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On Swearing, Cussing, Cursing, and Profane Language


Do YOU do any swearing?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do YOU do any swearing?

    • Regular, everyday usage.
    • 7+ times a day.
    • 4-6 times a day.
    • 3- times a day.
    • Whenever I feel the need to.
    • Only during times of extreme stress or pain.
    • Absolutely NEVER swear.
    • Rarely ever, but just to be funny.

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So as you may have seen from my previous posts, I enjoy holding polls to find out the community's opinion. Today, I want to know: Do YOU curse?

Profanity (also called bad language, strong language, foul language, swearing, cursing, or cussing) is a subset of a language's lexicon that is generally considered in society to be strongly impolite or offensive. It can show a desecration or debasement of someone or something, or show strong or intense emotion. Profanity can take the form of words, expressions, gestures (such as flipping the middle finger), or other social behaviours that are construed or interpreted as insulting, rude, vulgar, obscene, obnoxious, foul, desecrating, or other forms. (Credit to Wikipedia)

Cursing: it's a thing we've all done at some point or another, whether it be during a strenuous time in your life, mindless vulgar experimentation (I remember sitting in my room and saying the F-Word over and over to judge my reaction), or perhaps -shame on you!- during everyday use. Anytime you've done it, what do you think it feels like to curse? Why do you curse? What meaning does profanity hold for you?

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[TD]MODERATOR NOTE: It may be a topic of discussion, but that does not mean you have license to swear (or indeed otherwise disobey the Community Rules). Swearing on the forums is not allowed, and doubly so when just used to make cheap jokes. You can discuss this, but keep actual swearing out of it, thanks.




Edited by vexx32
Tsk, tsk.
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Depends on company, of course. There are some people (most people) around whom I would never even think about swearing. Alone at my computer, and with my closer friends, I can be extremely vulgar. With yet other groups, I swear very infrequently, which dramatically increases the effect.

On the Internet, I virtually never swear, though I violently curse at my computer with great frequency. Text communication over the Internet is far too unemotional for such things not to feel silly.

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I'm kinda old fashioned I suppose, about some things. I'm not a prude but I don't like profanity. IMHO its too common in entertainment, inc. computer games. I tend not to buy movies with it; same with games. Example: I really like the original Serious Sam. But the latest? No way. I like it when family, friends and I can watch, play or listen to something and the lingo offends nobody (and kids can be around and parents don't have to deal with language issues). My own opinion is that a truly creative director/ writer can wield emotional impact without bad language, if they want to, in their creations. I don't need the lowest common denominator fare out there.

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Not sure if regular use was the right choice or I should have chosen "Only during times of extreme stress or pain". I curse every day, but then again I have a serious depression and I have been able to control my language better than right now.

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Most times i swear when something goes wrong especialy when its surprising. I dont care if others swear, but i care which words they are using. I know some people who say stuff like "dirty jew" or similar words when they are killed in a shooter or similar and this realy nakes me angry, most of them dont realise what they are doing with such insultions...

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Oh, i do curse. A lot. But mostly when situation calls for it - for example when machine i'm operating refuses to cooperate, no matter the amount of delicate fiddling with controls. Which do happens a lot, because that piece of junk hates me :sticktongue: I guess cussing is better than percussive maintenance, and serves as release valve for stress. Similiar thing happens when i play on my computer: when i get one-shotted by a boss fifth time in a row, swearing is a lesser evil to hurling the mouse across the room, or breaking keyboard in two on one's knee (which my friend did once - Ouch!)

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i dont kittens swear!

Last edited by vexx32; Today at 02:07. Reason: Not anymore you don't.

and how do you know it wasnt "kittens"? i even self censored because i respect the fact that there are just some members on this board that cannot handle all the squee.

Edited by Nuke
mods have dirty minds
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Guys, it might be a topic of discussion, and we're cool with that, but it doesn't give you license to disobey the [thread=30064]Community Rules[/thread]. Swearing is not permitted on the forums, and evading the inbuilt censoring software is even more frowned upon. I've already handed out several warnings, so please keep it all clean from here on out, if you would.

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Whenever I'm frustrated with something, or being a smart a** (because I am a world class one at that). I've almost never taken offense to it and, depending on the context (i.e. if people are getting shot at), I'm not hesitant to use it non-conservatively in some of my writing, though my kerbal-related stories stay extremely mild if not 100% clean (I do take a bit of creative license if a giant colony mission starts burning up on aerobrake, or some other extremely traumatic scene).

Funny to note that the two options most used are everyday use (what I almost voted) and whenever I feel like it (what I did vote).

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Judging from the poll results, it would appear that at least a small group of people seem to see the use of swear words as a sort of badge of honor... hope they will grow up some day.

Because after I grew up, I learned that it is far more efficient (and satisfying) to figuratively slap your opponent in the face with a cold hard fact about why they're wrong, than to mindlessly shout obscenities that have long since lost their meaning through constant overusage. I mean really, who can formulate a proper and original insult these days? Hardly anyone. Those who readily would, after all, don't usually have the vocabulary to do so ;)

*shakes walking cane in your general direction*

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"bad language" has the ability to express strong emotions condensed to often one word.

IMHO its two different things, cursing as an insult or just as an expression of a momentary feeling.

Like walking out of the house and just as you enter the car you realize that you are a) late and B) forgot something important inside the house. Where's the harm in cursing there ?

btw, here in bavaria ppl would roll their eyes if you asked them this question. Its a cultural thing as well.

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I swear and curse quite often.

Here's a quote, from Mark Twain (Yes, THAT Mark Twain, the famous Author)

"Sometimes, profanity can offer an comfort that been prayer cannot"

So yes, I have an tendency to swear, but I often try to do so under my breath and not in public. But if I'm in anger, I will occasionally erupt into a tirade, which isn't sometimes isn't in English (I speak French, Chinese, and am learning Latin. So why would it be in one language?)

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Do I swear? Yeah, pretty often IRL. Usually I do it with my group of friends- intelligent conversation isn't appreciated by most of them, and so verbal interaction has a tendency to devolve to an exchange of obscenities, all a part of crude (if hilarious) banter. Although even around my smarter friends, I swear- albeit less than usual, and typically to emphasize something.

Don't think that I'm proud of it- it's a uncouth habit, one which I want to break. Habits being habits, it's difficult to say the least.

At least I'm not as bad as some high school students.

I don't swear as often anymore, though... I've grown distant from that group of friends, and typically refrain from taking part in their conversation. Like I said before, I swear too often. But I'm doing so less and less.

If I'm in a debate with someone, I won't swear. It weakens my point, and makes me looks like a fool. My grandpa has a saying... "Anyone can swear. Smart people don't." This of course suggests that a smart individual would try and use a more colorful vocabulary, rather than obscenities.

Of course, pain and/or emotional release are perfectly legitimate reasons to cuss.

Edited by Dominatus
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Personally, I find spouting profanities like water out of a fire hose, because it gives any that you use less meaning. It also gives you less of a... composed and intelligent appearance. I wouldn't ever swear around my parents, unless it's olde timey swearing (you know what I mean). I also don't swear to be offensive, unless it's a joke. Basically, I use them as a tool to make my sentences more interesting, and for certain things to have more of a meaning.

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Personally, I find spouting profanities like water out of a fire hose, because it gives any that you use less meaning. It also gives you less of a... composed and intelligent appearance. I wouldn't ever swear around my parents, unless it's olde timey swearing (you know what I mean). I also don't swear to be offensive, unless it's a joke. Basically, I use them as a tool to make my sentences more interesting, and for certain things to have more of a meaning.

This is pretty much my stance on the subject, i swear occasionally, but usually only when i'm in pain, Angry, or in jest. Otherwise there's no need to use them.

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