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Oculus rift was sold for facebook, what is going to happen?


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I thought about OR as the biggest advantage of PC-Gaming and strong Hardware. But as far as i know the targetgroup were computerfans (who spend lots of money on powerfull hardware) and most of them like their privacy, i cant think about any "group" of people who dislike Facebook more. Since most of them wont buy it anymore (who wants FB to know EVERYTHING you do on your PC) OR doenst have a future in High-End Hardware anymore. They have to make it cheaper (which will result in lower that possible resolution) and it will become a device for casual-player. But i think the remaining gap will be filled by someone else...

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Ads on the screen, the thing will probably track your eye movements to figure out which ads you respond to best, FB required...so yeah, sad to see an ambitious small start-up be gobbled up like that. Can't blame 'em though, $2b is a pretty insane sum given the relatively small market for VR.

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Consumer Version 1 is so close to release at this point I don't think even facebook could screw it up,* but in the long term to CV2 and the general VR ecosystem I'm sure there's plenty of room for facebook to ruin it, but if CV1 is successful then competitors will arise and become the Android to Oculus's iphone, and we won't have to worry so much because virtual reality as a field will have taken off.

* It's too late now, for example, to add eye tracking or anything that gives them useful personal information to CV1, and seriously, not even facebook would add mandatory obtrusive advertising to a piece of hardware, that would be like McDonalds literally adding potassium cyanide to their food

The deal was only for 2 billion, and of that 2 billion, 1.5 billion is extremely uncertain facebook shares. So 500 million in cash, which is a lot and more than oculus already had put together, is still not that much considering how good oculus looks, which leads some to think this low price indicates a very strong no-interfering clause in the buyout, which would be very good.

It still sounds like bad news but overall it's more uncertain than definite doom and gloom. KSP is in my top 5 list of games to play on the Oculus Rift, anyway, so I hope that still goes ahead.

Edited by comham
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I haven't got the slightest clue of what you all are discussing, but as far as ads are concerned, firefox and adblock plus are your friends.

Edit : ignore me. I thought you were discussing a facebook game.

Edited by Otis
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well, I'm not sure about the ads but you beyond certainty will require an FB account in order to access "exclusive" "features" (extremely basic things which you should've gotten for free anyways).... this may well range from going ad free to subscriptions.....

And fb being a private company for the most part, they might restrict the amount of people who can get a dev kit to larger companies by putting a larger price tag on it, this might dash any hopes of KSP getting oculus rift....

Just my thoughts....

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I do not understand this. Facebook is not a hardware dev. What advantage could they possibly gain from buying the rift? Its just a VR headset, not like google glass overlay VR

They have money, the money that occulus got via kickstarter is nothing compared to what facebook can do.

Also according to this post https://www.facebook.com/zuck/posts/10101319050523971?stream_ref=10 The immediate plans aren't changing.

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Maybe they want to diversify enough to become another Google (ie a big tech firm with its fingers in a lot of pies). Goodness knows there is a risk in being mainly involved in just being Facebook (which itself may become obsolete over time).

And Google is successful even though they do evil things now and then (especially privacy), we still end up loving Android, Chromecast, Google Maps, Google Earth etc.

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