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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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3 hours ago, OzEtkin said:

Tried using Unity 4.6.2 as suggested but now get:

Could..... not preload global game manager #0   i=0

FYI I'm running Windows 10.


2 hours ago, Manwith Noname said:

KSP 1.0.5 is built using Unity 4.6.4

OMG.... soory guys ! is not unity 4.6.2... i forgote that.. is indeed 4.6.4... :(  i think i will delete part 1 and part 2 of videos.. and make just 1 video 10min max and do ALL the stuff, becouse i manage to understand that if you make long videos (funny) ones, it get bored for others... :( ... hm....however if i think better, i think i will do part 3 without delete those 2.. i see a lot of people having real fun with my videos 2 , glad to see that :)  duuno what to do... :) In the meantime i have a problem that i dont remember what boulderCO and Eve i was used to have... :( .. i will manage to finish this "journey" :)

5 hours ago, MrMeeb said:

Dude! Don't quit! I know many people (myself included) that really want to make KSP look as good as possible, without losing FPS, and your videos provide a perfect guide to people new to the visual mods sections on how to make KSP look great. What I suggest you do (if you do wanna continue) is to make your own page in the KSP Fan Works section. That way, you have a lot more control over the topic, and people will be less (arguably unnecessarily) grumpy because your videos will have there own section. Ignore the haters. Just keep searching for the higher FPS. Teach us! :) 

........ You are so GOD DAMN RIGHT SUN ! 

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7 hours ago, MrMeeb said:

Hm..i was wondering...maybe i give you my folders from BoulderCo and EVE to the dropbox to download ? becouse i cant find right now from where i download my clouds...:( .. or even easy way.. i wil put everything that contains the graphic allready done by me ? isn't this easy way ? tell me guys.

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GOGOGO PART 3 ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM-tIHT_5nY . Soory guys for previos parts off my videos, for those who want JUST and VERY fast result/answer how to have best graphic and a lot off fps. And keep in mind that is JUST graphic mode. You saw allready that i have a lot of mods ^UP in my recent post,and work beautiful without bugs with unity 4.6.4 mod. Sure maybe another mods tend to have bugs (maybe) with these tweaked ksprc and unity,but chance to have bugs is maybe just 5%. So.. GO and LAUNCH THAT SHIP ! If you have questions about everythink just ask.

Edited by Istrati
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17 minutes ago, Cheesecake said:


Thats very cool. But first: what is causing this flickering in the cloud layers?

Second: Duna is too garishly.

Third: On the dark Side of Kerbin it is bright as of the Day side.


1 The flickering in the clouds... is not in the clouds..is margins of terrain and it is from mod- scatter

2 Duna... i dont know what you mean with "garishly" i dont know very well english (few "hard" words that i know... you need to be more explicit

3 The night side... well look in PS icon (planetshine) fromright up corner of screen, and see if the sliders is not set to high !.. i think i forgote the luminance slider up to the max.. :) 

4 And tell me pls.. you can download the gamedate from link that i past there? you manage to do like me and it work ? tks.

Edited by Istrati
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Yes i download it from Dropbox. It works very well in the first tests.

1. I mean not the flickering of the terrain. There are flickering like thunderstorms in your videos. I removed the the Astronomers Atmosphere and Lighning. Now there are no flickering.

2. It`s the same problem as the night side: I changed the Luminance-Settings in PS, everything is OK now.

3. Look at 2. ;)

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I apologize for my English. I used the translator.

I repeated all actions from video No. 3. Yes, the gain of FPS is.

But there was other problem after replacement of the KSP file by the Unity file 

I created new career, but right at the beginning I pumped over all structures at the spaceport to the last level.

You can check it?



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18 minutes ago, abserver said:

I apologize for my English. I used the translator.

I repeated all actions from video No. 3. Yes, the gain of FPS is.

But there was other problem after replacement of the KSP file by the Unity file 

I created new career, but right at the beginning I pumped over all structures at the spaceport to the last level.

You can check it?



That's a known bug when using the Win64 workaround. You can either go back to 32-bit or just suffer through it.

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6 minutes ago, abserver said:

And as we now do it?
Delete all the mods?

If you want to go back to 32-bit you need to restore the files you changed when installing the 64-bit thing. The other option is to just ignore the upgraded facilities, I believe the difference is cosmetic only.

We're drifting away from the topic of this thread, I suggest you head over to the thread about the Win64 workaround for further help: 


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So...I've finally found out what's been breaking the RPM Vessel View display in KSP. It's something in the KSRPC pack.



(It shouldn't be a giant grey shape, it should be an ALCOR lander,)

Honestly, after a few weeks of struggling with this, I'm just glad to find have narrowed it down. Does anyone have an idea what might be the cause? I'm going to go ahead and take this apart one by one and try and find out...

I'm a recently adopter of KSPRC, so I know a few bugs are to be expected. I was just curious to see if anyone else had the issue. 

Edited by Synthesis
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37 minutes ago, PyjackMeat said:

I fixed it by setting allowRefractiveAtmospheres in Kopernicus Expansion to false.

Haha, I should have waited...I was merticulously pulling my folders in and out to test which ones worked.

Thank you, kind scholar. 

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12 hours ago, vagabond77 said:

There is a mod who fix this issue. I have find it some day ago. 


12 hours ago, abserver said:

I apologize.
Thanks for the answer.

I will post here in about 1 hour a link how to resolve the allready upgraded bildings,how do do it. just whait here :) 

i done it. Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d-ZETsHoqY

But tks to VAGABOND77 ! 

15 hours ago, Cheesecake said:

Yes i download it from Dropbox. It works very well in the first tests.

1. I mean not the flickering of the terrain. There are flickering like thunderstorms in your videos. I removed the the Astronomers Atmosphere and Lighning. Now there are no flickering.

2. It`s the same problem as the night side: I changed the Luminance-Settings in PS, everything is OK now.

3. Look at 2. ;)

OK. i glad that is all ok. And the flikering? :)))) i ge it now :)) yep was the lighting.. you deleted the lighting cfg that's right ! but not the atmosphere too ! that is the config in game (on the go) that i will talk later in part4 , is for modification off that "bluesih" effect on planets ....  And i'm VERY glad that i can help you guys ! :)  

Edited by Istrati
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11 hours ago, OzEtkin said:

Well, I really appreciate the effort put into this, but after following all the steps I see no improvement in FPS. I guess I'll just wait for an update.

In the first place i dont think that is someone that have no improvement after doing this, and the second one..  you dont tell you pc specification... if you have old card video or processor.that will be the problem. soory.. :(  it's logical that that i have 130 fps and you have just 50 or 60 if you have low pc spec, and especially if you forgote to disablle vsync... than fps stay's at hz monitor all the time.  soory i do not want to offense in anyway. :) 

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3 minutes ago, Istrati said:

Tks Vagabond77 for doing "my life" more easyest way with that mod reset factory 64. TKS ! Ksp funny- BIG PARACHUTE ! :)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcJ9mlxaKIs

GoooodMorning to all!!!

Hi Istrati, Can you make a little test for me?

Edit files GameData\KSPRC\KSPRC.cfg in this way:

//	@Body[Sun]
//	{
//		Particles
//		{
//			Particle
//			{
//				target = Sun
//				texture = KSPRC/Kopernicus/Glow
//				minEmission = 10
//				maxEmission = 500
//				lifespanMin = 30
//				lifespanMax = 60
//				sizeMin = 9
//				sizeMax = 4999
//				speedScale = 0.0005
//				rate = 0.015
//				randVelocity = 0.3, 0.6, 0.1
//				Colors
//				{
//					color1 = 1.000, 0.950, 0.747, 0.750
//					color2 = 1.000, 0.994, 0.707, 0.750
//					color3 = 1.000, 0.960, 0.724, 0.750
//					color4 = 1.000, 1.000, 0.803, 0.750
//					color5 = 1.000, 0.970, 0.800, 0.750
//				}
//			}
//		}	
//	}
					blend = 1.0
					color = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0
					order = 9999975
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/moho00.dds
					order = 9999976
					blend = 0.999
               	saturation = 1.2
               	contrast = 2.35
				powerNear = 0.55
				powerFar = 0.36
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 3
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 70000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 2000
				lowMultiFactor = 20
				lowBumpNearTiling = 2000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 20
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks_NRM
				midNearTiling = 3000
				midMultiFactor = 35
				midBumpNearTiling = 3000
				midBumpFarTiling = 35
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks_NRM
				highNearTiling = 2200
				highMultiFactor = 25
				highBumpNearTiling = 2200
				highBumpFarTiling = 25
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_gilly_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/evemoon100.dds
					order = 9999977
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.5
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1000
				steepPower = 0.75
				steepTexStart = 1000
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 80
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 800
				lowMultiFactor = 8
				lowBumpNearTiling = 800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 8
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1000
				midMultiFactor = 10
				midBumpNearTiling = 1000
				midBumpFarTiling = 10
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1000
				highMultiFactor = 10
				highBumpNearTiling = 1000
				highBumpFarTiling = 10
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
				saturation = 1.25
				contrast = 3
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.7
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 4
				steepTexStart = 15000
				steepTexEnd = 90000
				steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
				steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 180
				lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands
				lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1600
				lowMultiFactor = 160
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1600
				lowBumpFarTiling = 160
				midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
				midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/dunes_NRM
				midNearTiling = 500
				midMultiFactor = 150
				midBumpNearTiling = 150
				midBumpFarTiling = 150
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
				highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				highNearTiling = 500
				highMultiFactor = 170
				highBumpNearTiling = 500
				highBumpFarTiling = 170
			ambientColor = 0.05,0.05,0.051,1
			lightColor = 0.65, 0.58, 0.5, 1.0
               	saturation = 0.975
               	contrast = 1.7
				powerNear = 0.725
				powerFar = 0.725
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 2000
				steepPower = 4
				steepTexStart = 10000
				steepTexEnd = 100000
               	steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
               	steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 140
               	lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
               	lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 4000
				lowMultiFactor = 375
				lowBumpNearTiling = 4000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 400
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/grass
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/grass_NRM
				midNearTiling = 4000
				midMultiFactor = 300
				midBumpNearTiling = 4000
				midBumpFarTiling = 325
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/pnoise
				highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/pnoise_NRM
				highNearTiling = 4000
				highMultiFactor = 100
				highBumpNearTiling = 4000
				highBumpFarTiling = 100
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/NewMunSurfaceMapDiffuse.dds
					order = 9999978
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.15
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 3500
				steepTexStart = 3000
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 900
				steepMultiFactor = 9
				steepBumpNearTiling = 900
				steepBumpFarTiling = 9
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1200
				lowMultiFactor = 12
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1200
				lowBumpFarTiling = 12
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1100
				midMultiFactor = 11
				midBumpNearTiling = 1000
				midBumpFarTiling = 11
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1000
				highMultiFactor = 10
				highBumpNearTiling = 1000
				highBumpFarTiling = 10
				globalDensity = 0
			removePQSMods = AltitudeAlpha
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.15
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 0.5
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 10
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 800
				lowMultiFactor = 8
				lowBumpNearTiling = 800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 8
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1300
				midMultiFactor = 13
				midBumpNearTiling = 1300
				midBumpFarTiling = 13
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1300
				highMultiFactor = 13
				highBumpNearTiling = 1300
				highBumpFarTiling = 13
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.15
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_minmus_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					blend = 1.0
					color = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0
					order = 999999998
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/NewMunSurfaceMap00.dds
					order = 999999999
					blend = 0.999
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/desertplanetmoon00.dds
					order = 9999980
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 10
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 10
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1200
				midMultiFactor = 12
				midBumpNearTiling = 1200
				midBumpFarTiling = 12
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 15
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 15
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.085
				highStart = 0.15
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/Duna5_00.dds
					order = 9999981
               	saturation = 0.875
               	contrast = 1.36
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.6
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 2750
				steepPower = 2
				steepTexStart = 2500
				steepTexEnd = 30000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 130
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 3000
				lowMultiFactor = 30
				lowBumpNearTiling = 3000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 30
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu_NRM
				midNearTiling = 3200
				midMultiFactor = 40
				midBumpNearTiling = 3200
				midBumpFarTiling = 40
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/margo
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/margo_NRM
				highNearTiling = 2000
				highMultiFactor = 22
				highBumpNearTiling = 2000
				highBumpFarTiling = 22
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.5
				highStart = 0.925
				highEnd = 1.05
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main - Optimised
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/dwarfplanet100.dds
					order = 9999982
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.5
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.7
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 2
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1800
				lowMultiFactor = 18
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 18
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1800
				midMultiFactor = 18
				midBumpNearTiling = 1800
				midBumpFarTiling = 18
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1800
				highMultiFactor = 18
				highBumpNearTiling = 1800
				highBumpFarTiling = 18
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.15
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				planetOpacity = 1
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_pol_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/gp1minormoon200.dds
					order = 9999984
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.5
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.7
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 2
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1500
				lowMultiFactor = 15
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1500
				lowBumpFarTiling = 15
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1500
				midMultiFactor = 15
				midBumpNearTiling = 1500
				midBumpFarTiling = 15
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 15
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 15
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.12
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.25
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				planetOpacity = 1
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_bop_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/gp1minormoon100.dds
					order = 9999984
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.3
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 80
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 800
				lowMultiFactor = 8
				lowBumpNearTiling = 800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 8
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1300
				midMultiFactor = 13
				midBumpNearTiling = 1300
				midBumpFarTiling = 13
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1300
				highMultiFactor = 13
				highBumpNearTiling = 1300
				highBumpFarTiling = 13
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.15
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/rockyMoon00.dds
					order = 9999985
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.3
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 2000
				lowMultiFactor = 20
				lowBumpNearTiling = 2000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 20
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1000
				midMultiFactor = 10
				midBumpNearTiling = 1000
				midBumpFarTiling = 10
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold_NRM
				highNearTiling = 600
				highMultiFactor = 6
				highBumpNearTiling = 600
				highBumpFarTiling = 6
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.25
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/gp1icemoon00.dds
					order = 9999986
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.3
				powerNear = 0.6
				powerFar = 0.5
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1.5
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1100
				steepTiling = 110
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 10
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 10
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/plainstone
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/plainstone_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1500
				midMultiFactor = 16
				midBumpNearTiling = 1500
				midBumpFarTiling = 16
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/iceberg
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/iceberg_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 16
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 16
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.6
				highStart = 0.9
				highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.55
				powerNear = 0.725
				powerFar = 0.725
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 10
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 10
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/dunes
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/dunes_NRM
				midNearTiling = 400
				midMultiFactor = 200
				midBumpNearTiling = 400
				midBumpFarTiling = 200
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 15
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 15
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.3
				highStart = 0.85
				highEnd = 1
				target = Sun
				texture = KSPRC/Kopernicus/particle.png
				minEmission = 800
				maxEmission = 1000
				lifespanMin = 0.1
				lifespanMax = 0.1
				sizeMin = 0.075
				sizeMax = 0.15
				speedScale = 0.0
				rate = 0.0
				randVelocity = 33.3, 66.6, 99.9
					color1 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900
					color2 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.800
					color3 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.700
					color4 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.600
					color5 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.500
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/snowydwarfplanet00.dds
					order = 99999969
			materialType = AtmosphericOptimized
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 3.5
				powerNear = 0.4
				powerFar = 0.3
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 40
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 100
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 100
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold_NRM
				midNearTiling = 900
				midMultiFactor = 8
				midBumpNearTiling = 900
				midBumpFarTiling = 8
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/pnoise
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				highNearTiling = 300
				highMultiFactor = 30
				highBumpNearTiling = 300
				highBumpFarTiling = 30
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.25
				highStart = 0.8
				highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
				rampTexture = KSPRC/KopernicusExpansion/JoolRamp
				cloudSpeed = 0.5
				hasStorms = true
				stormMap = KSPRC/KopernicusExpansion/JoolStorms
				stormFrequency = 5
				stormDistortion = 0.85
				seed = 731983
				distortion = 0.015
				frequency = 11
				lacunarity = 1.4
				gain = 1.3


I have a big increment FPS (mostly in the space view).

P.S.: In my pc configuration if i change Kopernicus with your old version i have no improvement...

Thanks. :)

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25 minutes ago, vagabond77 said:

GoooodMorning to all!!!

Hi Istrati, Can you make a little test for me?

Edit files GameData\KSPRC\KSPRC.cfg in this way:

//	@Body[Sun]
//	{
//		Particles
//		{
//			Particle
//			{
//				target = Sun
//				texture = KSPRC/Kopernicus/Glow
//				minEmission = 10
//				maxEmission = 500
//				lifespanMin = 30
//				lifespanMax = 60
//				sizeMin = 9
//				sizeMax = 4999
//				speedScale = 0.0005
//				rate = 0.015
//				randVelocity = 0.3, 0.6, 0.1
//				Colors
//				{
//					color1 = 1.000, 0.950, 0.747, 0.750
//					color2 = 1.000, 0.994, 0.707, 0.750
//					color3 = 1.000, 0.960, 0.724, 0.750
//					color4 = 1.000, 1.000, 0.803, 0.750
//					color5 = 1.000, 0.970, 0.800, 0.750
//				}
//			}
//		}	
//	}
					blend = 1.0
					color = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0
					order = 9999975
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/moho00.dds
					order = 9999976
					blend = 0.999
               	saturation = 1.2
               	contrast = 2.35
				powerNear = 0.55
				powerFar = 0.36
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 3
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 70000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 2000
				lowMultiFactor = 20
				lowBumpNearTiling = 2000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 20
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks_NRM
				midNearTiling = 3000
				midMultiFactor = 35
				midBumpNearTiling = 3000
				midBumpFarTiling = 35
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks_NRM
				highNearTiling = 2200
				highMultiFactor = 25
				highBumpNearTiling = 2200
				highBumpFarTiling = 25
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_gilly_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/evemoon100.dds
					order = 9999977
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.5
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1000
				steepPower = 0.75
				steepTexStart = 1000
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 80
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 800
				lowMultiFactor = 8
				lowBumpNearTiling = 800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 8
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1000
				midMultiFactor = 10
				midBumpNearTiling = 1000
				midBumpFarTiling = 10
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1000
				highMultiFactor = 10
				highBumpNearTiling = 1000
				highBumpFarTiling = 10
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
				saturation = 1.25
				contrast = 3
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.7
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 4
				steepTexStart = 15000
				steepTexEnd = 90000
				steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
				steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 180
				lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands
				lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1600
				lowMultiFactor = 160
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1600
				lowBumpFarTiling = 160
				midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
				midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/dunes_NRM
				midNearTiling = 500
				midMultiFactor = 150
				midBumpNearTiling = 150
				midBumpFarTiling = 150
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
				highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				highNearTiling = 500
				highMultiFactor = 170
				highBumpNearTiling = 500
				highBumpFarTiling = 170
			ambientColor = 0.05,0.05,0.051,1
			lightColor = 0.65, 0.58, 0.5, 1.0
               	saturation = 0.975
               	contrast = 1.7
				powerNear = 0.725
				powerFar = 0.725
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 2000
				steepPower = 4
				steepTexStart = 10000
				steepTexEnd = 100000
               	steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
               	steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 140
               	lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
               	lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 4000
				lowMultiFactor = 375
				lowBumpNearTiling = 4000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 400
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/grass
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/grass_NRM
				midNearTiling = 4000
				midMultiFactor = 300
				midBumpNearTiling = 4000
				midBumpFarTiling = 325
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/pnoise
				highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/pnoise_NRM
				highNearTiling = 4000
				highMultiFactor = 100
				highBumpNearTiling = 4000
				highBumpFarTiling = 100
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/NewMunSurfaceMapDiffuse.dds
					order = 9999978
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.15
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 3500
				steepTexStart = 3000
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 900
				steepMultiFactor = 9
				steepBumpNearTiling = 900
				steepBumpFarTiling = 9
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1200
				lowMultiFactor = 12
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1200
				lowBumpFarTiling = 12
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1100
				midMultiFactor = 11
				midBumpNearTiling = 1000
				midBumpFarTiling = 11
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1000
				highMultiFactor = 10
				highBumpNearTiling = 1000
				highBumpFarTiling = 10
				globalDensity = 0
			removePQSMods = AltitudeAlpha
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.15
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 0.5
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 10
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 800
				lowMultiFactor = 8
				lowBumpNearTiling = 800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 8
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1300
				midMultiFactor = 13
				midBumpNearTiling = 1300
				midBumpFarTiling = 13
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1300
				highMultiFactor = 13
				highBumpNearTiling = 1300
				highBumpFarTiling = 13
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.15
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_minmus_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					blend = 1.0
					color = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0
					order = 999999998
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/NewMunSurfaceMap00.dds
					order = 999999999
					blend = 0.999
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/desertplanetmoon00.dds
					order = 9999980
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 10
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 10
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1200
				midMultiFactor = 12
				midBumpNearTiling = 1200
				midBumpFarTiling = 12
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 15
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 15
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.085
				highStart = 0.15
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/Duna5_00.dds
					order = 9999981
               	saturation = 0.875
               	contrast = 1.36
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.6
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 2750
				steepPower = 2
				steepTexStart = 2500
				steepTexEnd = 30000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 130
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 3000
				lowMultiFactor = 30
				lowBumpNearTiling = 3000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 30
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu_NRM
				midNearTiling = 3200
				midMultiFactor = 40
				midBumpNearTiling = 3200
				midBumpFarTiling = 40
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/margo
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/margo_NRM
				highNearTiling = 2000
				highMultiFactor = 22
				highBumpNearTiling = 2000
				highBumpFarTiling = 22
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.5
				highStart = 0.925
				highEnd = 1.05
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main - Optimised
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/dwarfplanet100.dds
					order = 9999982
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.5
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.7
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 2
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1800
				lowMultiFactor = 18
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 18
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1800
				midMultiFactor = 18
				midBumpNearTiling = 1800
				midBumpFarTiling = 18
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1800
				highMultiFactor = 18
				highBumpNearTiling = 1800
				highBumpFarTiling = 18
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.15
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				planetOpacity = 1
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_pol_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/gp1minormoon200.dds
					order = 9999984
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.5
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.7
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 2
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1500
				lowMultiFactor = 15
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1500
				lowBumpFarTiling = 15
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1500
				midMultiFactor = 15
				midBumpNearTiling = 1500
				midBumpFarTiling = 15
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 15
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 15
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.12
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.25
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				planetOpacity = 1
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_bop_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/gp1minormoon100.dds
					order = 9999984
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.3
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 80
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 800
				lowMultiFactor = 8
				lowBumpNearTiling = 800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 8
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1300
				midMultiFactor = 13
				midBumpNearTiling = 1300
				midBumpFarTiling = 13
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1300
				highMultiFactor = 13
				highBumpNearTiling = 1300
				highBumpFarTiling = 13
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.15
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/rockyMoon00.dds
					order = 9999985
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.3
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 2000
				lowMultiFactor = 20
				lowBumpNearTiling = 2000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 20
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1000
				midMultiFactor = 10
				midBumpNearTiling = 1000
				midBumpFarTiling = 10
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold_NRM
				highNearTiling = 600
				highMultiFactor = 6
				highBumpNearTiling = 600
				highBumpFarTiling = 6
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.25
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/gp1icemoon00.dds
					order = 9999986
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.3
				powerNear = 0.6
				powerFar = 0.5
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1.5
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1100
				steepTiling = 110
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 10
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 10
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/plainstone
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/plainstone_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1500
				midMultiFactor = 16
				midBumpNearTiling = 1500
				midBumpFarTiling = 16
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/iceberg
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/iceberg_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 16
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 16
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.6
				highStart = 0.9
				highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.55
				powerNear = 0.725
				powerFar = 0.725
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 10
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 10
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/dunes
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/dunes_NRM
				midNearTiling = 400
				midMultiFactor = 200
				midBumpNearTiling = 400
				midBumpFarTiling = 200
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 15
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 15
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.3
				highStart = 0.85
				highEnd = 1
				target = Sun
				texture = KSPRC/Kopernicus/particle.png
				minEmission = 800
				maxEmission = 1000
				lifespanMin = 0.1
				lifespanMax = 0.1
				sizeMin = 0.075
				sizeMax = 0.15
				speedScale = 0.0
				rate = 0.0
				randVelocity = 33.3, 66.6, 99.9
					color1 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900
					color2 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.800
					color3 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.700
					color4 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.600
					color5 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.500
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/snowydwarfplanet00.dds
					order = 99999969
			materialType = AtmosphericOptimized
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 3.5
				powerNear = 0.4
				powerFar = 0.3
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 40
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 100
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 100
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold_NRM
				midNearTiling = 900
				midMultiFactor = 8
				midBumpNearTiling = 900
				midBumpFarTiling = 8
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/pnoise
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				highNearTiling = 300
				highMultiFactor = 30
				highBumpNearTiling = 300
				highBumpFarTiling = 30
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.25
				highStart = 0.8
				highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
				rampTexture = KSPRC/KopernicusExpansion/JoolRamp
				cloudSpeed = 0.5
				hasStorms = true
				stormMap = KSPRC/KopernicusExpansion/JoolStorms
				stormFrequency = 5
				stormDistortion = 0.85
				seed = 731983
				distortion = 0.015
				frequency = 11
				lacunarity = 1.4
				gain = 1.3


I have a big increment FPS (mostly in the space view).

P.S.: In my pc configuration if i change Kopernicus with your old version i have no improvement...

Thanks. :)

Yep.. if you not download (all) the folders that i give you,it wont work.. insted if you put just the Kopernicus 0.5 there you will need to do something. in this cfg that you give me here. try to delete (JUST!) the @bodySUN. all that contain bodySun. Tell me the diference. The cfg must start with bodyMOHO. i will test right now, and show you what? if chance the fps in game ? or what?.

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14 minutes ago, Istrati said:

Yep.. if you not download (all) the folders that i give you,it wont work.. insted if you put just the Kopernicus 0.5 there you will need to do something. in this cfg that you give me here. try to delete (JUST!) the @bodySUN. all that contain bodySun. Tell me the diference. The cfg must start with bodyMOHO. i will test right now, and show you what? if chance the fps in game ? or what?.

I tested , and is the same fps. i dunno what you change in that cfg. the fps is the same on orbit/landeve/ but on duna land..i think i have 5 fps +..i dont know for sure..

Part 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d-ZETsHoqY and a funny part in 5 ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcJ9mlxaKIs :)

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10 hours ago, Istrati said:

In the first place i dont think that is someone that have no improvement after doing this, and the second one..  you dont tell you pc specification... if you have old card video or processor.that will be the problem. soory.. :(  it's logical that that i have 130 fps and you have just 50 or 60 if you have low pc spec, and especially if you forgote to disablle vsync... than fps stay's at hz monitor all the time.  soory i do not want to offense in anyway. :) 

No problem. I have a pc with an intel i5 CPU @ 3.50GHz, 32 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 video card, running windows 10.  Still only getting 25 FPS.  I will check vsync settings.

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Guys quick question, I know that it has already been answered somewhere in this thread but I can't really find the page. 

What mod/config file controls the darkness of night and day? I mean in space, on the dark side of planets....

Thanks in advance!

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