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Devnote Wednesday: The "Better Late Than Never" Edition


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<p><span><img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/0ff9377afa68dc3ad3fe6844aaf1bd38/tumblr_inline_n3sf8kbHj11rr2wit.jpg"/></span></p>

<p><strong>Felipe (HarvesteR)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> Took some time to regroup and get everything back in order after the mad crunch we went through to deliver the <em>ARM</em> patch. I’m very glad to see how well it was received, it was mad, but it was definitely worth it. This week now I’m going through everything else that was pending or on hold during these last few weeks, going through the Contracts implementation with Mike and Jim for 0.24, helping out with the stats tracking system Alex is putting together, fixing some straggler bugs from the <em>ARM</em> patch that came up… Generally making sure everything’s on track after such a long marathon of an update. 0.24 is coming along nicely, and I’m very pleased at how the Contracts system is turning up. </span></p>

<p><strong>Alex (aLeXmOrA): </strong><span>Last week was the <em>ARM</em> Patch release, so I set everything in the KSP website for users to download the update and monitored the servers. We ran into some build server issues in the process and a problem with the downloads that kept me busy a little while, but everything worked fine after all. Now, after a day of discussion with Felipe, I’m setting the in-game stats page in our website (again, just for internal use).</span></p>

<p><strong>Mike (Mu):</strong><span> *I’ve completely rewritten the contracts systems! The new version gives much more flexibility, moddability and a wider variety of interesting contracts. Plus the various manufacturing agencies have much more of an influence in how contracts are generated.</span></p>

<p><strong>Marco (Samsonart): </strong><span>Fixing a few bugs that surfaced from the release and doing lots of tech support, it always gets like that the week after a new patch.</span></p>

<p><strong>Daniel (danRosas)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> Polishing animation. Yep, you read right I’m already polishing a new animation and bouncing back and forth the kerbal dialogue with our sound designer Edu. Also, render is coming. *</span></p>

<p><strong>Miguel (Maxmaps): </strong><span>Helped organize everything related to the <em>ARM </em>release, then took over some extra duties while Calisker and Rowsdower got some well earned rest. Now it’s back to work on 0.24!</span><span></span></p>

<p><strong>Bob (Calisker): </strong><span>Spent some time away after <em>ARM</em> released and am now working on follow up from some meetings at GDC. Also trying to make sure I’m caught up with where we’re at for 0.24. Also, trying to play some </span><em>KSP</em><span>, and hopefully, accomplish a few things in Career Mode. </span></p>

<p><strong>Ted (Ted): </strong><span>I’ve been working with the QA team on the Tutorials branch, with it looking pretty polished at this point. Additionally, I’ve been keeping a very close eye on the public bug tracker, evaluating and trying to narrow down some of them. Thanks for the bug reports, by the way, they’re a massive help.</span></p>

<p><span><strong>Anthony (Rowsdower):</strong> Getting back into the swing of things after a brief break, post-<em>ARM</em>. It’s a fast paced game of catch up.<br/></span></p>

<p><strong>Eduardo (Lalo):</strong><span> Revision of the complete plan and launching dates</span></p>

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Nope - if they are REwriting stuff, then that means days (or weeks) before it goes for internal testing, and then days (or weeks) before it goes for volunteer testing, and then days (or maybe even weeks - you get the idea) before it is stable enough to be released.

Anyway - you asked, so it's been put back a week. Never, ever ask!

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the various manufacturing agencies have much more of an influence in how contracts are generated.

This intrigues me far more than it should. Here are my totally unsubstantiated thoughts.

Rockomax: "Until you get to Jool and back with a Skipper, we won't give you a Mainsail"

Kerbodyne: "We think we can cut the dry mass of our fuel tanks 10%, but we need to see how they perform on the surface of Eve first."

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Guys, can we get the flag decals turned off by default? Pretty pleaaaaaaase?

I know, old saves have ships littered with flags, and even with new ships, you only want like 1-3 flags on your rocket. So it would take a lot less clicks if they are off in the first place.:P

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Don't worry, guys! Late devnotes are always a good sign that there's a lotta progress going on! We're glad to hear the ARM has worked out OK for you, and hope that you guys can find some good time to play for yourselves! Simply awesome, gentlemen. Keep it up!

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Great to hear about the contracts system, no rush. One question, will 0.24 break saves? :)

Plan for it to, then if it doesn't you got lucky. By the way

Daniel (danRosas): Polishing animation. Yep, you read right I’m already polishing a new animation and bouncing back and forth the kerbal dialogue with our sound designer Edu. Also, render is coming. *
I see what you did there!
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Glad to hear that the contract system seems to be pretty balanced. Can we maybe hear some details about it?

You probably won't get much in the way of details until the .24 build as a whole is mostly signed off. Like, imagine if Squad had published an early preview last week, and then this week they announce a total rewrite of it? There's no real point to provide details on something that may not even exist in this form in the final version. It only confuses people and ensures that everyone has completely false expectations.

Is that ... a good thing?

For Squad, yes. For the poor guy, it's basically the same as saying "I got stuck doing administrative paperwork while everyone else is making a videogame" :P

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I have to say, I love how squad keeps in constant contact with its player base. The frequent forum posts are just great, you guys are doing an excellent job. Loved the ARM patch and I'm looking forward to the 0.24 update.

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