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[1.2.1] Taurus HCV - 3.75 m CSM System [v1.5.3 - July 1, 2014]


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Was the bug with USI-LS fixed? Or was that found to be on USI-LS' side?

The bug where the capsule engines would auto activate on launch.

From a few pages back:

It's reported already, and I remember RoverDude acknowledging it ages ago, but he seems kinda busy with MKS right now. It's definitely triggered by USI's presence. BDAnimation etc unrelated.


So, I made a silly experiment. I'm too lazy/sleepy/something to actually properly code, but I did peek into sources, and noticed ModuleLifeSupport inherits from BaseConverter. I'm too lazy/sleepy/something to actually check, I just assumed that the stock ModuleResourceConverter also inherits from it. So, after checking that removing the file "fixes" the bug, I did this, removed USI-LS completely, and sure enough, bug's back.

So, good news everyone! It's a stock bug!

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The Large Hitchiker/3 Kerbal lab modules are not appearing in my game. Is there a support mod or something that I need? Help please.

Other than that, great work on this mod.:)

Edited by Kuansenhama
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I made an unofficial CTT patch for this mod which, among other things, moves the pod to Heavy Command Modules. Click here to get it.

How is this installed? Do I drop this into the CommunityTechTree/Tree folder?


Edit: Figured it out by looking @ the manual for CTT. :)

Edited by Xyster
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The OP mentions an alternate config to remove the LES from the Taurus capsule, but I'm not seeing it anywhere in the unzipped folder. I don't mind manually removing the relevant bits of the cfg (it's what I've always done) but if this alt config removes the visual aspects of the LES from the capsule, I'd very much like to know where it's hiding.

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This is one of my must have mods.

It looks great and helps reduce the part count on my old beast of a compute.

What I'd really like to see some time in the future would be a version of the CSM which had a 2.5m docking port.

I'd try it myself, but it'll take me 100 years to skill up. ;)

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This is one of my must have mods.

It looks great and helps reduce the part count on my old beast of a compute.

What I'd really like to see some time in the future would be a version of the CSM which had a 2.5m docking port.

I'd try it myself, but it'll take me 100 years to skill up. ;)

NEAR Future has a 3.75m - 2.5m capsule that holds 6.

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I'm trying those settings for the science lab, for me seems better balanced vs stock

name = ModuleScienceLab

containerModuleIndex = 0
dataStorage = 1500
dataTransmissionBoost = 1.75
crewsRequired = 1
canResetConnectedModules = True
canResetNearbyModules = True
interactionRange = 5
SurfaceBonus = .15
ContextBonus = .35
homeworldMultiplier = .15

name = ElectricCharge
amount = 12.5

name = ModuleScienceConverter
scientistBonus = 0.3 //Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x
researchTime = 7 //Larger = slower. Exponential!
scienceMultiplier = 5 //How much science does data turn into?
scienceCap = 1500 //How much science can we store before having to transmit?
powerRequirement = 6 //EC/Sec to research
ConverterName = Research
StartActionName = Start Research
StopActionName = Stop Research

SpeedUp enought the research without breaking the gameplay

Thanks again for this great mod



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  • 3 weeks later...

Been slow in here, but I'd like to reiterate my previous request. If there's a model for the HCV that doesn't feature the LES engines at all, I'd love to get a hold of it. The way I used to disable the engine module but leave the animation module now induces a bug with the part. So if I don't want the LES, I've got to delete all relevant bits of the cfg and be left with a pod that always has the engine flaps deployed.

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Been slow in here, but I'd like to reiterate my previous request. If there's a model for the HCV that doesn't feature the LES engines at all, I'd love to get a hold of it. The way I used to disable the engine module but leave the animation module now induces a bug with the part. So if I don't want the LES, I've got to delete all relevant bits of the cfg and be left with a pod that always has the engine flaps deployed.

We have no plans to make an additional model without the LES at this time.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not sure if this has been reported yet, but on return from EVA I cannot grab [f] or board [g] the Taurus capsule when near the hatch.

I don't even get the contextual menu/prompt to press said buttons.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes - we plan on an update for at least 1.1, hopefully featuring new content and some fixes/changes, and potentially a small patch for 1.0.5 depending on how much content we can finish and polish. We aim to add a few more parts to complete the full 3.75m set, then go back and find places where we can combine part models/textures and do a total conversion where we clean up everything and convert to .dds textures to reduce the RAM overhead.

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Parts like...?

ISRU converter, an adapter for 2.5m parts, some structural parts, and maybe some extra heavy landing legs. Don't expect any of this though - that's what I want to see eventually, but both jnrobinson and I have been busy, so you may not see all of those soon (or ever).

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I want add 2 mm_patch for who is interested

Add Workshop ability at science lab


name = OseModuleWorkshop
ConversionRate = 1.0 // How much of a parts mass needs to be processed until it is done
ProductivityFactor = 0.1 // How much units of the resource a processed per second
UpkeepResource = ElectricCharge // This resource will be consumed 1 per second during processing
InputResource = MaterialKits // This resource will be used to process the items
MinimumCrew = 2 // Amount of Kerbals needed for the Workshop to work
MaxPartVolume = 3000.0
Animate = false

name = MaterialKits
amount = 300
maxAmount = 300
isTweakable = true

name = OseModuleWorkshop
ConversionRate = 1.0 // How much of a parts mass needs to be processed until it is done
ProductivityFactor = 0.3 // How much units of the resource a processed per second
UpkeepResource = ElectricCharge // This resource will be consumed 1 per second during processing
InputResource = RocketParts // This resource will be used to process the items
MinimumCrew = 2 // Amount of Kerbals needed for the Workshop to work
MaxPartVolume = 3000.0
Animate = false
name = RocketParts
amount = 300
maxAmount = 300
isTweakable = true

KIS storage for science lab bays

!MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric,bayDoors] {}

name = ModuleKISInventory
maxVolume = 5000
externalAccess = true
internalAccess = true
slotsX = 12
slotsY = 8
slotSize = 50
itemIconResolution = 128
selfIconResolution = 128
openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen
closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose
defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove

Other balancing for the science lab can be improve science storage and reduce researchtime, improve research time with stock feelings

name = ModuleScienceLab

containerModuleIndex = 0
dataStorage = 1500
dataTransmissionBoost = 1.75
crewsRequired = 1
canResetConnectedModules = True
canResetNearbyModules = True
interactionRange = 5
SurfaceBonus = .15
ContextBonus = .35
homeworldMultiplier = .15

name = ElectricCharge
amount = 12.5

name = ModuleScienceConverter
scientistBonus = 0.3 //Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x
researchTime = 7 //Larger = slower. Exponential!
scienceMultiplier = 5 //How much science does data turn into?
scienceCap = 1500 //How much science can we store before having to transmit?
powerRequirement = 6 //EC/Sec to research
ConverterName = Research
StartActionName = Start Research
StopActionName = Stop Research



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  • 4 weeks later...

On second thought, maybe not. I think it's Baha. But everytime I use the capsule it makes on side of it go black then when I try to leave, it either freezes or it crashes. And I have 64bit hack on my game and I checked the amount of memory I was using when I forcibly tried to make it crash. And it's almost nothing

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On second thought, maybe not. I think it's Baha. But everytime I use the capsule it makes on side of it go black then when I try to leave, it either freezes or it crashes. And I have 64bit hack on my game and I checked the amount of memory I was using when I forcibly tried to make it crash. And it's almost nothing

We'll look into it! Thanks for the report.

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