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[WIP] [KSP 0.23] Kethane Plus v0.1


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Thank You Mario, But Our Princess is in Another Castle!

As this version contained parts from another mod and was deemed illegal via the licence I have created a new thread for Version 0.2+ which is Here and uses Modulemanager which is totally legal and safe to use :D

Do you love the Kethane Mod?

Do you want it to do more?

Lets see what we can do then..

These are add-ons to the Kethane mod which uses its API and as such you need to install the Kethane mod prior to installing this. They also make changes to the Kethane mod itself which is done through ModuleManager which you also need installed. Place the ModuleManager .dll file in to your GameData folder and the Kethane Plus add-ons will do the rest when you load KSP.

You also need to be aware that this is a work in progress mod and parts and their workings may be changed in future versions - I will make an active effort to keep defunct parts in the later versions available for active craft to use but they wont be available in the VAB.

Each version of Kethane Plus will do various things - all of the versions are compatible with each other (unless otherwise stated) so you can download multiple versions to customise Kethane however you want.

Kethane Plus - Mercury Edition 0.1

Version 2.0 is in the other thread!

  • Removes Kethane's converters ability to convert Kethane in to Oxidizer.
  • Adds Water as a mineable resource.
  • Water covers the following bodies 100% (mostly): Kerbal, Eeloo, Laythe & Vall.
  • Enables Kethane converters to convert Water in to Oxidizer.
  • Enables current Drills & Scanners to mine and detect Water. You don't need additional hardware sent to your bases or satellites.
  • Adds additional Psyper's Upcycle Water Tanks under the Utility category. These start empty but they are tweakable.
  • Water compatible with the following mods: TAC Life Support (unconfirmed)

In order to mine fuel for your rockets with The Mercury Edition you will need to detect Kethane and Water deposits on the different bodies in the Kerbal System. Your existing drills and scanners have been automatically upgraded to mine and detect Water. You will need to equip your miners with Kethane or Water tanks. If you find a Water and a Kethane deposit that overlap then your drills will mine both resources equally (lucky you!). You can then connect these tanks to a converter (or transfer them to tanks attached to a converter) and convert Kethane in to Liquid Fuel and Water in to Oxidizer.

Kethane Plus - Mars Edition 0.1

Version 2.0 is in the other thread!

  • Adds Iron Ore as a mineable resource.
  • Iron Ore covers the following bodies 100% (mostly): Duna, Bop.
  • Drills and Scanners are able to mine and detect Iron Ore.
  • Adds Iron as a resource which you cannot mine.
  • Enables Kethane's converters to convert Iron Ore to Iron.
  • Adds additional Psyper's Upcycle Iron Ore and Iron Tanks under the Utility category.

The Mars Edition will give you the ability to find and mine Iron Ore and convert it in to Iron. You can use this in your own KSP scenario as some sort of payment to bring back to Kerbin for your space explorations.

Kethane Plus - Phobos Edition 0.1

Version 2.0 is in the other thread!

  • Makes Kethane tanks tweakable.

A tiny add-on which allows you to fill up your Kethane tanks within the VAB/SPH. They will, by default, start empty.

Kethane Plus - Europa Edition 0.1

Version 2.0 is in the other thread!

  • Creates small tanks on all Kethane Converters

Don't you just hate it when you get your miner working but you didn't get the fuel tanks right and it just won't fill up your radial tanks or tanks attached via KAS? Well this will provide small tanks inbuilt in to the Converter so you can then syphon off the fuel from these into other tanks either manually or via a fuel balancer mod

Note: The names of these editions are totally fictitious and are not related to any Kerabal myths about strange pink beings from another solar system.

Now for some piccies, kerbals love pictures!

First up my very ugly looking miner. This one has both Water and Kethane tanks and is designed for areas where two pockets for the two resources overlap - you only need the one drill if you want and it will collect both resources in equal amounts until both resource tanks are full. As you can see this one has a converter which can convert the Water in to Oxidizer and Kethane in to LiquidFuel (Kethane still converts to monoprop and xenon)


This is the hex map in debug mode to show all the Water deposits (in blue). The arrows in the green box in the bottom right is used to switch from kethane to water. If you have already scanned for kethane you just need to take some water detectors up in orbit to detect the water pockets.


Image of a Kethane Satellite in orbit which has been upgraded to detect Water. Hmm it appears to be all over Kerbin..



All Kethane Licences are owned by Majiir via the Kethane Mod:


Additional tank models are owned by Squad and have been re-skinned by myself.

These re-skins are freely available to use for other mods - I will be releasing different colours in a separate post soon.

Future Release Ideas:

  • If you have any suggestions or you require a resource which can be 'plugged in' to other mods please post in the thread.
  • Must create better tanks!

Edited by psyper
Updated with link to v0.2
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none of the kethane assets are in the zip file :/

Actually - modded versions of the scanners are but this addon won't work without scanners to detect water - so if anyone can help me to create some scanners that do no use the Kethane models then feel free to help me out :D

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Reusing the Kethane assets (drill, converter and container parts) is against the Kethane license. I'm pulling your download for now, feel free to re-add it when you remove those assets from the download.

The assets are pulled via MODEL{} nodes. No kethane assets are being redistributed. The kethane mod, and it's assets are a dependent until further notice (and until I get permission to have the kethane.dll redistributed with this)

Psyper, you can get the download back up whenever. I'm working on your models.

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none of the kethane assets are in the zip file :/

Actually - modded versions of the scanners are but this addon won't work without scanners to detect water - so if anyone can help me to create some scanners that do no use the Kethane models then feel free to help me out :D

You might look at the http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70325-Baha-Drills-Augers-for-Extraplanetary-Launchpads-Science%21-v1-%282-21-14%29 for drills and, I think there was some scanners the the ScanSat mod pickup was given to them and there is 1 that wasn't pickup or added that the maker put up will try and find the link.

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You cannot redistribute model and texture files from the Kethane folder, even if modified.

I just said, it doesn't. Those assets are not distributed in this package. They are being called by MODEL{} nodes. They are still only found in the kethane folder and you need to download kethane to make this work, for now.

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The assets are pulled via MODEL{} nodes. No kethane assets are being redistributed. The kethane mod, and it's assets are a dependent until further notice (and until I get permission to have the kethane.dll redistributed with this)

Psyper, you can get the download back up whenever. I'm working on your models.

I just said, it doesn't. Those assets are not distributed in this package. They are being called by MODEL{} nodes. They are still only found in the kethane folder and you need to download kethane to make this work, for now.

No he cannot, I even took the time to verify with Majiir himself. This is redistributing model and textures for the detector.

There are assets from the Kethane folder in the download.

Until those files are removed, this download is against the license. So unless you have a green name, you are not in permission to say who can and cannot redistribute things.

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Hi psyper,

Firstly, I'm happy for people to use the Kethane API.

However, part models and textures are not part of that API. Creating your own models (or having someone else do the same) will nicely increase the quality of your mod. Alternatively, you can augment existing Kethane parts with new behavior using ModuleManager.

It looks like you're distributing full copies of Kethane config files, which is generally a bad idea for compatibility reasons (and it's not allowed by the license for that reason). I recommend you use ModuleManager to make changes to Kethane parts. It also looks like you've copy-pasted the Kethane resource distribution parameters. I won't stop you if you really want exactly those numbers, but I highly recommend you create your own distribution parameters.



[EDIT] For clarification: Part config files are protected by the Kethane license, so those cannot be redistributed. I don't think this will prevent you from doing anything, since you can use ModuleManager to accomplish the same changes. Additionally, it looks like the water_highGain and water_sensor_1m contain Kethane assets.

Edited by Majiir
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For quick fix just Reuse One of the dishes from Vanilla Game instead of the Kethane scanner. Until someone makes a new model for you. Take you about 7 mins time to fix this issue.

You can also use Hexcans if there is issues with other assets.

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Redistribution or not, a violation of another users mod license still constitutes a forum rule violation. Which in 99 cases out of 10 can be avoided if you just have a chat with the developer of the mod your are utilizing before you post something.

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Kethane's great as a mod base structure. Anything that gets Kethane (the resource) away from a miracle substance is a benefit.

A shame that reusing the model for the detectors and tankage (even if they do need to be retextured for visual ID purposes) isn't possible. The scanner models and implementation were very slick.

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Speaking for myself, I'd rather not have to add yet another part to a ship just to get a new level of functionality out of Kethane. I recommend Stupid_Chris's solution, why not just post a ModuleManager .cfg so that we can add your new scanning module to the pre-existing Kethane scanning parts? This way I wouldn't have to decommission any scanning satellites I have out in various places in the Kerbolar system, they'll just be upgraded to scan for the new resources, kind of like how we send software updates to existing probes that are already on the way to or are already orbiting distant planets in our own Solar system. :) It would kind of suck if, every time a scientist had an idea of something they want to study, we then had to say something like "What, you want to study the Heliopause? Oh, well, Voyager 1 is junk now, might as well just shut it down and take 5 years to build and launch a new probe with the new instrument on it, and then wait another 30 years for it to get out there, then you'll be able to study the Heliopause." No, we just sent a software update out so that the already existing instruments can be used in a new way to gather data that they weren't originally designed to gather.

Anyway, I may be taking some artistic license with the previous example, but I think you get my point. In any event, if and when you do decide to take the time to create all new models for an all new part, I'll be doing one of two things anyway: If your parts are better-looking than the Kethane parts, I'll just add the Kethane detecting module to YOUR parts and use only yours. But if the opposite is the case, then I shall do the same thing in reverse, add YOUR new detection module to the Kethane parts. Makes no difference to me, but I think that it would probably be a heck of a lot easier for you to take the second option, just add your resource code to the Kethane parts via an MM file. Easy peasy. But that's just my opinion, worth what you paid for it.


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this is why i hate lisceses. i think it should be a rule in the ksp forums that your models and YOUR parts can be reused by other people, the only need being is they put your name in the credits. then we wont get in problems like this, and we will be able to make better mods without going through the lengthy, complex path that is getting permission. but thats just my 2 cents, so yeah.

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The problem with any mod using kethane for resource mining is that if youre gonna conform to the license you cant remove the kethane resource (one can ofcource use modulemanager to remove oxidizer from the kethane converters tho and add another resource that converts to oxidizer if thats allowed that is..:confused:) id suggest getting your own models asap and until then just use modulemanager to put the resources into the kethane parts or contact BahamutoD to ask for permission to use his drills that are nicer than the kethane drills imo. But there is an issue in the kethanedrillanimator class where it only allows gas emissions to work when you are mining kethane. Iwe made a quickfix for this but majiir seems unwilling to impliment it.

Id suggest using ors instead. Tho its much more incomplete and youll need to do a lot of the coding yourself to get similar functionality. But its open and you can change and add to it to your liking

Edited by landeTLS
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If more people use this [ORS] then hopefully we can all stop using Kethane.

ORS is analogous to the Kethane plugin API, and KSPI is analogous to Kethane itself. The issue with the upload in this thread stems from illicit use of Kethane art assets, not anything to do with the Kethane API. In other words, nothing in this thread that was disallowed by Kethane would be provided by ORS.

But there is an issue in the kethanedrillanimator class where it only allows gas emissions to work when you are mining kethane. Iwe made a quickfix for this but majiir seems unwilling to impliment it.

I've seen no pull requests of that nature. Feel free to make one.


whatever your personal feelings are: 4 Minutes. That's gotta be some kind of record, right?

Just to be clear: I did not request the link removal. However, stupid_chris did ask me to verify that the download contained infringing content before he removed the link.

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Firstly if the mod author wants the license restrictive even if its their own files which are changed and overwritten then they have every right to enforce that or to have it enforced by the moderators. My reply was to ensure I had this right. The author even kindly suggested ways around this for every violation so I can get this add on out there. Create my own scanners or use someone else's with permission and to use modmanager to make changes to the kethane generator - majiir even pointed out that overwriting existing files will cause comparability issues if anyone adds say ore to their converter it'll be lost when they install my add on - very valid point. I'm going to work on these and rerelease this with everything above board soon :)

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Is this mod compatible with the TacLifeSupport water resource or the KSPI water resource that is also mined from planets? Or is this yet a third "water" resource?

I certainly don't want yet another version of water to (excuse the pun) dilute the resource so I'll check with TAC to see what it uses as the name for water and go with but its either one or the other - I can't do both unless I provide conversions for both!

edit: I looked in to it - TAC uses Water and KSPI as far as I can make out uses LqdWater so mine *should* work with TAC - please please let me know, when I rereleased this, if it works as I wouldn't mind plugging this in to TAC - self-sustaining bases is what I'm aiming for! PS does TAC recycle the products or do you have to ship water from kerbin to refuel bases?

Many thanks I'll look in to it and see if I can get permission to use it. Its great to see the help in getting this add on conformed.

edit: The creator appears to have disappeared a couple of months and I can't find any licence agreements anywhere on using his part file so thats off the table at the moment. I'm looking in to some other avenues on developing this unless someone wants to have a go themselves?

Kethane's great as a mod base structure. Anything that gets Kethane (the resource) away from a miracle substance is a benefit.

A shame that reusing the model for the detectors and tankage (even if they do need to be retextured for visual ID purposes) isn't possible. The scanner models and implementation were very slick.

I did ask if they could release a range of detectors and scanners with different coloured trim (instead of the green) yellow, red, blue, brown etc for the API then people can use these to add resources as they wish and keep inside the license of the kethane mod overall but this was denied :( I can't answer for the motives behind that though. (I did retexture these for my own personal use which is within the license agreement and it does look awesome btw)

Speaking for myself, I'd rather not have to add yet another part to a ship just to get a new level of functionality out of Kethane. I recommend Stupid_Chris's solution, why not just post a ModuleManager .cfg so that we can add your new scanning module to the pre-existing Kethane scanning parts? *snip*

The original idea behind it was that the water scanner needed to be at a different maximum height but I just went with copying the values for kethane for testing and never got round to that. My thinking is that the satellite around mars detecting water couldn't for instance be software updated to detect say iron as far as I understand so I figured kethane and water are too different that you'll need an entire different scanner. Also I didn't think it was possible to add other resources to the same scanner but it might be possible and if so I can give instructions on how to do that rather than using extra hardware.

The problem with any mod using kethane for resource mining is that if youre gonna conform to the license you cant remove the kethane resource (one can ofcource use modulemanager to remove oxidizer from the kethane converters tho and add another resource that converts to oxidizer if thats allowed that is..:confused:) id suggest getting your own models asap and until then just use modulemanager to put the resources into the kethane parts or contact BahamutoD to ask for permission to use his drills that are nicer than the kethane drills imo. But there is an issue in the kethanedrillanimator class where it only allows gas emissions to work when you are mining kethane. Iwe made a quickfix for this but majiir seems unwilling to impliment it.

Id suggest using ors instead. Tho its much more incomplete and youll need to do a lot of the coding yourself to get similar functionality. But its open and you can change and add to it to your liking

The drills are safe. In their original form they will drill anything thats under them - they were pretty much untouched in this addon! - as far as other resource mods are concerned they are a great effort and probably have great merits (I know one that can extract from the air and liquid which is pretty cool) but kethane is as popular as facebook is compared to google+ and although googles effort is probably better facebook still wins. I will look in to helping out with some of these mods just to see if they have a chance!

Edited by psyper
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I didn't think it was possible to add other resources to the same scanner but it might be possible and if so I can give instructions on how to do that rather than using extra hardware.

This section of the API documentation should help. In the KethaneDetector module, there's a Resource{} node; just copy that (not the whole KethaneDetector) so there are two Resource{} nodes, each with its own resource name.

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