jump Drive consumes not only Electric Charge, but Electric Charge with Karborundum (from Karbonite+ mod) or any other unobtanuim to make the Drive less cheaty?
With KSP Interstellar Extended, the current power requirement becomes a joke. Considering the huge power of this jump drive, I will add a tiny MM script that increase the power requirement to a few GigaWatt instead of a few KiloWatt.

- - - Updated - - -

  OperationDx said:
I am trying to do this exact same thing. I was able to apply KSP interstellar's warp drive code and another part. I tried to apply the Jump drive code to the same part and was able to get the charge and target selection but it won't jump. I was considering poking around the DLL file for clues. But this is a little beyond my skill. I really want to make this work and I'll probably waste a ton of time trying. Would be great to get the creators imput on this one.

What kind of License does this mod have, than I can add it to KSP Interstellar myself

Edited by FreeThinker
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I'd hardly call the power requirement a joke, but would rather say that KSPI power levels are pretty inflated.

Point of reference.

The nuclear power plant at three mile island has a nameplate capacity of around 850MW.

The largest nuclear power plant out there (the Civaux I in France) has a nameplate capacity of 1.561GW (The largest US power plant comes in fifth at just 1.428GW).

The entire nuclear reactor output of ALL active reactors in the United States... like... almost 100 of them... is about 98GW.

(FYI license for stuff posted here is ARR unless explicitly changed by the author).

(Edit - these are MW/GW electric not Thermal - so point of comparison, the Palo Verde's GWt rating is more like 3.8GW to 3.9GW)

Edited by RoverDude
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  RoverDude said:
I'd hardly call the power requirement a joke, but would rather say that KSPI power levels are pretty inflated.

Having stock Mainsail engine with "power rivals that of entire small nations", KSPI power levels should rival the power that of entire big nations, isn't it?

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Only if that small nation is SeaLand.

Either way, we already have a yardstick for power consumption in KSP, and my point was that calling this mod's power requirements a 'joke' and using KSPI's power levels (which are orders of magnitude greater than that of anything stock) as the benchmark for that comment makes no sense.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Having a little trouble. Put two beacons out in stable orbits. Tried to launch a ship with the jump engine but KSP won't let me launch. Keeps saying vessel too heavy, and mass is NaNt. It is the same whether I have indestructible buildings or not. Any ideas?

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Is this still in development? It's a great mod - only trouble I've had so far is on my 2nd jump I got "stuck" and couldn't switch ships/go back to Space Center and had to force quit the game... NullReferenceException I'm sure....

EDIT: Hmm, now one of my beacons became a debris field for no apparent reason...

  parameciumkid said:
I'm still here!

It's just that the more time goes by, A: the better I want to make the next version before I release it, and B: the higher the probability a new version will come out.

Also I've been busy with some coding projects for important IRL business and not had much time left over for modding KSP, let alone playing KSP xD

Ah... fair enough - I missed this before...

  Dakota2063 said:
Parameciumkid, with the next release, would it be possible to make the jump portion of your code work with out the transform you have in your jump drive, A few others and I have tried to add your jump module to other parts for aesthetic reasons, but could never get it work. This is by far my favorite FTL mod, as I can build ridiculously large vessels and move them around the kerbin system.

Yes!! I dropped some 2009 BSG sound effects onto it - it feels like it triggers late (I'd like the sound effect to start when the bubble starts to "bloom") but it practically gives me chills!! :D

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  greydragon70 said:
Having a little trouble. Put two beacons out in stable orbits. Tried to launch a ship with the jump engine but KSP won't let me launch. Keeps saying vessel too heavy, and mass is NaNt. It is the same whether I have indestructible buildings or not. Any ideas?

Too heavy? that would be realy great if there were some mass constraints build in it! But it seems you made made happy unjustified, because I don't see any mass check in the source code.

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So here's my thought on Jump Drives.

  1. The power requirement should be obscene
  2. They should impart no momentum or direction other than what your vehicle had at initiation of the jump
  3. There should be at least a 10km radius of kraken effects and annihilation of dense objects on both the start and end points

That way in order to jump places, one must be able to:

A) Put a big vehicle into space

B) Get it up to sufficient speed in the necessary direction

C) Transfer the requisite amount of power into the drive instantly

As for needing beacons at the destination, they shouldn't be required, but should make exit velocity and vector more predictable

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Hello! I am interested in adding the jump drive FX to a gigantic warp ring for a cinematic I'm planning. It would need to have the FX permanently out though. Would this be at all possible, or should I try something else?

Here's what I want the ring effects to look like. Can this be easily done through config file editing?


Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Checking in:

- I haven't been around more than dropping in for a minute or two to read the news for the last few weeks on account of pesky real life stuff bogging me down (I'm actually working on my own game now! [Games] Space Pizza!!1 (Working Title)), but I do still exist and intend to get back on top of this once it all blows over, most likely within the next two weeks. When I do, priority one will be to tack on an official license for this thing so people won't all be in the dark as to what they can do with it.

- I've observed from the few YouTube videos people have posted about this that a lot of people are trying to charge up the drive while it's running, which spoils the timing of the animation and sound effects. Thus for the next version I'm going to have to rewrite all of that and most likely remove this option, so be warned. Fortunately, I've cooked up a cool new shader:


...for the warp effect, and if I can get Custom Shader Loader to play along, things will look pwntastic. Of course all this extra work may delay the next release.

- Based on people's assertions regarding the Near Future Pack, Interstellar, etc., I've decided to cave in and hike the power requirements. I myself found that in KSP 0.90 it's not hard to clear the whole tech tree before going interplanetary, and slapping on a few 2.5m batteries and Gigantor solar panels is more than enough to get the jump drive going - in other words, it's too easy and needs a nerf (le gasp). How much I hike it is to be determined, but rest assured that it will need several times the existing power demand already stored before it will activate.

- The speculation that my code is referencing a hard-coded game object for the warp bubble is correct. I intend to fix this later on to improve modularity so people can use custom part models.

Edited by parameciumkid
black hooooole
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  parameciumkid said:
Checking in:

- I haven't been around more than dropping in for a minute or two to read the news for the last few weeks on account of pesky real life stuff bogging me down (I'm actually working on my own game now! [Games] Space Pizza!!1 (Working Title)), but I do still exist and intend to get back on top of this once it all blows over, most likely within the next two weeks. When I do, priority one will be to tack on an official license for this thing so people won't all be in the dark as to what they can do with it.

- I've observed from the few YouTube videos people have posted about this that a lot of people are trying to charge up the drive while it's running, which spoils the timing of the animation and sound effects. Thus for the next version I'm going to have to rewrite all of that and most likely remove this option, so be warned. Fortunately, I've cooked up a cool new shader:


...for the warp effect, and if I can get Custom Shader Loader to play along, things will look pwntastic. Of course all this extra work may delay the next release.

- Based on people's assertions regarding the Near Future Pack, Interstellar, etc., I've decided to cave in and hike the power requirements. I myself found that in KSP 0.90 it's not hard to clear the whole tech tree before going interplanetary, and slapping on a few 2.5m batteries and Gigantor solar panels is more than enough to get the jump drive going - in other words, it's too easy and needs a nerf (le gasp). How much I hike it is to be determined, but rest assured that it will need several times the existing power demand already stored before it will activate.

- The speculation that my code is referencing a hard-coded game object for the warp bubble is correct. I intend to fix this later on to improve modularity so people can use custom part models.

Nice. I look forward to the update. I like to use this in conjunction with Roverdudes stand alone warp drive, as the drive will get the beacons out there, but these jump drives can move my supercarriers around the kerbol system.

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