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What planet/moon loves you?


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yeah, I'm taking that other thread and turning it around.

Is there any body in the system that seems like a good luck charm to you? Where missions always seem to go smoothly?

For me, its probably Duna. Never had anything go wrong on Duna or Ike.

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My Let's Play series to colonize Laythe has so far also brought me to Mun, Minmus, Jool, Duna and Gilly, and I would honestly have to say Laythe is a bit of a charm for me. I've had absolutely stupid amounts of luck with it, always getting an encounter when I need one despite wild and radically uncontrolled Jool orbits. The very first time I reached it, I was sending a tiny unmanned probe out, because I had yet to unlock anything better from career mode and I simply wanted to see what the fuel requirements would be like for getting me out there. This was the probe:


Believe it or not, I actually nailed a successful water landing with this. The only reason it didn't survive was because after I'd landed it, my brain panicked and I failed to cut the engines at the appropriate time, making it bounce back up in the water and break itself on the way down. :rolleyes:

Since then, I've made numerous flights there, the most recent being to land the entire colony vehicle (video next week), all of which have gone relatively smoothly compared to most of my missions. So yes, I would honestly have to say that Laythe just smiles and holds its arms out every time it sees me coming.

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