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[1.1.x] CoolRockets! Cryo and Launch Particle FX


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  1. 1. Do you like it?

    • No. It slows down my machine at launch. I need my CPU cycles elsewhere.
    • No. I don't like the engine effects.
    • No. I don't like the tank effects.
    • Yes. I especially like the engine effects.
    • Yes. I especially like the tank effects.
    • Yes. It even runs smoothly.
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Hi I just downloaded this mod, and noticed that with it, the fairings won't decouple from the smaller LV-909 engine. when I attach it in the VAB it starts with its fairing, even if I have nothing attached below it. I don't know if its this mod alone, or a mod conflict.

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  Virtualgenius said:
thats cool I have no idea either would be nice if there was a little gui (HINT) you could pop open check the boxes you want for which engines, tanks and effects and it spits out a cfg which you put in the mods gamedata folder

That would be very hard for dtobi to do. It would require him to make a plugin that can guess tank sizes and nozzle positions, which is a lot harder than you might think. If dtobi was able to make such a plugin, it would be easier to just have it add the effects to the engines and tanks in-game, which would remove the need for a re-load of all the parts.

  hieywiey said:
Could you make the particles look more puffy/cotton-ball-ish like in this picture of a SSME?


You can edit that yourself. Just go into the mod folder and use an image editor to change the effects.
  hieywiey said:

Also could you add the sounds, the flame trench effects and the AWESOME flame?

1: The sounds might be a bit out of scope for this mod. Besides, there are already at least two mods that overhaul the engine sounds, take a look at them. They might be a bit outdated, but they should work.

2: The flame trench effects would require a whole new plugin... and Nothke is already working on a mod titled Particle Overhaul, which will add just what you want - giant smoke plumes that get redirected by the pad.

3: Take a look at the Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter (Kerbin Mini Shuttle) mod, it adds engines with those effects. With a little cfg editing, you could add that effect to other engines. Also, HotRockets has some exhaust effects that you might like.

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  Virtualgenius said:
I dont know what values to set them to or what axis they refer to

The speedX, speedY and speedZ correspond to the X, Y, and Z axis. X and Z can be 0, but Y should be something like -1. speedY is the value that will set the vertical "drop rate" of the ice, so you can play around with how fast you want them to fall, but it must be negative otherwise it will fall up.

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  smunisto said:
Any plans to include configs for other mods? Like KW Rocketry? Or can I just add those little module parts to the config of my engines and tanks?

Seems like some other people have expressed interest in making a cfg for KW or other mods, so that's possible. You can create it yourself though if you want, just look at the stock.cfg that comes with the download to see how it's done. To adapt it to other engines you mostly just need to adjust the positioning of the particle effects to line up with the engine nozzle(s). Essentially the width, height, x/y/z offset values.

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Ok adjusted some numbers engines are fine but cant get the tank to vent properly need some help please


These are the numbers I used



name = KM_PreLaunchEffect

effectName = PreLaunchEffectIce2

debug = false

checkBottomNode = false

debug = false // show or don't show the debug context menu in the VAB tweakables.

width = 1.8 // width of the particle system

height = 3 // height or lifetime of the particles

xOffset = 0 // move the whole thing on the xyz achsis

yOffset = 7

zOffset = 0

numP = 20 // number of active particles in the system

speedX = 0 // direction of the particles

speedY = -10

speedZ = 0

size = 1.5 // sizeof the particles. It ranges from x/2 to x

rndVelocity = 0.1 // random movement in all directions

runningTime = 0.5 // stop x seconds after launch


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  Virtualgenius said:
Ok adjusted some numbers engines are fine but cant get the tank to vent properly need some help please


These are the numbers I used



name = KM_PreLaunchEffect

effectName = PreLaunchEffectIce2

debug = false

checkBottomNode = false

debug = false // show or don't show the debug context menu in the VAB tweakables.

width = 1.8 // width of the particle system

height = 3 // height or lifetime of the particles

xOffset = 0 // move the whole thing on the xyz achsis

yOffset = 7

zOffset = 0

numP = 20 // number of active particles in the system

speedX = 0 // direction of the particles

speedY = -10

speedZ = 0

size = 1.5 // sizeof the particles. It ranges from x/2 to x

rndVelocity = 0.1 // random movement in all directions

runningTime = 0.5 // stop x seconds after launch


Ok, everything there looks good... I'm not sure what the issue is. I've noticed some really weird behavior too when trying to adapt this mod to other parts. Hopefully someone else can lend a hand?

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I suspect the issue is that the direction is arbitrary for the particles, so if the model is rotated differently than the model is expecting the particles originate and travel expecting the model to be laid out a certain way

You can see this if you rotate a engine upside down (pointed -z in the modelling program) and then export via Unity to KSP, the particles use the origin correctly but graphically flow backwards toward the engine because they use the origin but not the orientation

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  NoMrBond said:
I suspect the issue is that the direction is arbitrary for the particles, so if the model is rotated differently than the model is expecting the particles originate and travel expecting the model to be laid out a certain way

You can see this if you rotate a engine upside down (pointed -z in the modelling program) and then export via Unity to KSP, the particles use the origin correctly but graphically flow backwards toward the engine because they use the origin but not the orientation

So, try a positive number for speedY?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Incredible mod!! perfect, only wished the ice-fall lasted longer.. but other than that.. its perfect! more than eyecandy or something.. its a detail which adds immersion. This should be officially part of the game! why don't the developers adopt it? especially since its works like a charm.

thank you very much!

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Working on some KW configs.. can't figure out how to double up the effect for the twin/quadrupled nozzled ones.. wonder how the other guy did it. Actually (thinking out loud here), it might be possible with 4 effect models, each offset by a certain x/z amount.. mind you, with the amount of mods I've got, might be best to try it in a stock install to cut down loading times.. but yes, working on the engines for now. Will try and have a go at the tanks when I have time.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
removed irrlevant stuff
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I'd disable the cry effects on the SPS. Historically, it was a hypergolic engine, using propellants stored at room temperature. As such, it shouldn't have smoke billowing out of it.

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A fair point. Considering its low thrust, I doubt people would be using it as a lifter engine (which is what CoolRockets enhances) but hey, it ran on the same stuff as the other ones, that's why I did it. There is always the option to toggle launch effects on and off in the VAB so I'll keep it in just in case. If people don't want it, they can always delete the section. Considering how long it took for to get the right position and width, it'd be a shame to let that work go to waste just for someone else to want to do it all again.

Anyway, does anyone have any idea how I would do the ice on the conical adapter tanks in KW? I can't think of a way that would work well. EDIT: Oh god, the side tanks... :confused:

But, dtobi - is there a way to disable the nozzle effects on ignition? At the moment, it's the launch clamp release which does it which is all fine and great, but if you ignite your engines and throttle up before you release, you get flames AND cryogenic smoke coming out and it doesn't look terribly realistic.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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