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ARM Pack [0.23.5] Mod Compatibility Thread


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I've only had a little time to test, but all of my mods seem to be working fine: TAC Life Support, TAC Fuel Balancer, TAC Part Lister, TAC Atomic Clock, TAC Self Destruct. Links are in my sig. (Not the Smaller SAS Parts. That was abandoned.)

There is one caveat for TAC Life Support: be careful using time warp in the Space Center and Tracking Station scenes. There is no Monitoring Window to alert you that a ship is running low on supplies and it will not stop time warp when supplies become low or run out.

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Novapunch is fine; the 3.75m parts all play nicely together, and the NP engines are actually a little more "hardcore" than the new stock ones, tuning wise, while the tanks should be completely interchangeable.

Tiberdyne Shuttle System should be working as well as it was in 0.23.0 - and the joint tweaks should benefit both mods rather nicely, so more stability ftw.

Except small updates for both to fix any nagging issues at some point in the short term (hopefully)

(edit: links in my signature below)

Edited by Tiberion
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I made a backup of my career mode save and played around in it for about an hour and didn't notice any issues with the mods I have installed (I'm only listing the ones not already mentioned as working on the first post):

Deadly Reentry Continued

Ferram Aerospace Research

TAC Fuel Balancer

Editor Extensions

Vessel Orbital Information Display (VOID)

Remote Tech 2 is listed as not working, but I didn't have any problems with it.

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SDHI Service Module System confirmed compatible with 0.23.5 ARM update.

However, using the SMS with the stock/NASA Kerbodyne LES during pad aborts will result in very rough landings, as the Kerbodyne LES can't lift the pod high enough (first stage aborts are okay).

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