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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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I'm having trouble attaching things inside the bay, e.g. attaching docking port to docking port for satellite delivery. Everything wants to attach to the bay doors or the outer bay itself . It wants to attach everywhere and its a time consuming fight to attach to the bulkhead.

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I'm having trouble attaching things inside the bay, e.g. attaching docking port to docking port for satellite delivery. Everything wants to attach to the bay doors or the outer bay itself . It wants to attach everywhere and its a time consuming fight to attach to the bulkhead.

I find it much easier to build the payload separately, then save it as a subassembly, then load the shuttle and fit the subassembly into the bay

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Bit of strange behaviour of the thrusters... they appear to reset to pitch trim 0 when shut down, and snap back to 14 when activated once again. I first noticed this in 1.09, and I'm reasonably sure it wasn't present in 1.08 and earlier. Does not interfere with functionality in any way, but does look a bit off, I think.


Edited by Bomoo
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Are there any known issues with other plugins?

My game crashes after installing this mod.


List of files i have.

KSO is a HUGE mod, and you are simply running out of money. You could try texture reduction packs, but I personally recommend the Active Memory Reduction mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-15-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs%21

Edited by likke_A_boss
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Are there any known issues with other plugins?

My game crashes after installing this mod.


List of files i have.

I can tell you it works fine with all that you have listed, except: Magic smoke, laztek, KW, Kerbaltek, extraplanetary and ASET. I don't have those, try removing them one at a time, and if it loads, you know you have a conflict.

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KSO is a HUGE mod, and you are simply running out of money. You could try texture reduction packs, but I personally recommend the Active Memory Reduction mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-15-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs%21

I'm not so sure that's the issue, it could be, but my mod install list is three times longer, and this mod works fine for me, without texture reduction.

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It's not how many mods you have... it's what's in them. B9, for instance, consumes more resources than dozens of simpler mods combined. He doesn't list that one, but he does have some very heavy mods.

Edited by RoboRay
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First off, I'm having far, far, FAR too much fun with this pack. Well done, Helldiver and crew. This is an amazing piece of work.

My fifth flight with the Orbiter stack was one where I got to test a goofy idea I'd had as a kid: Why not jam an Apollo or Gemini inside the cargo bay, lift it on orbit, and dump it there so it could do its own mission while the shuttle did its work?

Yeah, not a brilliant idea, but hey, I was a kid.

Now I'm an adult with KSP, with a pretty good shuttle added to it.

Behold STS-5.


1. Good launch.

2. Excellent orbit insertion and circularization.

3. Good EVA to pod in bay.

4. Picture-perfect separation of pod from bay.

6. Good maneuvering between vehicles.

7. Excellent recovery of Kerbanaut from pod to vehicle via emergency EVA.

8. Solid re-entry profile.

9. First no-damage landing of the shuttle at the KSC.


1. Mounted incorrect engine with fuel tank on pod.

ROOT CAUSE: Design engineer was tired.

IMPACT: Unable to perform de-orbit and recovery test portion of flight.

ACTION ITEMS: Re-design after morning coffee.

2. Unable to re-dock with bay mount in shuttle.

ROOT CAUSE: Design engineer was REALLY tired, and didn't notice that the mount wasn't a docking port.

IMPACT: Pod was unable to re-dock with shuttle in bay for recovery purposes.

ACTION ITEMS: Add a docking port at that spot in the bay for future flights.

All in all, a really, really good flight.

For a more -- ehem -- colorful description of this entire flight, with images, check out the images below.

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It's not how many mods you have... it's what's in them. B9, for instance, consumes more resources than dozens of simpler mods combined. He doesn't list that one, but he does have some very heavy mods.

Ah, I see. I stand corrected.

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First off, I'm having far, far, FAR too much fun with this pack. Well done, Helldiver and crew. This is an amazing piece of work.

My fifth flight with the Orbiter stack was one where I got to test a goofy idea I'd had as a kid: Why not jam an Apollo or Gemini inside the cargo bay, lift it on orbit, and dump it there so it could do its own mission while the shuttle did its work?

Yeah, not a brilliant idea, but hey, I was a kid.

Now I'm an adult with KSP, with a pretty good shuttle added to it.

Behold STS-5.


1. Good launch.

2. Excellent orbit insertion and circularization.

3. Good EVA to pod in bay.

4. Picture-perfect separation of pod from bay.

6. Good maneuvering between vehicles.

7. Excellent recovery of Kerbanaut from pod to vehicle via emergency EVA.

8. Solid re-entry profile.

9. First no-damage landing of the shuttle at the KSC.


1. Mounted incorrect engine with fuel tank on pod.

ROOT CAUSE: Design engineer was tired.

IMPACT: Unable to perform de-orbit and recovery test portion of flight.

ACTION ITEMS: Re-design after morning coffee.

2. Unable to re-dock with bay mount in shuttle.

ROOT CAUSE: Design engineer was REALLY tired, and didn't notice that the mount wasn't a docking port.

IMPACT: Pod was unable to re-dock with shuttle in bay for recovery purposes.

ACTION ITEMS: Add a docking port at that spot in the bay for future flights.

All in all, a really, really good flight.

For a more -- ehem -- colorful description of this entire flight, with images, check out the images below.


Holy Kraken, I can't stop laughing!

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--Never mind- further testing shows it does still happen without this mod. Anyone else seen this, and know where its coming from?--

{So I seem to have found a random bug, and I'm not sure that its with this mod, but if not, this mod is conflicting with another, some where. With this mod if you leave a Kerbal EVA and go to the space center, when you come back to him, this happens> http://i.imgur.com/5n2ijjf.jpg

By the way, anyone tell me how I can post the actual pics here, and not just the link? - figured that out.

Okay, finally tracked this bug down to my life support mod.

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I can tell you it works fine with all that you have listed, except: Magic smoke, laztek, KW, Kerbaltek, extraplanetary and ASET. I don't have those, try removing them one at a time, and if it loads, you know you have a conflict.

Found the problem. it was extra planetary launch pad.

But why ?

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Love this shuttle. Absolutely fantastic work!

I have one issue though, and I hope someone can help me find a solution. KSP won't load with this part installed and the KW rocketry pack side by side. I am also using TAC Life Support, MechJeb, KAS, Engineer, Kerbal Alarm Clock and Kethane, but those load fine with the shuttle. Has anyone experienced this?

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Very cool ship, flies great!

Personally, my favourite parts are the multifunction displays. I can go a full flight just in IVA.

It would be great if you could implement NavyFish's Docking Port Alignment into the displays (just as MechJeb control or ScanSAT)

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Love this shuttle. Absolutely fantastic work!

I have one issue though, and I hope someone can help me find a solution. KSP won't load with this part installed and the KW rocketry pack side by side. I am also using TAC Life Support, MechJeb, KAS, Engineer, Kerbal Alarm Clock and Kethane, but those load fine with the shuttle. Has anyone experienced this?

With using this and kW you are using to much memory

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With using this and kW you are using to much memory

It's quite possible to run KW together with the KSO. In fact, I am running at 2.5GB ram with KW, KSO and a few other mods installed. Use ActiveTextureManagement if you're scraping the RAM limit.

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Ok, I finally got the shuttle wings to work with the cargo bay. I was able to cfg-edit this thing into working order and make the bay not shield the wings at all. Only one catch: this will break your current crafts. Well, kind of. They'll load, but the wings will be clipped in the bay instead of on the outside. If you're building new ones, this won't matter. If you're using the prefab craft, you'll just need to reattach the wings and elevons on each side.

MM config file: http://cl.ly/code/2o2U2i2b1v2M

For those wondering, I just adjusted the position of the model. I'm not sure if this is simply a FAR thing or what, but the model origin is well outside the physical part. I tested positioning the part a bit in the cfg, and it works! It's not quite right, I could probably spend a bit more time trying to line it up just right. And the main gears are still shielded whenever the bay is closed, though that might be a feature, not a bug. In moving the positioning, current craft will look broken. I'd recommend finishing their flights first, but I don't believe you'll lose any craft/kerbals if you don't.

I tested the flight with all of this, and it flies rather well. I'd strongly recommend dumping fuel before you reenter, as it's much more unstable with that weight in the back. It's right on the edge of pitch-instability when full of fuel using FAR. I didn't try any major glides or S-turns, so check those out. Also, be sure to set up the flaps on the wings as only flaps (or use them as control surfaces too, I guess...), and set your control surfaces as you like. My tests had the elevons on pitch/roll, the stabs as yaw, and the center-rear surface as pitch. You could try the stabs with pitch as well, if you need it.

Test this out and see if I missed anything.

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Unfortunately KSP requires you to take an interest in your RAM usage. Most part packs are trouble makers because their normal maps are too damn big for very little fidelity. I think that's why Texture Compressor basic targets them while leaving the rest alone. KSO is doing a spectacular job pushing all its parts into textures, there is very little wasted space. But the interior textures, ESPECIALLY the normal maps can be reduced in size for huge savings. For KSO I halved or quartered the normal maps, halved or quartered most emissive textures, and halved the diffuse textures. The only ones I suggest you don't touch are the interior emissives, they do all the panel lights and reducing them makes everything muddy and unreadable. My biggest offender is Texture Replacer, I've been thinking of halving my Kerbal textures to see what kind of savings I can get there, but I like the way they look.

Anyways, I'm running KW, KSO, Mk3 and Mk2 interiors, B9, Near Future, Visual Enhancements, Texture Replacer (with about thirty unique Kerbals), Space Shuttle Engines, Proc Wings and Fairings, and an assortment of parts from NovaPunch, AIES and FASA. I have 36 mods total for 2.7GB. Removing Texture Replacer drops it to below 2.5. I'm using Texture Compressor basic. Before doing manual edits of problem files, I was well above 3gb and had to drop a bunch. KSO would have never fit. Just find out what mods are causing the biggest spikes in memory and deal with them, you'll be surprised how much you can fit under 2.5

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The game crashes when I load the VAB with KSO installed. I have no idea why because my gamedata folder is only 1.5GB and it also crashes when I have the low resolution textures installed. There must be a conflit with something... Do you have any idea of the cause? :/

Here is my game data folder:


Aset (alcor pod)


Boulder co (clouds mod)

Cacteye (telescope parts)


Exsurgent enginnering


Fustek (space station parts)


Kerbal attachement system

Procedural fairings






Navyfish docking indicator

Near future propulsion pack

Nereid (final frontier)

Portworks (Bigelow style inflatable habitats)


Romfarer (robotic arm)





I have crash reports if needed. I'd really like to get your awesome mod working ;)

Keep up the good work!


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Found the problem. it was extra planetary launch pad.

But why ?

KSP presently has a bug where certain elements are loaded properly into VRAM on your graphics card, and then improperly duplicated into system RAM. If you load mods, this will eventually cause the game to attempt to allocate too much system RAM, crashing the game.

The fix is to either reduce the number of mods you are using, or to switch to the 64-bit linux client (for now, the only working 64-bit version of the game) which does not have this limitation.

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