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The Cabana Corporation News Network 2.0: (Re-)Direct-X [22/04/14][Now with Modlist]


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I've been planning this for a long while, ever since the first iteration of the C-CNN (I'll probably never use that acronym again), and with the advent of 0.23.5, this seems like a decent enough time to do a reboot.

So, what's the Cabana Corporation News Network? Well, put simply- it's my go at a documented "playthrough" without all the hustle and bustle of making videos and making you all listen to my weird voice. Instead- a journal, of sorts, with various mission reports, a lot (and I do mean A LOT) of pictures and a fair amount of roleplay.

Now, since I sorta "manage" a "mod" (using the term loosely), which is the basis of the Cabana Corporation, I'll say these things:

1. This isn't the place for news or questions regarding said mod; and

2. (Immediately breaking the aforementioned.) Thanks to DMagic Orbital Science

[*]DaMichels' Tanks

[*]Enchanced Navball

[*]Environmental Visual Enhancements

[*]ExsurgentEngineering- This is a direct link to the latest version of the plugin. Save that in GameData\ExsurgentEngineering\Plugins.

[*]FASA Towers- This is a link to the entire FASA pack, there's another link down the thread for only the launch towers and clamps.


[*]Firespitter- I don't really use most of the parts in this, but the plugin is a requirement if you're running mods these days...

[*]FusTek Station Parts- I would also recommend getting the FusTek/KSO Retexture Pack. If you fancy a lot of button-clicking, here's how to get the retextures to work and keep the originals. It works only part-way but, as I've explained, that's a limitation on the Firespitter module.

NOTE: If you plan on using the switcher config (FusTek_Stuff), go into it and delete the first MODULE under @PART[FusTekResuplyModule] as it's included in the "all-mighty" config.

[*]Goodspeed Pack- I've stripped this down to only the fuel tanks.

[*]HGR R&D

[*]Ion/Hybrid Pack- Stripped fown to only the batteries and Xenon tanks.

[*]JSI RasterProp Monitors

[*]K3|Chris' B9 IVAs


[*]Kerbal Aircraft Expansion- Mainly for the larger gear assemblies.

[*]Procedural Fairings




[*]Kommitz's FTmN pack


[*]KW Rocketry

[*]Lionhead Aerospace Circular Solar Panels.

[*]Lack Lustre's Labs- I also use his SXT pack.


[*]MechJeb 2.2- I use it mostly to calculate precise manoeuvres. Some of the dockings I do are also automated (because I really cannot be bothered sometimes). I also use its' Smart SAS on ascent for precise attitude control. But most of all- its' readouts are what I get the most use out of.

[*]Talisar's Spherical Fuel Tanks

[*]Docking Port Alignment Indicator- Pretty much a requirement if you're planning on not relying on MJ for your dockings.

[*]Near Future Propulsion

[*]Final Frontier

[*]Universal Storage- If you want, you can make this compatible with TAC by following this post and converting TAC into liters. Otherwise, expect shenanigans when using TAC and US together on the same vessels...

[*]Nothke's Service Compartments

[*]NovaPunch2- I've stripped this down to it's bare bones. I've kept the new command pod (Freyja), the engines (along with fuel tanks, though I rarely use either) and the radial RCS tanks.

[*]Open Resource System

[*]Panda Jager Labs Pack

[*]PorkWorks Habitat Pack

[*]Procedural Wings

[*]Procedural Parts



[*]Romfarer's Lazor System


[*]Sumghai's SDHI Service Module System

[*]Mk2 Cockpit Internals

[*]Smoke Screen

[*]Porkjet's Spaceplane Plus



[*]Trigger's Kerbal Alarm Clock

[*]Trigger's Alternative Resource Panel


[*]Vanguard EVA parachutes

[*]KSP Interstellar

[*]Module Manager- Currently I'm using 1.5.7 as Module Manager 2 seems to break a lot of configs that depend on previous versions.

[*]Module Fixer- fixes expanding parts in the VAB catalog.

[*]Load on Demand

[*]Magic Smoke Industries/Infernal Robotics- Finally works for 0.23.5!

-------Kerbal Clock:-------

As of: 22/04/20014, 23:45PM BST(GMT+1)

Kerbal Time: Year 1, Day 53, 5h, 20m

-------Major Projects:-------

"Horizont" Space Station- A successor to the "New Horizons" Space Station, Cabana Corp's main station in Kerbin orbit. The project is aimed at constructing and providing for an environment where Kerbals can study the effects of SPACE! on SCIENCE!. The construction of the Space Station, shortened to "Station", is supported by all divisions of the Cabana Corporation Research and Development Department, as well as all space-launch programs under its' name. The Station will be mainly maintained via the various Space-Launch Systems and the Orbital Supply Shuttle but will also oversee testing of the Cabana Corp. Single-Stage To Orbit vehicle(s).

Note: Although plenty of similarities, this is not strictly intended as an ISS replica. It is simply inspired by the ISS.

"Ascension" Orbital Assembly & Experiment Complex- A secondary installation in Kerbin orbit intended as a mid-station and construction site for interstellar craft. It's construction will begin once the "Station" ("Horizont") is at full or near-full completion. Construction is scheduled to begin one Kerbal year from now.

(Re-)Direct-X- With the discovery that there are a lot of very, very large rocky objects hurling through SPACE! and possibly trying to hit Kerbin, the Cabana Corporation has secured resources for a planned "Asteroid Capture Mission". "Stage I" of the project would be to send an unmanned satellite to interact with an object of sufficient mass, allowing Cabana Corp. Scientists to determine whether the next stage is viable and if so, what would be the best course of action. "Stage II" of this project would be to send a manned mission with the intent of tethering a temporary Observation Laboratory, allowing for the further study of these very, very large rocky objects. Upon the success of Stage-II, "Stage-III" would involve the capture and later the construction of a station around the asteroid providing for both further study of the object and insight into larger-scale interplanetary missions.

-------Launch System Key:-------

  • Rocket Families:
    • Zaryad: Designation "Z". One of the two main launch systems. Utilised mostly for launches of satellites bound to the Kerbin SOI, station modules and supply missions, as well as CTV launches.
      • Krupnyy: Designation "K". The "Heavy"/"Large" variant. Mostly used for station construction launches.
      • Servis: Designation "S". A medium, "Service" variant. Utilised mainly as a launching system for the "Balto"-TMA CTV and unmanned supply ships of the same design.
      • Trans: Designation "T". A separate model built for the launch of geostationary-and-beyond satellites. Deemed unsuitable for use as a launch system for manned missions.

      [*]Space Launch System: Designation "SLS". The second major rocket family. Intended for Near-Kerbin missions (Mun, Minmus and Duna, as well as possible captured asteroids).

      • Fregat: Designation "F". The heaviest model of the SLS family, intended for both unmanned and manned interplanetary launches.
      • Mun: Designation "M". SLS model specifically designed with munar missions in mind.
      • Duna: Designation "D". Similar to the "M" model, this Space Launch System is designed with the specific purpose of facilitating manned missions to Duna.
      • Excelsior: Designation "X". A specialised Space Launch System derived from the "Fregat" configuration for use in large-scale manned launches to objects in a High (mast Minmus) Kerbin Orbit.


    • "Orca"-derived:
      • Orbital Supply/Service Shuttle: Designation "OSS". The main shuttle model currently in use. Used primarily in station construction and deployment of medium-scale LKO satellites.


      • Orbital Crew Transport Shuttle: Designation "OCTS". A smaller shuttle vehicle intended for both small-scale crew transfer to/fro orbital installations and deployment of smaller LKO satellites.

    [*]Supporting Rockets:

    • I/P Module: Designation "I/P-M". An Instrument and Propulsion Module derived from the outdated "Bell"-TMA vehicles. Refitted with newer hardware and capable of self-guidance, it's mostly used as an "internal"/upper stage for larger, rocket-launched, Kerbin-bound satellites. Intended as a reusable or semi-reusable craft.
    • "Centaur" Upper Rocket Stage: Designation "C-URS". Similar to the I/P Module, it's intended for use as an "internal" or upper stage of High-Orbit or interstellar probes and satellites. Unlike the "I/P" Module, reusability is not foreseen and the stage, while having a separate guidance computer, is not capable of self-guidance.


-------"Horizont" Space Station-------

Time In Orbit: 27 Days 0 Hours

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[table=width: 900, class: grid, align: center]


[td]Expedition History[/td]

[td]Docked/Visiting Craft[/td]







: 14 Days (1d 4h)

Scott Kerman- Mission Commander

Phil Kerman- Mission Specialist

Mitwell Kerman- Mission Engineer


: 14 Days (Complete)

Alble Kerman- Mission Commander

Thomplo Kerman- Mission Engineer

Sherbin Kerman- Mission Specialist


: 5 Days (Complete)

Matt Kerman- Mission Commander (Pilot)

Jenfrod Kerman- Flight Engineer

Munrod Kerman- Mission Specialist (Co-Pilot)






"Kestrel" Module, nadir.




[td]Scheduled Launches[/td]

[td]Launch Date[/td]

[td]Docking/Berthing Location[/td]



[td]"Atlas" Z-0 Truss

Delivered via OSS


[td]Planned for Day 45


[td]"Unity" Module, zenith;




IMPORTANT: There's currently a loading issue preventing me from continuing construction of "Horizont". Expect no straight updates to it until it's resolved.


(Still in Development)

Repository 2.0 (Dropbox Folder)


  • "Balto"-TMA with Zaryad-Servis launch system;
  • OSS "Orca" (Both orbiter module and external tank plus boosters), craft file even comes with the "Unity" Node;
  • CSTV (still under development but showing good results), comes with its' own SLS-M;
  • (Subassembly) The I/P Module;
  • (Subassembly) The "Orca" Airlock.
  • (Subassembly) Base configuration of the Space Launch System.
  • (Subassembly) Base configuration of the Zaryad-Krupnyy.

------Things to do: ------

  • Update the Repository with craft specifications, details and flavour text.

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I'll add the actual reports once I get some sleep... It's like 4 AM where I'm at and my thoughts are getting really stringy...

To sedate the rage, here's the documentation for both the "Chaser" Probe and the EX-01 Mission.

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Something I probably should have mentioned, the clock says it's 27 Days-in since I was already started on this save but updating some mods caused the original Horizont Station to be deleted. Instead of starting a new save, I just went with it. It wasn't manned so I was like "whatever..."

Also reserving this post for future content.

(Re-)Direct-X "Chaser" Probe


Launch System
: Space Launch System - Fregat

: 27 Days, 1 Hours 00 Minutes (Updated- 03:34AM BST; 20/04/2014)

: Tethered to "CNC-088".

Mission Description and Parameters

The "Chaser" probe is the first stage of the Cabana Corp. "(Re-)Direct-X" project aimed at capturing a passing asteroid of sufficient size into Kerbin's SOI for further study and research. The Probe itself is equipped with an ARM Grabber and retro-thrusters. However, the Probe's main mission is to both gather preliminary information about a target asteroid's composition and provide experience in rendezvous with asteroids for future missions. As the targeted asteroid is of suspected diameter larger than 18m, it is not within the probe's mission parameters to attempt to capture the object. Instead, should the "go-ahead" be given, it is to latch-on to the target and "piggy-back" on it's trajectory, providing both precise tracking information and further data into an asteroid's behaviour. Should Stage-II of the "(Re-)Direct-X" project not succeed to capture the probe's target, the probe itself will remain latched-on providing further utility.

Mission Log:

  • The Probe was launched on a 2-Stage configuration (no external boosters) of the "Fregat" model of the SLS. The transfer burn to leave Kerbin's SOI was performed partly via the second stage (the Earth-Departure Stage) and mostly by the "Centaur" upper ("inner"/third stage). Since most of the fuel on the upper stage was left over after the transfer burn, the Centaur stage will also be used to complete the probe's rendezvous with the target asteroid.
  • The target asteroid bares the designation "CNC-088" And is expected to fly-by Kerbin in what will be Day 68 of Year 1 from the start of this Space Program. The expected periapsis of the fly-by is 26,000km and the encounter will last about 20 Days. The Probe itself is expected to encounter "CNC-088" in Day 65. The separation of the encounter will be ~52,000km. A burn is scheduled for when the probe leaves Kerbin's SOI.
  • The Probe is set to leave the SOI of Kerbin on Day 42. At that time, the probe will activate its' long-range communications array to maintain contact and start gathering scientific data of the "wake" of the asteroid's trail. The probe carries several types of scientific equipment including 2 types of magnetometers, several particle spectrometers, along with a neutrino detector. A small-scale Coo Containment Unit is also carried by the Probe, to be used once safely latched onto the asteroid.

Mission Updates:

  • 20/04/2014 (1) The Probe left Kerbin's SOI on Day 44, Year 1. A low-energy burn is scheduled for 5 hours after the Probe becomes interstellar. The burn will bring "Chaser"s approach closer to "CNC-088" to only about 4,760km. A secondary burn is planned for some time after the first one, to close the two objects' distance even closer.
  • 20/04/2014 (2) The secondary burn was performed several minutes after the first and brought the approach distance between the Probe and the asteroid to around 20km. The parameters for a third burn have been sent to the Probe's computer to be performed at the interception point, 5 Days 0 Hours from now- on Day 50.
  • 20/04/2014 (3) The automated burn closed the distance between the satellite and the "CNC-088" asteroid to less than a 50 meters. At that point however, just 11 Minutes 20 Seconds before the projected impact, the satellite disappeared from the Tracking Station's radars as the Geo-SAT I communications satellite had its' connection interrupted by Kerbin's shadow. Normally, during such an event, the Geo-SAT II would automatically reposition itself and take over. However a memory leak on Geo-SAT II prevented it from re-targeting, requiring a reboot of its' systems.
    Once the reboot was complete, several further correctional burns were sent out to be performed, assisted by the probe's on-board Reaction Control Thrusters, to ensure a "soft" impact with the object. The "soft" impact was at a controlled speed of 0.2m/s with the satellite's retro-thrusters shortly firing several feet away from the asteroid as to arrest the craft. After the satellite had securely tethered itself to its' target, it sent out an automated message reading "TOUCH DOWN" signifying the successful capture.


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Launch System
: Zaryad-Servis

: 3 Hours

: Splashed down. Recovered.

: EX-01

  • Alble Kerman- Mission Commander

  • Thomplo Kerman- Mission Engineer

  • Sherbin Kerman- Mission Specialist

Mission Description and Parameters

The maiden flight of the "Balto"-TMA Crew Transport Vehicle. The flight tested both the "Servis" configuration of the "Zaryad" rocket
the CTV itself. The mission was designated as "highly risky", yet the urgency to crew the first module of the "Horizont" Station before the arrival of the "Unity" Node pushed the mission forward. Adding to the risk of the mission, a Launch Escape System was not added to the configuration due to constrains of the current fairing design. This makes the "Balto"-TMA-01 mission the first, an hopefully only, "no-insurance" manned space-flight.

Mission Log:

  • The ascent path of the launch was such as to allow for an encounter when the Station would be on the Dawn side of Kerbin.
  • The "Balto"-TMA approached the Station from starboard/aft/nadir and was docked manually (for experience and testing purposes) to the aft docking port.
  • The CTV will be transferred to the nadir port of "Horizont" prior to the arrival of the "Kestrel" Life-Support Module. It will remain there for the duration of EX-01's mission.

Mission Updates:

  • 17/04/2014 EX-01 left the "Horizont" Space Station on Day 41 +2 Hours 40 Minutes. Command of the Station was handed over to Scott Kerman on Day 41 +2 Hours. The CTV followed standard deorbit procedures, decoupling it's Orbital Module before performing the final deorbit burn. The Propulsion Module was decoupled after the vehicle entered the Kerbin atmosphere at 69km altitude.


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OSS-01 "Orca"

: 14/04/2014

Launch System
: Shuttle

: 1 Day 2 Hours 4 Minutes

: Crashed on landing at KSC. Recovered.


  • Matt Kerman- Mission Commander (Pilot)

  • Jenfrod Kerman- Flight Engineer

  • Munrod Kerman- Mission Specialist (Co-Pilot)

Mission Description and Parameters

The "second" flight of the "Orca" OSS design. Although some changes were made from the first prototype (including radial fuel tanks, extra OMS engines and improving the shape of the wings), the overall layout remains the same. The main objectives of the mission were to deliver the Node-1 module, a.k.a "Unity", to the Station; along with supplies such as food, water and oxygen as to allow for the Station to be crewed for longer periods of time without relying on the supplies from a CTV. Two containers with construction materials were also part of the payload. These materials were to be used to secure the "Unity" module to the "Horizont" module. The shuttle will remain docked to the station for 5 Days, at which point it will return to Kerbin. The return journey will test the vehicle's "improved" control surfaces in hopes of rectifying the problems encountered on the shuttle's maiden flight.

Mission Log:

  • The shuttle was launched an hour before dawn on Day 30 as to allow for the final rendezvous with "Horizont" Space Station to be on the dawn side of Kerbin. The shuttle handled nominally on ascent and there were no major concerns. As to drain the main tank, an elliptical parking orbit was established during ascent.
  • The parking orbit had an apoapsis of 120km and, upon the ditching of the external fuel tank would allow it to reenter and burn up somewhere over the desert. The parking orbit was changed after the external tank was decoupled from the OSS to a near-circular orbit. From there, the OSS went straight into a low-energy transfer burn and onto an encounter with the Station.
  • Although the encounter was on the night side of the planet, most of the final rendezvous and dock with the Station was performed once both vessels were on the dawn horizon.
  • Since the current OSS configuration does not feature an orbital manipulator, the "Unity" module was first "set aloft" 400 meters off the nadir side of the Station and then docked with by the OSS, performing what is known as a "hand off".
  • The "Unity" module was then docked with the Station at its' forward port. After both modules were safely docked, Sherbin Kerman performed the Station's first Extra-Vehicular Activity. During this EVA, the two modules were secured and linked. The EVA was 11 minutes long and also facilitated the transfer of the supplies and equipment carried on the OSS.

Mission Updates:

  • 15/04/2014: The OSS was undocked from "Hotizont" Station after 5 Days of stay, during which crews installed new equipment brought up by the shuttle. After undocking, "Orca" transferred to a 105km parking orbit to await go-ahead for reentry. During the waiting time, the crew would perform digital simulations for different reentry points and test the functionality of control equipment. Reentry is scheduled for Day 36 +5 Hours.
  • 16/0402014: The reentry burn was completed as planned at Day 36 +5 Hours 15 Minutes. Reentry left the shuttle overshooting KSC however and the "Orca" had to perform a gliding turn over the ocean. Most of the flight was in a glide, with the OMS engines were fired only 3 times at 05% thrust to provide an electrical supply for the vessel's attitude control. The shuttle showed good gliding characteristics, proving capable of gliding back to KSC from almost two oceans over. Unfortunately some complications were encountered with the shuttle's landing gear and part of the right wing was ripped apart upon touchdown. The crew attempted to eject from the out-of-control vehicle but only Jenfrod Kerman survived.


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Z-K02 "Kestrel" LSM

: 15/04/2014

Launch System
: Zaryad-Krupnyy

: 3 Hour 24 Minutes (Paused upon docking with "Horizont")

: Docked. Log will not be updated.

Mission Description and Parameters

The "Kestrel" Life Support Module is the second major component in the construction of the "Horizont" Space Station. The module was launched on a new configuration of the Zaryad-Krupnyy Launch System. Due to concerns expressed by the Ground Team that carbon dioxide may reach toxic levels, since the "Horizont" FGB does not have an air recycler, the launch of the module was expedited to just several hours after the separation of OSS-01 from the Station. Due to budget constraints, an I/P Module was not used, as previously planned, instead a "dummy" upper stage was to be used. As heat build-up was also becoming a concern, a radiator was also made part of the equipment on the "Kestrel".

Mission Log:

  • The launch of the "Kestrel" ahead of time meant that it the new configuration of the Z-K rocket was untested. Despite that fact, the launch system performed nominally, with the first stage managing to lift the craft clear into orbital altitudes.
  • Due to the expedited launch, the mission had to allow for a parking orbit before a suitable transfer window. Therefore, the second stage (previously intended to boost the payload from suborbital into orbital altitude) was used to circularise the vehicle's orbit at an apoapsis of 200km.
  • The parking orbit was circumvented for a total of 3 Hours 50 Minutes before a suitable transfer point was reached. Unfortunately, performing a transfer at this point left the rendezvous location on the night side of Kerbin.
  • The rendezvous was mostly performed on the night side of Kerbin but docking itself occurred several minute before the Station reached the dawn horizon of its' orbit.
  • After the Life Support Module was safely berthed to the aft port of "Horizont", EVA-02 was performed by Alble Kerman to secure the component to the rest of the station and create a cross-feeding link between the two modules.


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This just in, straight from the Kerbal Space Centre,

The "Flight of the Orca" was brought to a rather abrupt end some minutes ago...

Engineering crews were scrambled to the site to investigate the cause of the vessel's loss of control during landing. Experts are pointing at a landing gear on the right wing, suspected of having been damaged during reentry, as the cause of the same wing being torn off and sending the whole craft in a spin at the runway.

The crew of the shuttle managed to eject, yet only Jenfrod Kerman made it safely out of the wreckage.

A memorial service for the friends and families of the fallen kerbonauts will be held later this week.

This incident has driven the Cabana Corporation's space-exploration plans aback a considerable time. Ban-Anad, CEO and owner of the private company had this to say at the incident site:

"... I assure you, our teams are working around the clock in an effort to find out what exactly went wrong during the landing of the "Orca". The black box of the craft is being recovered and decrypted as we speak, we should have conclusive results in the following days. I want to personally express my condolences to the families of the lost kerbonauts. I will be paying personally for the funerals and memorial service and their loved ones will be taken care of after the fact.

I do not intend for this tragedy to be repeated. The OSS program is still young on its' feet and held-back as it may have been, I will not let it fall victim to shortcomings- if not for the scientific and technological value of such a project, then in memory of the lives lost today..."

This is the Cabana Corporation News Network. More at eleven.

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: 17/04/2014

Launch System
: Space Launch System; "Mun" Configuration

: 5 Days 3 Hours 0 Minutes

: Splashed down. Recovered.


  • Shelbald Kerman- Mission Commander

  • Shepny Kerman- Mission Specialist

  • Jonnovan Kerman- Mission Engineer

Mission Description and Parameters

The first manned flight of the SLS Crew Space Transport Vehicle intended for long-duration Munar exploration. The objectives of this mission are to test the SLS's capability to deliver a payload to a trans-munar trajectory, have the CSTV perform a flyby of the Mun and then return to Kerbin. The projected time-scale of the mission is a total of 5 days in space. The CSTV does hold extra supplies for the event of the projections being off.

Mission Log:

  • The SLS-M-01 achieved trans-munar trajectory without the need of a parking orbit. On ascent, there were some complications with the on-board guidance systems pitching lower that programmed but a a swift intervention by Shelbald Kerman avoided what could have been a disaster.
  • Flyby of the Mun was achieved after a 3 Day long approach towards the moon. During the flyby, the crew of the CSTV gathered data necessary for further missions leading up to the establishment of a permanent base on the stellar body.
  • The third stage, originally planned only for the munar transfer and injection burns, was kept for most of the flight. It was finally decoupled once the CSTV left the Mun's SOI, after a short burn to put the vehicle's periapsis at 285km.

Mission Updates:

  • 19/04/2014: The CSTV circularised it's orbit at the 285km periapsis and them went on to lower it's orbit further to just under 70km. After reaching the atmospheric boundary, the CSTV fired its engine again so as to both use up the remaining fuel and position it's target landing. The Service Module of the CSTV was decoupled from the capsule at 64km over the ocean. The capsule splashed down 3 Hours into Day 5 of it's mission.


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Z-S02 "Balto"-TMA-02

: 17/04/2014

Launch System
: Zaryad; Servis 2 configuration

: 1 Hour 20 Minutes (Paused upon docking with "Horizont" Station)

: Docked. Log will not be directly updated.

: EX-02

  • Scott Kerman- Mission Commander

  • Phil Kerman- Mission Specialist

  • Mitwell Kerman- Mission Engineer

B]Mission Description and Parameters

As the planned duration of Expedition 01 was drawing to a close, the "Balto"-TMA-02 was launched with EX-02 on board. The Servis 2 configuration of the Zaryad launch system is a far safer design than it's predecessor, featuring a working Launch Escape System. Regardless the new configuration of the launch system to be used, the launch was considered routine.

Mission Log:

  • EX-02 was launched on mid-Day 41. The new configuration of the Z-S02 proved stable on ascent and there were no complications.
  • Since the Station was significantly ahead in it's orbit, the mission required a lower orbit to be established before a transfer window.
  • The CTV approached and docked with the Station some time before reaching the dawn horizon, making this the first rendezvous and docking performed on the night side of Kerbin.
  • The CTV berthed at the nadir port of the "Kestrel" LSM where it will remain for the duration of EX-02.


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Ok, you sir are a brilliant craft designer. That Soyuz-lookalike looks exactly like the real thing, minus the single nozzle engines in the outer boosters and the fact that the inner engine lights at the same time they seperate.

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  Fox62 said:
Ok, you sir are a brilliant craft designer. That Soyuz-lookalike looks exactly like the real thing, minus the single nozzle engines in the outer boosters and the fact that the inner engine lights at the same time they seperate.

Thank you. I've been looking for a suitable 6x engine for the booster/core stages, but alas I can't find any so I'm using the Skippers since they give out the best dV and TWR on 4x symmetry.

The difference in staging has more to do with TWR than sticking to "real life". If all five (boosters + core) were used at the same time, the launch system would have more than 2 TWR at altitudes lower than 20km, which can lead to flipping during the gravitational turn...

Plus it looks cool the way the boosters separate. And the colouring (thank you, Procedural Parts person!) makes the core vehicle look sweet...

Anyways, I'm using this post as a mini-update.

Coming to you live, from the Kerbal Space Centre where flight monitoring staff have reported that a previously unknown body has been found inside Kerbin's sphere of influence.

The body, now being named ROX-621 and under constant tracking, is speculated to be an asteroid of around 18 meters in size and is expected to pass near Kerbin in around 12 days. At which time the objects' flyby periapsis would be under 1,500 Km. If uninterrupted, ROX-621 will then continue on to leave Kerbin's SOI 12 days after reaching it's periapsis.

As this occurrence has caught the (Re-)Direct-X Development teams completely unawares, they have begun pulling together resources and support for what is essentially "Stage-II" of the (Re-)Direct-X Project- a manned expedition to the passing Class D space rock. The expedition will not be intended to capture the asteroid (which is "Stage-III"), though that does remain in its' extended parameters.

Instead the mission will feature a large CSTV-derived Command Module carrying a team of 5. The Command Module will also carry an "expendable" Asteroid Observation Laboratory to be tethered to the asteroid during its' flyby.

The AOL would remain attached to the stellar body for most of the duration of its' pass through Kerbin's SOI. During that time, the mission's crew will gather all possible research data on the asteroid. The Command Module is intended to remain attached to the AOL and the asteroid for a duration of at least two days.

After that duration, the Command Module and its' crew would return to Kerbin.

Upon the success of the "Stage-II" mission, "Stage-III" will be initiated.

"Stage-III" would see the launches of a manned vehicle intended to capture ROX-621 firmly in Kerbin's SOI, as well as the first launches to establish a more permanent station tethered to the asteroid.

The planned launch of the "Stage-II" mission is scheduled for Day 43. The large CSTV, now named "Taurus", along with the AOL have already been assembled and are undergoing testing.

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SLS-X01 "Taurus" HCSTV


Launch System
: Space Launch System; Excelsior

: 9 Days 0 Hours 52 Minutes (At 23:38PM BST; 22/04/2014)

: Tethered to "ROX-621".


  • Philster Kerman- Mission Commander

  • Jenmon Kerman- Mission Engineer

  • Macsted Kerman- Mission Specialist

  • Hudvey Kerman- Geology Expert

  • Aldgas Kerman- Mission Specialist

Mission Description and Parameters

The launch of "Stage II" of the (Re-)Direct-X Project, originally scheduled for Year 1 Day 43, was re-slotted to a full day ahead of planned due to massive support. Although most of the flight systems still required extensive testing to be deemed completely safe, the mission was given the "go ahead" regardless. The newly assembled "Excelsior" SLS, specifically designed for this mission, features the first use of the newly-developed dual-engine external liquid boosters. These boosters would provide the core stage with the required extended longevity as to push the HCSTV and its' payload into the required trajectory with the second stage still having enough fuel to perform a rendezvous with the target. The objectives of the mission would be to put the "Taurus" and it's AOL into an elliptic orbit with a period of ~2 Days and intercepting the asteroid's trajectory at it's apoapsis. The Ground Team hopes that would allow for a future encounter with ROX-621 at the HCSTV's orbital apoapsis. If an encounter is achieved, then the crew of the Taurus would attempt to rendezvous with ROX-621 using fuel left in the second stage of the SLS.

Due to the rescheduling of the launch, the main stack of the SLS had its' tanks left unpainted.

Mission Log:

  • The launch of the "Taurus" HCSTV was the first to not follow the equatorial plane on ascent, a necessity if the craft was to match the asteroid's trajectory. Instead it was put on a trajectory with a heading of 190° during it's gravitational turn.
  • The external liquid boosters extended the core stage's longevity well into the gravitational turn and were jettisoned once empty. At that point the vehicle had already achieved a steep parabolic orbit of around 300km. The main stack lasted for several minutes after, finally being ditched well past the atmosphere- at which point the vehicle had achieved a shallow parabolic orbit of upwards of 450km and matching the asteroid's trajectory.
  • Circularization of the vehicle's orbit was done so as to intercept the target's trajectory near it's periapsis. From that point, a secondary burn was made achieving the mission's targeted orbit of 8,598km X 837km. The second stage of the launch system was left with around 20~25% of it's tank.
  • A third burn is planned at apoapsis to facilitate a better chance for encounter with the target.

Mission Updates:

  • 20/04/2014 The planned third burn was performed at the scheduled time, leaving the vehicle on a highly elliptical orbit with an apoapsis of 25,700km. A final Hohmann transfer burn is planned 7 Days from now, on Day 52, that would close the distance between the HCSTV and the target object to just over 40km. From that point on, a low-energy correction burn will be performed to bring the orbits even closer. Unfortunately, the third burn of the second core stage of the SLS left it with an empty tank. The stack was decoupled and the "Taurus" performed manoeuvres to berth itself with the AOL it carried. Calculations suggest that the vehicle would still have sufficient fuel to perform the rendezvous with just about enough to let it return at the end of its' mission.
  • 22/04/2014 Final rendezvous with the asteroid occurred on Day 53 +1h 20m. Capture of the asteroid was shortly after- at the 3 hour mark on Day 53. The "Taurus" HTCV was tethered to the asteroid during an EVA performed by Aldgas Kerman. The EVA involved the assembly of two structural pylons on two sides of the AOL. The AOL was then tethered to the pylons using high-strength struts. The "Taurus" and its' crew is planned to remain on-site for the next 4 Days, after which they are to return to Kerbin. The possibility of returning and recovering the AOL after the mission is being discussed by the Ground Team. Upon the final tethering of the AOL with the asteroid, the object was officially named "The Taurus" Asteroid.


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Edited by BananaDealer
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This is a special announcement coming to you live from the Kerbal Space Centre,

The "Chaser" Probe- "Stage I" of Cabana Corp's (Re-)Direct-X Project has left Kerbin's SOI today.

Just a few short hours after that, as the Project was going into its' 45th day and the citizens of Kerbin were having their kofeyh, two burns were performed that brought the satellite to a closer approach with "CNC-088". The approach will happen on day 50 of the Project and will be at the close distance of just over 20km. The encounter and rendezvous between "Chaser" and its' target will occur about a day before the crew of the "Taurus" HCSTV near their own transfer burn to bring their encounter close to "ROX-621".

With all eyes on the (Re-)Direct-X team, this is truly a time to remember.

We will be bringing you more as the news comes. For now- good night and good flight.

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This just in from the Kerbal Space Centre, where the Cabana Corp. (Re-)Direct-X is on high alert and at full stand-by.

The "Chaser" Probe has been reported to have successfully intercepted and tethered itself to "CNC-088", now renamed to "The Chaser" Asteroid. The event occurred just several minutes shy of the satellite's 1st hour into its' 27th mission day, on Day 51 +1 Hour 15 Minutes. Ground teams are ecstatic and Ban-Anad is throwing a party in the main lobby of the Tracking Centre.

We were also told that the satellite gave the (Re-)Direct-X team quite the scare when it dropped off communications just 11 minutes before "touch down". The black-out lasted only about 40 seconds, yet it's described as "a sheer eternity" by one of the flight observers.

The satellite and it's asteroid are to continue on course, as per the mission's original brief. During this time, the satellite will autonomously gather data on the 12-14 meter object.

(Detailed update and pictures are in the mission's original post)

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Finally got around to updating the Taurus mission!


OSS-02 "Galactica"

: 20/04/2014

Launch System
: Shuttle

: 3 Hours 20 Minutes (At 00:19 PM BST; 23/04/2014)

: On return to Kerbin.


  • Jerny Kerman- Mission Commander

  • Eddos Kerman- Mission Engineer

  • Kirdon Kerman- Mission Specialist

Mission Description and Parameters

After the crash of the "Orca", the Cabana Corporation's Space Exploration Program needed a new Orbital Supply/Service Shuttle. The "Galactica" was built in the wake of the "Orca" incident, both suffering from the massive public support pull-back and benefiting from the heightened safety requirements. The "Galactica" is also the first OSS to feature the newly developed "Articulated Robotic Manipulator", "A.R.M." for short. To allow for the manipulator's safe operation, the layout of the shuttle's payload bay was changed to have supply mounting equipment only on one side. A specialised tethering mechanism was also added to help secure both the "A.R.M." and the normal payload of the shuttle.

The objective of "Galactica"s' maiden flight was to deliver the "Atlas" Z-0 Truss piece to "Horizont" Station, as well as test the "A.R.M."s' capability of performing an unassisted mating of station components.

Mission Log:

  • The ascent of the flight was somewhat shallower than originally planned. The shuttle's orbit was partially circularised using leftover fuel in the external tank, before it was drained and decoupled on a reentry trajectory which would leave it to burn up somewhere over the desert. The rest of the circularisation burn was performed using on-board fuel.
  • Transfer window to an orbit to match the Station was done after two periods of the parking orbit of 250km.
  • While on approach to "Horizont" Station, the Station dropped out of all communication channels without any explanation. When ordered to pursue the anomaly, the "Galactica" reported not being able to acquire a visual image of the Station, even though guidance equipment reported it being there. Upon asking for further instructions, the crew of "Galactica" were ordered to transfer to a 200km orbit, scuttle the "Atlas" Truss and then return to the Space Centre.**


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** Yes, this is what I'm going with.

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