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HGR 1.875m parts R&D Thread [Mod reboot in progress] (First Dev build now available)


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You'd better learn the language to make requests in, then. :) Oh, and check KW rocketry first, you already can make a stock-alike R-7. Voskhod is nearly the same as Vostok, and at "Kerbal" level there's no difference.

Anyway, R-7 would be nice and all, but I'd rather see a Long March 2E, Kerbal version. 2.5m with 1.25m LRBs and a truss decoupler. 3 lengths of tanks, a 1.25m booster engine, quad-nozzle 2.5m sustainer and a single-nozzle 2.5m upper stage engine with verniers. With an additional quad-nozzle 1.875m engine and a similar 1.25m one you'd be set for the entire Long March family besides the 1.

Either way, a Soyuz-style payload shroud would be an even better addition. With some effort, an LV can be made with other mods, but other than BobCat, noone has made a working Soyuz shroud (and his doesn't fit other mods).

MaverickSawyer managed to do it using other existing mods early on in this one's development. Here's a video of it:

I'm not sure what parts he used exactly but his video description mentions novapunch for the Escape tower.

As far as getting really specific on kerbalizing entire lift stages, I'm not sure that's something I really want to do. At least not at the moment. I do have several ideas for new pods however, but I want to finish the soy-juice system before I start them. On that note, I've been working hard on it. I think people will be happy with the changes, I've got the day off however, so I'm waiting to update until I get as much done as possible.

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MaverickSawyer managed to do it using other existing mods early on in this one's development. Here's a video of it:

I'm not sure what parts he used exactly but his video description mentions novapunch for the Escape tower.

Escape tower is NP, and the rest is ProceduralFairings. I'd really urge you to avoid any procedural dependencies at all cost. When a "normal" part is broken by an update, it's usually fixable in config, or possible to jury-rig one way or the other. When a procedural one breaks, you've got to wait for a plugin update, which can sometimes drag on, and you're stuck with a stubby bit of a part that is the default form of the procedural. Procedurals are great and all, but I think that SoyJuice deserves it's own, dedicated shroud. Also, I bet that contraption doesn't decouple well during nominal flight. Procedural fairings can't really do Soyuz-like multipart shrouds.

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Escape tower is NP, and the rest is ProceduralFairings. I'd really urge you to avoid any procedural dependencies at all cost. When a "normal" part is broken by an update, it's usually fixable in config, or possible to jury-rig one way or the other. When a procedural one breaks, you've got to wait for a plugin update, which can sometimes drag on, and you're stuck with a stubby bit of a part that is the default form of the procedural. Procedurals are great and all, but I think that SoyJuice deserves it's own, dedicated shroud. Also, I bet that contraption doesn't decouple well during nominal flight. Procedural fairings can't really do Soyuz-like multipart shrouds.

The main thing for me is trying to figure out where to have the attach points for the fairings. Not sure how I'm going to go about it, yet. Maybe they should attach directly to the capsule in a manner similar to kw's fairings. Although, then in an abort the capsule wont fall out the bottom, so much as explode out like the hulk.

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Voskhod is nearly the same as Vostok, and at "Kerbal" level there's no difference.

Yes, but the spud is really tiny, and the voskhod held 2/3 people. I would like to see a new IVA if that were to be done. And probably a larger pod, because do you think 3 kerbals could fit in that dinky thing?

Durring a non-emergency situation does the Soyuz's shroud get pulled off by the escape tower or does it open in a clamshell style?

It does, but during an emergency it goes up with the thing. My advice is to add a separator to the LES and to add however many nodes to place the top part of the fairings and make the faring pieces into two pieces and have the bottom one decouple.

Edited by Pockrtplanesairways
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It does, but during an emergency it goes up with the thing. My advice is to add a separator to the LES and to add however many nodes to place the top part of the fairings and make the faring pieces into two pieces and have the bottom one decouple.

Actually having the fairings attach to the LES is a good idea. Maybe even just go ahead and make it all one piece. That'd keep the part count down and while a normal jettison would be a bit inaccurate, it'd still function well enough.

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If nothing else I think a one-piece fairing with removable LES, like what the SDHI system uses, would work just fine for the Soy-Juice. It would give people the option to use whatever launch escape system they want, but still keep part count low and maintain that sleek Soyuz look.

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Actually having the fairings attach to the LES is a good idea. Maybe even just go ahead and make it all one piece. That'd keep the part count down and while a normal jettison would be a bit inaccurate, it'd still function well enough.

I think there is a better way to do this. ProceduralFairings has an interstage part which can attach parts to it's top. What I would do is make the fairing sides not quite come to a point (chop the nose off to make room for LES). Now, make the fairing base have a bottom node, a top node, and a really top node up at the top of the fairing where the LES is. Attach a decoupler part between the payload and the fairing base. Give the fairing base a moduleDecoupler at the really top node and at the side nodes so that when it is staged, it decouples the fairings clamshell style and kicks off the LES tower. Placing a decoupler between the lift vehicle and the fairing base will let you bind 'Abort' to decouple the fairing payload LES assembly and fire the LES to clear the disaster. I know that sounds complicated so tell me if I need a graphic.

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I think there is a better way to do this. ProceduralFairings has an interstage part which can attach parts to it's top. What I would do is make the fairing sides not quite come to a point (chop the nose off to make room for LES). Now, make the fairing base have a bottom node, a top node, and a really top node up at the top of the fairing where the LES is. Attach a decoupler part between the payload and the fairing base. Give the fairing base a moduleDecoupler at the really top node and at the side nodes so that when it is staged, it decouples the fairings clamshell style and kicks off the LES tower. Placing a decoupler between the lift vehicle and the fairing base will let you bind 'Abort' to decouple the fairing payload LES assembly and fire the LES to clear the disaster. I know that sounds complicated so tell me if I need a graphic.

The only problem with that is the fairing base ends up below the service module. So when you abort, there's no way to not bring it(the service module) with you.

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Heh, great minds think alike:


The only problem with that is the fairing base ends up below the service module. So when you abort, there's no way to not bring it(the service module) with you.

The third node isn't necessary. All you really need for something like this to work is an "inside" node attached to a docking port to connect to the spacecraft, and an "outside" port on a flat spot on top for the LES. The service module then sits directly on the decoupler like normal while the fairing edge goes all the way down to the top of the decoupler, but doesn't actually connect.

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The third node isn't necessary. All you really need for something like this to work is an "inside" node attached to a docking port to connect to the spacecraft, and an "outside" port on a flat spot on top for the LES. The service module then sits directly on the decoupler like normal while the fairing edge goes all the way down to the top of the decoupler, but doesn't actually connect.

Oh, I understood what you meant. :) It essentially has to be designed to go on top of the stack, so it can "pull" the capsule clear in an abort. I'm just trying to decide the best way to go about achieving that end, using the least memory possible for the best results. It's a balancing act haha.

How funny, that you both built such similar ships. Is that lab from KSO?

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OK, newest update is up. There's been a TON of changes so I can't stress enough, end all flights in progress using this test version. A lot of geometry and node positions have changed so there's a HIGH chance that if you don't land before updating that your craft may get deleted.

The soy-Juice now needs a heatshield for reentry. To get that working the decoupler had to change a bit. I also dropped its expanded node. This was to make it less wonky, and lets face it, at this point the Soy-juice is a 1.875m pod for all intents and purposes. The service module is back and now includes a small engine and an animated engine cover. I've seen a plugin that would allow the cover to toggle depending on engine activation, but it isn't fully released yet. Once that plugin is finished and stable I'll likely add it. The large inline chute is completely remade, with a lower profile and better canopy. Pretty much all the non Soy-juice stuff got an art pass. (mostly adding ambient occlusion to everything:rolleyes:)

A lot of the new stuff is unpolished, but that will come with time. I think on the whole everything is taking a much better shape and this starting to really come together.

I did a LKO reentry test, but haven't done much other testing yet, so feedback on how well the heatshield works would be appreciated.


Edit: I also added my entry for the Open Part Mod as well. However since this only a test version of HGR, I didn't include NathenKell's crossfeed Enabler. It will allow the fuel to flow from that tank into whatever it's radially attached to.

I know. But The ALCOR is not stockalike by any stretch of the word.

True, for me it's just a bit too digital. I prefer analog controls and 1960's designs.

Edited by Orionkermin
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This. Keeps getting more awesome. Thx so much Orionkermin

Heatshield seems a bit OP, 250 would be enough I think (xept for RSS users). But I doubt not some people will try and land it on Eve though ^^

Edit: Oh and the daikon service module displays 2 "decouple" options when right-cliking.

Edited by Initar
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Heatshield seems a bit OP, 250 would be enough I think (xept for RSS users).

Really depends on the DREC settings you use since that dictates how much ablative shielding you need.

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This. Keeps getting more awesome. Thx so much Orionkermin

Heatshield seems a bit OP, 250 would be enough I think (xept for RSS users). But I doubt not some people will try and land it on Eve though ^^

Edit: Oh and the daikon service module displays 2 "decouple" options when right-cliking.

It has two decouplers technically, one on the "normal" node for the radish and one on the node that's used for the mk1 pod.

Maybe 500 on the heatshield would be a fair compromise.

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That screenshot in the upper left corner of the montage? Gotta say, it took me about 20 seconds staring before I realized they weren't stock parts even though I know what the Soy-juice looks like. Amazing job blending in.

And a hearty "Hear hear!" regarding IVAs. Glass cockpits are new-fangled toys for whippersnappers!

(Uh, one little note: NathanKell ;) )

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