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Project Odyssey: adventures getting home from an alternate dimension


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Well, some sort of docking would be the obvious choice. People could still launch it attached, more 'advanced' Players could attach it on location.

AdaptiveDockingNode adds a good way to make active/passive docking ports, so it would allow only one way to attach it. I guess to keep it realistic a Mars Mission based on modules as depicted would be launched somehow like depicted in

and assembled on location.

Further thought: the Boxes in the base could be made attachment points for KAS and KIS containers


When I wrote 'construction' above I meant assembly, not EPLP

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The litmus test for all mods should be whether they can stand on their own in Stock with no other mods installed (not even MM). You only get Stock and what you included in your mod's download. That's my 34 years of industry game development talking. Not every mod has DONE this, but they probably SHOULD except in extreme examples such as a mod that was specifically designed to be a mod of a mod.

Our version is going to be attached in the VAB unless I were to write my own plugin for it or come up with a way to make Stock handle it, which I highly doubt. Writing a plugin is overkill because part of what it means to be Kerbal is to launch things in an unrealistic way.


You're more than welcome to augment the mod after it's released with CFGs or whatever it takes to make it work with other mods that not everyone uses. Even though it will be surface attachable, nothing will be preventing you from ignoring that fact and waiting until orbit, or in situ, for the rack's deployment.

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After installing all the basic mods for Genesis and checking that they work, I started diging into configs and I have two questions.

1st: Before some MODULEs instead of having @MODULE you have %MODULE. What is the difference?

2nd: At some title changes you wright @title ^= FIX ME. What does the ^ mean?

About the square root function I don't know what to say. English is not my native language so I didn't understand what it was. And we learned it at school like 2 years ago.:rolleyes:

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First, I think I missed a link again.

Second, I'm not going to miss a link this time! Here's #46:

Third, regarding Genesis files:

@ means "at this module, if it exists, do this"

% means "make sure this module exists, then do this"

^= means "replace part of this string with this other string"

and square root approximation is...

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still just the one bacon-and-dogs-hater

If you're worried the kitten-baconater-hater is lonely I could always go dislike the vid with one of my alternate accounts.... It'd nullify the like I just gave it from my main account though.

(Actually looks to be a second dislike now. :( And no, that wasn't me. Sometimes I wonder if the majority of dislikes on YouTube are bots - I already know many of the Likes and +1s in the GoogleVerse are. Once a post or video gets over a certain threshold the bots go to town on it.)

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It's one of my most well-received videos overall, ever. I always get a few dislikes. I doubt they are bots. I have this theory it's people who came looking for something else, didn't find it, and disliked as a result. For example, even if you're a FAN of me, what if you're a fan of Alexandria, and you hate interludes. What if you skip the interludes when you watch Odyssey, because you want to see me make things and fly things. Maybe you hate the squeaky voices. In any case, whatever the reason, if you're that person, you HATE an episode where it's nothing but interludes. I'm ok with that. Usually for every 100 intense fans there's someone who really doesn't like that same thing at all. It's expected.

Edited by Felbourn
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I got the spotlight for this week's "Wednesday Video Highlight" on their Facebook.


I noticed because my view count, comments, and like/dislike count spiked. This usually means I've been featured somewhere, like a popular web site or on Twitter. Their Facebook page seems to be the best source of views in my experience.

Edited by Felbourn
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I got the spotlight for this week's "Wednesday Video Highlight" on their Facebook.


I noticed because my view count, comments, and like/dislike count spiked. This usually means I've been featured somewhere, like a popular web site or on Twitter. Their Facebook page seems to be the best source of views in my experience.

Because you deserved it for this awesome piece of work.

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Episode 47 will be the second half of the cartoon/cinematic/interlude episode. I have 20 minutes 100% complete. I have 6 more minutes 75% complete. I have a complete script, and all the sets built that I will need. I estimate it'll come in at 40 minutes total, give or take. That leaves 14 minutes at 0% complete. It takes 1-2 hours to make 1 minute of video, so I figure I have roughly 24 hours of work ahead to finish this episode.

This coming Monday is a special one-off episode. Call it my 10k sub special if you like, though I have no plans to release anything that is ever specifically called a 10k sub special. The week after that would be Odyssey 47 if I can spend 24 hours on it between now and then.

I just finished a USI-MKS new mini-series episode #1 just in case I need more time. I have no #2 of the USI series yet, but I'll make one if I think I need more time. They are far easier to make than cinematics. Finishing E46-47 has turned out to be a lot of "not really playing KSP" repetitive work (film small segment of Kerbals, convert AVI to MP4 due to new Windows 10 issue with my editor, import into editor, clip to make it fit some dialogue, rinse and repeat). I usually don't do many hours of it before I go actually play KSP in some way or another anymore.

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Good news, I think I "caught the bug" to work on this again. I'll do some tonight and see how far I get. If it's not done by Monday then I have the backup plan, the USI-MKS episode #1 I talked about above, that I can show instead.

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Good news, I think I "caught the bug" to work on this again. I'll do some tonight and see how far I get. If it's not done by Monday then I have the backup plan, the USI-MKS episode #1 I talked about above, that I can show instead.

Honestly Bob if you get bored.....seriously I think it would be great timing in terms of views and it would most likely be great fun for you and us all if you did A Martian series.

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@Kerb: yea Alex and I are in pretty frequent communication about the welder. I also have a fork of the code and have made local modifications for personal use.

@sp: my concern about The Martian now is that the movie will be out before I'd be done. I wanted to be able to finish it before it was out, otherwise I'm just another "hey I'll do the movie" rather than "hey I'll do the book" guy. Also everyone will already know the story, but not everyone has read it. Everyone will see the movie though.

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