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Collin Cutler

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Thing is, even the great Scott Manley can start KSP and have no idea what to do next, but what he often does is plan what do do ahead of time.

So before you start the game think on what you could do that would challenge yourself, be cool, or just be fun ahead of time, jot down a rough plan of action and be ready to make changes.

Maybe you'll decide on a Vall mountain retreat for your Kerbals, what will it need? How will you get it there? Will you scout for a landing site with probes first or will you do it live?

With a basic idea set down, you'll find it much easier to stay pumped :)

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I've been playing since .17, but the time to get really good at it. Know how much delta V it takes, and just the experience is verry time related. It takes a good couple hours to play or get something done. :)

Edited by Collin Cutler
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All it takes for me is to read or watch something about space. For instance all this SLS hype as of late got me to build a replica. And I completed Tom Hanks "From the Earth to the Moon" HBO series ( If you haven't seen this.. wtf are you doing? Get it now and watch it ) the other day which made me wanna start a rags to riches space program.

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Usually, I switch to special satellite (LKO, 100 km orbit, zero inclination, Mechjeb) right after loading to check transfer windows. If it happens soon (less than 20 days) - alright, let's go there. If not - alright, let's go to the Mun, or Minmus, or build a space station, or do something weird Danny-style...

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I try to collect all the science from every planet and moon now that the science center logs the data. I don't like when Von Kerman says we have no information on this.

Also taking screen shots of the Easter eggs is fun.

Then I have little to do.... So I wait for the next update.

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To me KSP is like Legos. You build something than take out in the world and play with it. like Legos, this is a game where you decide what your fun is.

I remember building a rocket out of Lego which would launch, stage, send a probe to Mars (complete with aeroshell) and land a probe on its surface.

Of course, this was a long time ago, and if I attempted a replica in KSP, it wouldn't even get off the ground :P

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I go mainly stock. Only other mod I use now is Hyperedit for editing movies.

Yes I agree with you that KSP gets boring if you've done something already. A good way to have fun is utilize the challenges thread more as a first suggestion :P. I think KSP could use more direction in future updates. That would solve the "creativity syndrome". I joined there was basically a moon to fly to, 2 engines, a fuel tank, a wing, a pod, and some SAS. a good learning environment, although once you've landed once there isn't... much... else to do...

This is where you are at from what I see (although you've exhausted all parts in KSP rather than 20). There needs to be a list of tasks to do rather than a science archive to fill out and they are adding a list in the next update! Makes me happy :)

To me KSP is like Legos. You build something than take out in the world and play with it. like Legos, this is a game where you decide what your fun is.

Again, well said :)

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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That happens to me when I spend too long on one project. For me struggling with building a SSTO is one thing that I get bored of. Other really long term projects like traversing Mun and building something that takes a lot of repetitive launches get boring for me too.

I'm planning to build an asteroid station when 0.23.5 comes out, so I hope it doesn't get boring because it's going to take a lot of launches.

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I've never had a problem coming up with ideas to try. I did a lot before I ever heard of Manley or any other You Tubers out there. I do watch some of them for fun. I also find tutorials useful, even if I already think I know how to do something. :)

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For me it is just On and Off ...

I have phases when I play it intensively, then I don´t touch it for a while only to take it out again.

At the moment, for example, I just wait for the ARM-Update, which will be the time when I start a new space program from the ground up again.

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I try to build weird stuff and do things with it later. I built an RTG Rod, attached a docking port, and maybe later I'll try to land it on Minmus. I've made helicopters with Firespitter parts and flown around Kerbin, I build planes and try to land 'em, and I've made solar powered Ion gliders.

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