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NASA Asteroid Mission Pack.

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I have been having some thoughts on this, especially after the slight uproar over the asteroid pack taking away SQUAD's attention from the game, and how they should try to focus on more features like extra planets and the asteroid belt. This is somewhere along the lines of how I believe the Asteroid Mission Pack will be in the game:

I for one, am looking forward to the Asteroid Pack, and I believe it won't be a scenario. Rather, I think that in career mode, once you begin to explore and take contracts for NKO missions, a contract will pop up asking you to retrieve an asteroid for easier manned study in kerbin (Or munar) orbit. At this point, if you accept, the asteroid will appear on map view as an uncontrollable, interactive celestial body. (It will probably have other requirements, such as no aerobraking or damaging it with engine backthrust, because it renders the entire mission useless if the asteroid is damaged as then no accurate scientific knowledge will be able to be gained.) In this case, We would get a bit of everything we want:

- Large steps towards asteroid belt

- NASA/SQUAD Collaborative Mission Pack

- The tutorials are getting redone, which will make the game easier to get started on, which in turn allows for a little more diversity in the Career mode. (Dificulty setting by tech tree? Career tutorial with current tree, and a harder, more realistic career mode for the standard mode.)

- Asteroids will be hard to manoeuvre and control, so we will most likely see some KAS-like parts. (After all, You can't just slap a docking port on the side of an asteroid.)

- Probably some part balancing here and there *cough* Nerf the 48-7S *cough*, possibly removing some redundant parts, adding some cool new stuff in, [speculation] new antennae functions such as distance? [/speculation]

Any way this goes, I am looking forward to it.

What are the thoughts of the community (And the Devs, if they feel like dropping in) on this, and how do people think it will be done?

(Before we get started I would like to say this. Discussions on this kind of front have ended up becoming very bashful and negative towards other players, so I have a few things for everyone to keep in mind: If you want to say something do it constructively, and please do not resort to bashing of ideas or other Forum Users. I understand it may not be my place to say these things, but I would rather the Mods didn't take the discussion down.)

EDIT: Something funny I noticed; You can't spell Community without Mun.

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You've got some good ideas there. I think asteroids (and the inevitable comets that could be made from the same sort of system) could also form the basis of a more interactive "resource" system, something that doesn't follow the "scan/wait, mine/wait, refine/wait" format that we see in Kethane (and that probably spelled the downfall of SQUAD's shelved system).

They could also become moonlets of Jool and any other gas planet that shows up.

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Snip: -and comets-

They could also become moonlets of Jool and any other gas planet that shows up.

That is a cool idea. It would be awesome to see some more, smaller, celestial bodies like that around Jool and GP2.

WAAA WAAA it doesn't matter what squad adds or does not add to the game. If anything is missing modders will add it. If squad wants to cooperate with NASA, then that's great :)

Oh, I wasn't saying those things, other people were, and this was my response. I wanted to see what other people thought so I posted it here as well.

Edited by Deathsoul097
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I remember HarvesteR stating pre 0.13 users (was 0.13 when demo launched? wow) would get DLC for free, like in Minecraft.

I remember that as being anybody who bought the game prior to the end of April 2013, so part way through 0.18.x?

I would also love to see asteroids that you can bag up and drag into Munar orbit for examination, mining, whatever (or de-orbit and make Ortillery weapons out of, if you're feeling a bit Danny-ish). Cometary lander missions, impactor missions, any of these would be nice.

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The mission pack is free, for everyone, even if you get the game after it is released, AFAIK. Rowsdower announced that in the Devnote Tuesday thread last week.

EDIT: "Holy Carp! The CM (Or would it be KM?) on my thread!?" *Faints*

Thanks for clearing that up Rowsdower.

Edited by Deathsoul097
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  • 1 month later...
Hey just a thought,

If you were to crash a asteroid into the nuns surface, would it create a new crater?

EDIT : oops, Mun not nuns.

The game doesn't support geomodding, so no. Gosh, imagine if it did though, and all impacts made craters. The land around the KSP would look like a warzone.

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The game doesn't support geomodding, so no. Gosh, imagine if it did though, and all impacts made craters. The land around the KSP would look like a warzone.

Now that you put it that way, yeah There wouldn't be any land to land on in Kerbin, and the mun would most likely be worn down to a regular rock

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I hope the asteroids work like ships with minor gravity (or none at all), rather than celestial bodies.

I also hope you have to build an observatory and scan for asteroids (where you get a random one with each scan), rather than having the map cluttered with objects from the start.

These seem like pretty obvious decisions though, so I have faith in Squad.

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Don't quote me, but heard on a Twitch esp. forgot which one but it was the one with 11 in it a lot, that the asteroids would be random generated.like spawn every X seconds by Y degrees with Z mass. if true I might just let it (KSP) run for a week or 2.

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