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Games that you bought that didn't worked?


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Hello guys,

So I just (more like a few days ago) bought Take on Helicopters on steam for the Hind DLC, only to find that I couldn't to get the DLC to work. So I went to the official and steam forums to look for a fixed, there was one, and that it fixed the problem for a lot of people, so I tried that but didn't work. So I started looking in the games files, the DLC was there but in a folder that the game wouldn't pick up. so then I started to mess with the files.

Lets just say I ****** the game even more. So next weekend, when I have time, I'm going to reinstall and try again.

So, have any of you bought a game you really wanted that you couldn't get to work?

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On Steam the worst I've had is not being able to run it due to exctiement and assuming my little pc could handle it.

I have bought a few disk copies of games where they wouldn't work and I would have to do some digging in the files to get it working properly. Steam though I've always had working games.

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  fatfluffycat said:
I use Google to, but I only found two way of fixing the problem for this one, nether one worked for me.

So aside from the DLC not working can you give us anymore info?

There's allot of smart people here one of us should be able to give you an idea.

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  Brethern said:
So aside from the DLC not working can you give us anymore info?

There's allot of smart people here one of us should be able to give you an idea.

The fix was to run steam as a administrator, verify the game files, then run the game, then it would say "preforming first time..." or whatever it does when you first play a game on steam. Then The DLC would be installed.

There was 2 other DLCs you got with the bundle (or whatever its called). They worked, there where in the game files like this, ToH/Dlc name/Data, The Hind DLC was ToH/DLCsetup/Hind/ Then the data files. So I thought, I'll just put the Hind folder like the other DLCs. Still didn't work, so there was a installer in the Hind Folder, I would run that, then steam would open up, saying "Play ToH" or "Play ToH: Hinds" (both do the same thing) like if you launch the game from steam.

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  The Destroyer said:
Nope. Any game can work, with your friend. (GOOGLE)

I call bull-****. All of my computers run 64bit OS (not just windows) and I have some old 16bit programs that windows just refuses to run for some stupid reason. The only way I can run it is with a VM.

Long story short, Google didn't help.

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  ROFLCopter64bit said:
I call bull-****. All of my computers run 64bit OS (not just windows) and I have some old 16bit programs that windows just refuses to run for some stupid reason. The only way I can run it is with a VM.

Long story short, Google didn't help.

64-bit versions of Windows do not support 16-bit components, 16-bit processes, or 16-bit applications http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896458

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For the longest time I couldn't play Shogun 2 Total war because of some strange conflict that nobody else seemed to have, at least I learned not to bother asking steam support for technical help.

strangely it works fine now, never did figure out what the problem was

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  The Destroyer said:

well the only games i never could get run were put out before google ever existed. modern games seem to be a little bit more likely to function thanks to more consistent graphic apis.

privateer 2 was one of them. you pretty much had to roll your own distro of dos to get it to run, then scrape every last bit of ram out of the system to get it to run, it was that close to the 640kb limit (it used an emm but you still have to initialize the executable before you can ask it for memory).

another one i had trouble with was a descent clone called forsaken. it was a great game but it did not like my video drivers. it took upgrading my video card to a voodoo banshee. this was a horrible graphics card, back then you needed a separate 2d and 3d card, but i only had one pci slot. the banshee was one of the first combo cards i remember seeing, i grabbed it up on the spot and it let me play forsaken. it was a great game i though. the irony was that this game still works on a glide emulator, and will run in a 64 bit windows.

a lot of games from the 90s were very sensitive to driver versions. some games would only work on a particular graphics driver.

Edited by Nuke
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The only commercial games I've bought that have utterly failed to work, usually failed because of DRM. Yes, Bet On Soldier, I'm looking at you. And Flying Heroes. And umpteen titles on the Google Play store which will periodically and suddenly go "we think you're a pirate, now connect to the Internet to prove you aren't." If I'd have known that's what they'd do, I'd have told them where to stick their price tag.

And people wonder why I detest Steam and all others like it with a passion.

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  pxi said:
64-bit versions of Windows do not support 16-bit components, 16-bit processes, or 16-bit applications http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896458

I knew that from the beginning, and since I didn't have a 32 bit copy of windows 7, nothing could make it run.

I don't see why Microsoft would get rid of executing 16 bit code.

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