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What are you doing in KSP right now?


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I am currently in a career mode heavily modded with realism and parts mods.  I am currently Mun-testing a 3-Kerbal lander with sufficient TWR to land on Duna and return to orbit with all available science parts and enough LS for several days of surface time.  I do not have wheels unlocked yet, but my lander is designed so that I can attach one later at the bottom (TWR permitting). 

I plan to send a MPL along with extra fuel and some Station Science parts that will all be left in orbit of Duna (or maybe Ike, haven't decided.)  I also want to bring some satellites to establish a remote network and scansat scanning capabilities for future more permanent surface bases.

I'm going to bring a lot of equipment, but return only the essentials.

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  • 4 weeks later...

After finally getting another pc.. Oldish but servicable.. Im still finding 1.05 horrible in framerate when using docking ports on mass that trains require


I reverted back to 1.04 ..again

And got back to smooth framerate :)


Detriot twin engined 40 class locomotive 4018 made her successful trials with a local 3.1 car train..

.1 because the guardsvan has 2 wheels like a car trailer... A cheaty solution but a working one


What im working on is using kerbalkonstructs to plant stations and goods yards for ore trains


First major station is to be a single platform island with refueling capability in former bombo outpost 80km from KSC


Its to be named 4016 in honour of a sistertrain stranded there some time ago but lost in a save..


she never gave up despite missing 3 wheels..in the end it wasnt her fault she disapeared.  Had the save remained she would have limped back to KSC depot with pride


4018 under construction


Edited by Overland
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  • 7 months later...

My customary new version career mode game, in which I just learned that while a science container, tiny heat shield and parachute is a great way to return a boatload of science to the surface or Kerbin, it does not count towards "return a vessel from X orbit to the surface or Kerbin", at least if there's no probe core on board. :P

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An multi hour series of spacewalks.
Step one adding life support on the two systemliner crafts.
Top module on docket probe goes in cargo hold next module below heatshield who is moved out of way.
Repeat on other ship. 

Then the Mun and Minmus station upgrade who is simply docked at bottom. 
I like the new fairing nodes they are build for this sort of missions. 

Adding KAS and mechjeb on the tanker hardly counts. 

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I have to figure out how to communicate with all of my probes with tiny antennaes that I launched before the 1.2 new communications update and are en route to jool, eve, etc.  I wish I could just add the big antennaes to them now but I guess hindsight is 20-20.  I guess I will just have to launch a ton of relays but I already missed the launch windows and I dont want my probes to crash or miss their encounters if I can't get relays out in time.

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I'm about to send six kerbals to explore Mios, and also to begin the MEDUSA program (Munar Exploration, Discovery, and Unabridged Science Agglomeration). I'm currently working on Stheno 7 and 8 for MEDUSA. Stheno 7 is a huge crew transport, and Stheno 8 is a fuel tanker. Both will be launched SpaceX-style on a rocket SSTO, and once in Kerbin orbit they will be able to leave the Kerbin ascent vehicle and travel to/from Munar orbit. They will return to Kerbin with a combination of aerobraking and propulsive landing (probably). Although, for the start of the MEDUSA program, there is Stheno 1, which is an Orion-inspired transport for 6 kerbals. I also have most of the modules for the Euryale Space Station designed. First launches for the MEDUSA program will be Stheno 1 and 2, and several Euryale modules. They will all be launched later today.

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Restart in 1.2 is chugging along.

Mün and Minmus visited and exploration is underway.

The tourist industry has latched on the scientific exploration and provides much needed funds while rescue operations has added 19 willing kerbonauts to the roster for free.

The time has come to start building the basic communication network in preparation for "The Big Duna Project" that should be launched in 1 year and 58 days.

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29 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

I'm trying to figure out why this thread suddenly resurfaced, and trying to decide whether it should be merged with "What did you do today?" or vice versa.

I don't know why this thread has suddenly appeared, but I think the threads are different enough to stay separate. This thread is for short on-the-spot updates of what's going on right now. I'm typing this as a probe I'm sending to Mios is completing its transfer burn. The "What did you do in KSP today?" thread seems to me like more of a summary sort of thing. It's for going over what you've been doing in a fair amount of detail, for summarizing mission plans and explaining what's been done.

Example: my probe just finished its transfer burn; I'm going to make a post in the other thread to explain its mission.

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2 hours ago, eloquentJane said:

I don't know why this thread has suddenly appeared, but I think the threads are different enough to stay separate. This thread is for short on-the-spot updates of what's going on right now. I'm typing this as a probe I'm sending to Mios is completing its transfer burn. The "What did you do in KSP today?" thread seems to me like more of a summary sort of thing. It's for going over what you've been doing in a fair amount of detail, for summarizing mission plans and explaining what's been done.

Example: my probe just finished its transfer burn; I'm going to make a post in the other thread to explain its mission.

I agree If I'd have seen this when I was getting ready for my first full IVA mission I'd have come here and then and said prepping my first plane for an IVA only mission near KSC. Then I would have still posted what was essentially a mission log of the flight with pics and all on the other thread.

To stay on topic I'm prepping my first wave of Kerbin range comsats in 1.2 right now. So many mods to shrink the satellite and make it cool I can't decide which engine and tank combination would be best. I'm thinking of going for the small solar sat design with the 1650DV tank and engine setup with full tank 8.xTWR for the sat itself. Can't remember the name of the parts but the tank is a fenram 1200 something tank or something I'm waiting for the game to boot since it crashed again but its super small and compact folded and comes with a telemetry unit as well as 8 relay dishes and 16 solar panels and 800 EC. Did I mention I intend these to be almost all purpose for any local planetary system and be designed to be shipped out in bundles of 8-16 to a rocket so I can populate a planetary body with only one or two payloads and have a fully functioning local relay station when the colony ships arrive.

Oh I shall call them swarm sats. Pro tip when transferring to duna if you haven't sent your comsats the last cycle make sure your comsats are sent to duna at the closest time to the transfer window time itself than the rest of the fleet. This should ensure they show up first even if they are the last to make the transfer and give you a few days to put the payloads where they need to be before the fleet shows up.

Ok game loaded I'm going to document it and prep for the the upcoming transfer windows.


2 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

I'm trying to figure out why this thread suddenly resurfaced, and trying to decide whether it should be merged with "What did you do today?" or vice versa.

Is that really you? Love your content I was watching a 1.2 prerelease vid you did earlier today. I'm gonna be honest there isn't enough 1.2 content out there right now and I just finished the last one in your prerelease. Looking forward to more. Keep it up. I subbed to you a long time ago.

Edited by ThatHomelessGuy
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10 minutes ago, eddiew said:

Why do we have 2 identical threads?

As I mentioned in a previous comment here, I'm not sure they're quite identical. This one is for quick updates on what's going on right now, or brief descriptions of something that's currently being planned out, whereas "What did you do in KSP today?" is generally for more detailed mission reports (posts that are sort of styled like a thread in the Mission Reports section but do not necessarily have the same sort of need for continuity).

I can see why you would think they're identical, but personally I like the idea of having separate places for "this is the general idea of what I'm doing at the moment" and "this is a big detailed report on what I've been up to". It also seems that the other thread lends itself more to posts with a lot of images, whereas posts in this thread are briefer and with fewer images.

Example A: a post from earlier in this thread. Short brief update on what's going on, no images, very little detail. The post just serves to get the general idea across about what's going on.

On 1/20/2015 at 7:33 PM, Frozen_Heart said:

Planning a Mun infrastructure.

I have a pair of motherships that are going to be filled with equipment and sent across. Hopefully I can get a decent base going. Maybe even a Kethane mining facility for orbital refuel.

Example B: A post from the other thread. I embedded it because it's rather long, but I'm sure you see my point about the difference in amount of detail.


And yes, I know there are posts in both threads that don't really follow along with this idea, but for the most part it seems to hold. It also fits with the thread titles: this thread is titled with the implication of present tense, soliciting real-time updates about what's happening; the other thread title seems to imply that its purpose is for detailing what's already happened.

We'll have to see whether moderators decide to keep both threads open, merge this to the other, or simply close this one. But as far as maintaining both threads independently goes, I rest my case.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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