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Devnote Tuesdays: The "Lalo Gives Great Life Advice" Edition


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<p><img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/0ff9377afa68dc3ad3fe6844aaf1bd38/tumblr_inline_n0uxgh28J41rr2wit.jpg"/></p>

<p id="docs-internal-guid--61d692f-2381-6b73-5e6d-03ca91fd6999"><strong>Felipe (HarvesteR)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> Work on the NASA project is going at a frantic pace. This week and last week are blurred together in a most peculiar way… On Friday I got the asteroid system to a point where attempting a run-through was possible, and that turned up a great amount of usability issues that simply needed taking care of. Cue in the long weekend. I did manage to get a lot done though, and some of the changes are going to be very welcome I think, even on their own. Today I’ve been rounding out some details with the asteroid spawning and usability improvements, and next up comes generating the asteroids themselves. </span></p>

<p><strong>Alex (aLeXmOrA): </strong><span>I finished the web page I was setting up for a project that hasn’t been announced yet. It’s ready, but we need approval to set it live. Now, I’m trying to fix my local copy of the <em>KSP</em> Project because for some reason it broke and it doesn’t run as it should.</span></p>

<p><strong>Marco (Samsonart):</strong><span> Testing aside, the much needed upgrade for the existing in-game tutorials is pretty much done, moving forward to creating a few new ones from scratch. I’ve also been struggling with Jenkins the Build Server so it starts building with the new Unity version. </span></p>

<p><strong>Chad (C7)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> I’ve been working hard on the NASA project with Felipe. Things are coming along nicely, and I’ve really been enjoying what we’ve created so far. There’s still so much to do though!</span></p>

<p><strong>Daniel (danRosas):</strong><span>*</span><span>Finished the animatic for the next animation, still doing some cuts here and there, for the sake of rhythm. I did an upgrade to the Gene and Bobak models, those two were a year and a half old, and they needed a little more detail. *</span></p>

<p><strong>Jim (Romfarer)</strong><span>:</span><span> </span><span>The past week i have been working on a new gui for a system i have given the working title: “Application Launcherâ€Â. If everything goes after the plan, this system will be used to hold application buttons which launch our own and possibly also 3rd party mods. Currently the plan for it is to hold the Resources and Messaging System. The latter is actually a new application that’s supposed to display important messages such as mission updates etc.</span></p>

<p><strong>Miguel (Maxmaps):</strong><span> Helping plan and test the new tutorial system. Great progress. Shoutout to <strong>Samsonart</strong> for the heavy lifting. Also working on overall accessibility to the game while maintaining the exploration and discovery key elements of playing <em>Kerbal Space Program</em>. Also planning a lot of video content and some cool NASA related events.</span></p>

<p><span><strong>Jesus (Chuchito):</strong> <span>Testing some commands on the <em>KSP</em> Server, and working on the low level stuff such as creating/sending/receiving packets.</span><span></span></span><span></span></p>

<p><span><strong>Bob (Calisker):</strong> </span><span>I’ve mostly been focused on figuring out what went wrong here: </span><strong><a href="http://goo.gl/AfcMhD"><a href="http://goo.gl/AfcMhD">http://goo.gl/AfcMhD</a></a></strong><span>. (This is still 0.23) Any thoughts? We’re also getting ready for a panel at an upcoming show that should really be exciting but as it’s not finalized yet, I can’t say much more. </span></p>

<p><strong>Ted (Ted): </strong><span>Keeping a keen eye on the Bug Tracker and checking that nothing gets neglected. Ensuring that all the testing documentation I’ve been working on will be up to scratch for Testing down the road.</span></p>

<p><span><strong>Anthony (Rowsdower):</strong> Been taking close note of many of the more popular threads and particular topics in the suggestions sub-forum. Plotting out new ideas like the forum’s Fan Works Challenge. I hope to make that a regular thing, so join in the fun! Also trying to tie up loose ends with that contest Max and I announced on Squadcast. Sorry for the delay on that one.<br/></span></p>

<p><span><strong>Eduardo (Lalo):</strong> </span><span>Life is short, play Kerbal as much as you can!! </span></p>

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<p><img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/0ff9377afa68dc3ad3fe6844aaf1bd38/tumblr_inline_n0uxgh28J41rr2wit.jpg"/></p>

<p id="docs-internal-guid--61d692f-2381-6b73-5e6d-03ca91fd6999"><strong>

<p><strong>Jim (Romfarer)</strong><span>:</span><span> </span><span>The past week i have been working on a new gui for a system i have given the working title: “Application Launcherâ€Â. If everything goes after the plan, this system will be used to hold application buttons which launch our own and possibly also 3rd party mods. Currently the plan for it is to hold the Resources and Messaging System. The latter is actually a new application that’s supposed to display important messages such as mission updates etc.</span></p>


<p><strong>Jim (Romfarer)</strong><span>:</span><span> </span><span>hold application buttons which launch our own and possibly also 3rd party mods. </span></p>


<p><strong>Jim (Romfarer)</strong><span>:</span><span> </span><span> possibly also 3rd party mods. </span></p>


What!?1 Is this what I think this means? And in-game mod downloader? YES! (Or maybe, I have no idea what I just read and heavily misinterpreted that. Its happen before)

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<p><span><strong>Anthony (Rowsdower):</strong> Been taking close note of many of the more popular threads and particular topics in the suggestions sub-forum. Plotting out new ideas like the forum’s Fan Works Challenge. I hope to make that a regular thing, so join in the fun! Also trying to tie up loose ends with that contest Max and I announced on Squadcast. Sorry for the delay on that one.<br/></span></p>

If you're looking at the suggestions sub-forum, have you looked at the Already Suggested List? It's a pretty good collection of all of the most often suggested/most popular topics of the suggestions sub-forum.

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Bob (Calisker): I’ve mostly been focused on figuring out what went wrong here: http://goo.gl/AfcMhD. (This is still 0.23) Any thoughts? We’re also getting ready for a panel at an upcoming show that should really be exciting but as it’s not finalized yet, I can’t say much more

Clearly the joints on the main engine are too ridged and snapped, if we reduce rigidity it may allow the rocket to rotate around the engine, giving a much more ''natural'' looking effect.

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<p><span><strong>Bob (Calisker):</strong> </span><span>I’ve mostly been focused on figuring out what went wrong here: </span><strong><a href="http://goo.gl/AfcMhD"><a href="http://goo.gl/AfcMhD">http://goo.gl/AfcMhD</a></a></strong><span>. (This is still 0.23) Any thoughts? We’re also getting ready for a panel at an upcoming show that should really be exciting but as it’s not finalized yet, I can’t say much more. </span></p>

The boosters were upside down

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I finished the web page I was setting up for a project that hasn’t been announced yet. It’s ready, but we need approval to set it live.

This has me very interested >.> A project we haven't heard of that's ready to go live on its own website? Hmm

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<strong>Felipe (HarvesteR):</strong> On Friday I got the asteroid system to a point where attempting a run-through was possible, and that turned up a great amount of usability issues that simply needed taking care of. Cue in the long weekend. I did manage to get a lot done though, and some of the changes are going to be very welcome I think, even on their own.

Quality of life improvements sound awesome, what kind of things are we talking about? I'm guessing maneuver node improvements, maybe some SAS tweaks, simpler/better body targeting, or probably the conics draw mode switcher that was talked about in the interview.

On the subject of the conics draw mode switching, how do you envision plugins dealing with a user-defined conics draw mode? Both I and the MechJeb crew, and possibly a few other people that I am unaware of, allow the user to manage their draw mode through plugin code.

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I want to play this update so much because of contracts, new joint system and SLS! However, it looks like there is still a lot of work to do, so I hope developers will post screenshots of .24 or maybe even a short gameplay video in the future :D

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<p><strong>Jim (Romfarer)</strong><span>:</span><span> </span><span>“Application Launcherâ€Â. If everything goes after the plan, this system will be used to hold application buttons which launch our own and possibly also 3rd party mods. Currently the plan for it is to hold the Resources and Messaging System.</span></p>

You know that makes a lot more sense. You know what they say: people hear (or read) what they want to hear. Thanks for clearing that up.

I think you are not to far off though, the NASA thingy sounded like being a mod in a way - so for me it reads like a new launcher where we will be able to select which mods will be loaded.

(I spontanously have to think if ModuleManager will have to have some changes then ...)

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So, how much time to 0.24?

We got 0.23 two months after 0.22 , so by that logic only week or two yet..

They had holiday break between release of 0.23 and start of 0.24 development. I would not expect it sooner than a month (but you're free to prove me wrong Squad :)).

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<p><span><strong>Bob (Calisker):</strong> </span><span>I’ve mostly been focused on figuring out what went wrong here: </span><strong><a href="http://goo.gl/AfcMhD"><a href="http://goo.gl/AfcMhD">http://goo.gl/AfcMhD</a></a></strong><span>. (This is still 0.23) Any thoughts?...</span></p>

Wow! I've never seen the game translate my engines to an upside down position. You didn't rotate and install them upside down in the VAB, right? Had you previously changed the orientation of the craft in the VAB so that it was upside down at some point in the process of assembly? In any case, have you checked the craft file to see the engine (or attachment) orientation there? And is the situation repeating or happenstance? Just wondering.

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<p><span><strong>Bob (Calisker):</strong> </span><span>I’ve mostly been focused on figuring out what went wrong here: </span><strong><a href="http://goo.gl/AfcMhD"><a href="http://goo.gl/AfcMhD">http://goo.gl/AfcMhD</a></a></strong><span>. (This is still 0.23) Any thoughts? </span></p> </span></p>

Don't worry about finding the problem. Just add about 2-100 winglets, and may a SAS unit, that always fixes my stability issues.

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"Bob (Calisker): I’ve mostly been focused on figuring out what went wrong here: http://goo.gl/AfcMhD. (This is still 0.23) Any thoughts?"

I just had something like that happen I was trying to attach six boosters using symmetry but they kept connecting upside down. So rotated them and connected and they still were upside down. So I deleted and reapplied the TT-70 Radial decouplers (also using symmetry) and everything was fine. It only happened the once and since I had originally applied the first set of decouplers in no unusual way I had no way of recreating the bug, but I'd bet it has to do with symmetry.

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