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[WIP] Aerojet Kerbodyne (Released Service Module Pack)

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Proud to announce a wicked model here: Kerbodyne KR-1

This is officially my 6th model made. I've put a lot of effort in it (One whole day). How check it out :D





So.... How the hell do you make emissives? I had the animation made, it animates in unity but when I export it and name it in the config, it doesn't animate heat... why?

How do I change the small spinny thingy in the VAB when you hover (even not) so that it will have no fairings in that model?

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  blackheart612 said:
Proud to announce a wicked model here: Kerbodyne KR-1

This is officially my 6th model made. I've put a lot of effort in it (One whole day). How check it out :D





So.... How the hell do you make emissives? I had the animation made, it animates in unity but when I export it and name it in the config, it doesn't animate heat... why?

What version of unity are you using? I'm not sure if it's true or not but I think that for some reason the latest version of unity doesn't export animations into KSP properly... I downloaded an older version to be safe when I started doing animated parts. I'll try to find where I saw it mentioned.

How do I change the small spinny thingy in the VAB when you hover (even not) so that it will have no fairings in that model?

You have to tag the fairing as... "icon_hidden"

Hope that helps. Also great job! You work so dang fast, I don't know how you do it.:confused:

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  DasBananenbrot said:
Looks good (and I am totally not biased haha :D) This is supposed to be a remodel of the Mainsail, if I understood it right..?

Hmmm, depends. Do you think it should be? I mean it has the KR-1 on the side already :P

  Orionkermin said:
Hope that helps. Also great job! You work so dang fast, I don't know how you do it.:confused:

Does Unity 4.3.4 export properly? Maybe that's the reason why I also can't export HotRockets! particles? Oh god....

I haven't opened anything yet, where do I tag fairing as icon_hidden? Unity?

Fast? How so? :P

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  blackheart612 said:
Hmmm, depends. Do you think it should be? I mean it has the KR-1 on the side already :P

Does Unity 4.3.4 export properly? Maybe that's the reason why I also can't export HotRockets! particles? Oh god....

I haven't opened anything yet, where do I tag fairing as icon_hidden? Unity?

Fast? How so? :P

I'm using Unity 4.2.2, but I cant seem to find the tutorial/thread I read the information about needing to use an older version. So yea... Sorry><

For setting tags it's in the unity inspector under the transform name. You'll have to create the tag first, but that's pretty easy to figure out.

Well you pump out great quality stuff every day or so. And your beginner models look about the same quality if not better than I can do. That's fast in my book. :D

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  Orionkermin said:
I'm using Unity 4.2.2, but I cant seem to find the tutorial/thread I read the information about needing to use an older version. So yea... Sorry><

For setting tags it's in the unity inspector under the transform name. You'll have to create the tag first, but that's pretty easy to figure out.

Well you pump out great quality stuff every day or so. And your beginner models look about the same quality if not better than I can do. That's fast in my book. :D

Hmm. I dunno about that. But I think you are really doing great. I even have no idea how to make IVAs. I haven't ventured to it yet. Also, don't sweat it. Any help is already a help. I'll check that out soon. Making the tank at the moment, not messed around with autoshrouds yet, making it have 2 autoshrouds. That's possible, right?

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  Space_Kraken said:
Looks absolutely beautiful, can't wait to download it. We are already severely in need of more 3.75M parts, particularly smaller engines.

You talking about KR-1? It might look so powerful but it's 2.5m. But I aint I cant make 3.75m parts. hehe.

  Orionkermin said:
Autoshrouds like multiple fairings on single part? Yea should be fine, can't remember if I've ever added more than two fairings to a single part before though. They'll each have to use a different stack node.

Hmmm, We'll see about that when I import this. :) You're extremely helpful.

  DasBananenbrot said:
No I don't mean anything this was more a subtle question what the role of the KR-1 us supposed to be :D you said something of a mainsail remodel earlier so that's why I mentioned that.

Yeah, it is supposed to be. I had a "Squad Re-model Project" in mind earlier. I was pondering if I should make one or not. And I thought.... nah, I won't be able to work with all these mods in hand. *laugh*

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Everything went better than expected. Take a look.


Multi-Purpose tank, baby. -Part Clutter +Design -Part Count +Uses.

I made this because I have been thinking about that upper stage. If I made that circular, it wouldn't be used much. If I made that as it would be on the Orion (rounded bottom, covered top) it wouldn't be usable enough for other rockets, just for the Orion. So I made this. Ta-da! Kerbodyne S2 24000 tank... or 2400..... I forgot. I'm just an engineer!


It has fairings so it would be covered when you need to!

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Yep. KR-1 is a first stage rocket engine, similar to the Rocketdyne F-1 and Rockomax Mainsail. It has similarities.... very close similarities.

HG10 is for the standard solo flight SPS when you need to push things maybe?

LV-900 is a more LV-909 inclined engine which more or less performs the same (actually more efficient but less thrust).

Thanks, acc, you too. :)

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Hmm, do I post so much pics? Should I just word my updates?

Just tell me.

Here is the new pic of the XSM (Extended Service Module) Achieved by the Kerbodyne Service Module Extender Truss. Based off its cousin, SumDumHI's 2.5m Service Module Adapter




What do you guys think of the upper tank? Is it alright? Or too long? Just tell me, Ill change it.


No fairings as of yet.... PERFECT!


Edited by blackheart612
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I think I might resize the upper tank though, then I make HG10-B. I handed some of the models to Woopert, I'll post him up when he's done. I'm also taking some of his work for texturing and importing. He will be doing configs. After the whole set of Service Module Extension of SDHI, I will release it (I still need to do the fairings. Though I would still continue developing by making the works of Kerbodyne. KR-1 won't be in the pack. Makes me think... if I make jet engines, I can make them B&W Kerbodyne because of me and Woopert. lol GG

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Here is the new RCS Thrusters, Kerbodyne AKS-74-U (If you know that name, tell me. hehehe) Well, It's Aerojet Kerbodyne after all. :P


Please don't hammer me with the accuracy shenanigans, these aren't meant to be replicas, just based off them. Now we can do that space dance.

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