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[1.0.4] ScienceAlert 1.8.9: Experiment availability feedback (July 13)


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Does everything in your save work without ScienceAlert installed? I would expect you to have some problems with running experiments in particular

Well, after that incident initially happened, the ship was definitely bugged even without ScienceAlert.

Luckily, I had a quicksave from right when I landed, before the orbital parameters went to haywhire NaN status. I dug into the sfs file, took out some cruft from ScanSat which I'm no longer using (including reference to a ScanSat science report), and it seems like everything is functioning normally right now, including ScienceAlert. So I'm thinking it could have potentially been a conflict with having ScanSat data but no longer having ScanSat?

This, specifically, is what I'm making a (very uneducated) guess about what the problem was. This was from the ResearchAndDevelopment SCENARIO section of the save file:

id = SCANsatAltimetryLoRes@MunInSpaceHighsurface
title = Low Resolution Altimetry Scan of the Mun
dsc = 2
scv = 1
sbv = 2
sci = 0
cap = 40

Anyway, the TL;DR is that I think this was just an issue I had on my end from installing / uninstalling mods while missions were ongoing, so I hope I didn't take too much of your time up.

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(I'm not having the EVA report problem anymore so until it comes back, consider it either fixed or not a bug)

I have a Kerbal Cloning machine using Science Alert. I made a craft in the SPH that was a rover with an Inline MK1 Cockpit attached via decoupler so I could get out of the cockpit, into the rover, and drive it around the space center.

So I got Bill out of the cockpit, boarded the rover's chair, and drove off. As I did so, the "EVA Report" button came up. So I clicked it.

I was transported back to my cockpit and sure enough, Bill was there, hanging onto the ladder, ready to do an EVA report. I hit ] to go back to the rover and the EVA button was still there. So I hit it again. A second Bob appeared on the cockpit's ladder.

Finally, a way to profit off of that Kerbal Kethane grinder!

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xEvil, could you possibly create a 1.9.0 release so our CKAN version comparator gives people the freshest release while we continue to think how we can solve the 1.8rc2 -> 1.8.4 problem for good?

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Did anyone ever notice that with Science Alert and the ability to quickly have tons of science reports gathered and "sent" you can actually glitch the com devices on a craft into a "transmitting" state, where they don't actually transmit, can't be retracted, and can't abort the transmit (as in, ALL com devices, not just 1 or 2. ALL)? Quicksave Reload fixes it.. except you lose the science that was passed to this "broken" transmission as in, you literally lose it. The report is gone, and you have to get it yourself again.

I am a bit unsure whether this is because of mods or what, or maybe it's a stock ksp bug? In normal KSP you can't notice this easily because you don't often have 5+ reports stacking up against 5+ com devices. There is also no entry about that in the log files anywhere. It's as if the game forgets to transmit science at some random point and just.. doesn't recover from that without a reload.

Mainly posting this here because chances are high people here might have had the same issue. Anyone know what causes it?

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pretty sure it is a stock bug, as I have managed something like what your talking about without science alert (at the time). I was able to get it to work by waiting for any animation on the antennas to complete, then pushing another single report out (just run another re-runable if you happen to be out. doesn't have to actually give a science return) it would then push all the extra reports that got 'lost' with that new report.

mine doesn't sound exactly like yours though, mine came from sending another report to transmit when another had ended and the antenna was running the close animation. the report(s) would just vanish until I pushed another. hopefully this fix works for you anyway.

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Did anyone ever notice that with Science Alert and the ability to quickly have tons of science reports gathered and "sent" you can actually glitch the com devices on a craft into a "transmitting" state, where they don't actually transmit, can't be retracted, and can't abort the transmit (as in, ALL com devices, not just 1 or 2. ALL)?

I've seen this before. It's a stock bug. While ScienceAlert does mess with the antenna, it's only to pass data to them (it actually creates a fake imaginary antenna to do this). Data is lost because ScienceAlert's magic transmitter is holding the queued data and waiting until stock finishes. If none of the stock antenna ever un-break and then you do something to change the game's state (like switch to an unloaded vessel or exit the scene), the data in queue is lost since ScienceAlert had no way to keep it at the time I wrote it. With per-vessel profiles I now can add this in a clean way, so I'll go ahead and do that for next version.

If you can come up with a save that can consistently lock up the stock antennas, I'll have a look at fixing that too

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xEvil, could you possibly create a 1.9.0 release so our CKAN version comparator gives people the freshest release while we continue to think how we can solve the 1.8rc2 -> 1.8.4 problem for good?

Whoops this slipped by me somehow. Yes. I haven't got the time to apply any bug fixes today so it'll just be for CKAN. Going by the stats on KerbalStuff, a lot of people have been picking up the wrong version

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Yep! I'm adding a little snippet to warn on duplicate experimentids so there's at least some difference and because I keep forgetting to do so

Edit: or it's no longer needed ... Yep, CKAN shows the right version now. Thanks hakan!

Edited by xEvilReeperx
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This has a minor issue with multiple science modules...for example, if i launch a ship with four mystery goo canisters, the first time, I can click it in sciencealert - but the second time, it tries to reuse the first canister (which is already used). it should check for the first unused one. just a minor inconvenience, but would be nice to fix.

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I'm getting a science alert to do a gravity scan as soon as I exit Kerbin SOI and enter orbit high above the sun. Of course, this test is not possible to be run, and science alert informs me of that, yet it keeps the "alert" active. Anyone else see this?

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for example, if i launch a ship with four mystery goo canisters, the first time, I can click it in sciencealert - but the second time, it tries to reuse the first canister (which is already used). it should check for the first unused one. just a minor inconvenience, but would be nice to fix.

It does this already. Are you re-running the goo experiment before the first has completed its animation? ScienceAlert is looking at the module's state which doesn't change until that finishes. I'm confident I can fix it, just want to verify that this is your issue

Of course, this test is not possible to be run, and science alert informs me of that, yet it keeps the "alert" active.

Do you mean you've already done it and you're getting an alert? Gravity test in sun high orbit is a valid experiment (at least in stock)

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Do you mean you've already done it and you're getting an alert? Gravity test in sun high orbit is a valid experiment (at least in stock)

My mistake, forgot that it was a valid experiment. I just did a simple test and there is no problem when using the stock gravioli detector. The problem occurs when using the Universal Storage accelerometer/gravmax detector.

With the stock gravioli detector: Exit Kerbin SOI, Science Alert pops up, can click and run the test no problem.

With the Universal Storage detector: Exit Kerbin SOI, Science Alert pops up, click the button to run the test and it says "can't be done right now."


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Thanks Reeper, I'm wondering if it's actually a problem with ScienceAlert or US though. A little later I'll try to replicate the issue with ScienceAlert uninstalled.

With the US detector, I can't run the test by clicking on the actual part either, it says "TOO HIGH."

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ScienceAlert only runs during flight so you won't see it in the space center. You can right-click on the button (whether on Blizzy's toolbar or the stock ApplicationLauncher) to reach the options menu while in flight.

Edited by xEvilReeperx
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Thanks for the tip to right click on the button. That did the trick to open up the options. Though, you still make it sound like a button should be showing up on Blizzy's toolbar and it still isn't, even during flight. So I don't know what's wrong for it to not show up on my game?

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