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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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Hey :)

- Download KSPRC, extract the archive on C: and delete folders RealSolarSystem, DDSLoader and KSP_Data.

- Download PlanetShine, DistantObject et TextureReplacer in their last version.

- Copy/Past plugin (file .dll) in the KSPCR folder KSPRC. Just the plugins!

- Finally, copy KSPRC in your KSP folder/Gamedata

- Enjoy!

Do not forget this config file for OPM ;)

Holy crap dude, thanks a bunch, finally a good, simple clear tutorial :D

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Awesome! This mod compilation is my go-to pack for all of my visual enhancements, maybe even better than Astronomer's Visual Pack! :D Only one thing though: R.S.S. just got updated to 1.0.2. and I'm wondering if I can just patch this current pack with the new RSS.DLL. Would I be able to do that or do I have to wait for the rework?

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Excuse my absence, quite busy IRL lately.

Thomas, you can share the Kopernicus config. Many, many thanks. My new configs are not compatible at all and I'm not working anymore with the current KSPRC's version.

About the assets, sadly, is not the same case. The assets contains Squad's files and in fact I don't want to redistribute that file... but sadly the textures without object of reference can't be replaced by TR, so I think the current way "does less harm" and is easier than reference to the assets explorer to everyone... So, despite that I share that file with the mod, I don want to abuse the current implicit consent, because the redistribution of the assets is not allowed.

Anyways, I keep working on KSPRC in my free time... And I'm doing deep improvements.

¿An example? For the last version, thanks to Kopernicus, Minmus is bit a more "realistic" body, with a new 4K-16 bit height map, but completely based on the stock characteristics (stock biomes are still valid and so on).

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Excuse my absence, quite busy IRL lately.

Thomas, you can share the Kopernicus config. Many, many thanks. My new configs are not compatible at all and I'm not working anymore with the current KSPRC's version.

About the assets, sadly, is not the same case. The assets contains Squad's files and in fact I don't want to redistribute that file... but sadly the textures without object of reference can't be replaced by TR, so I think the current way "does less harm" and is easier than reference to the assets explorer to everyone... So, despite that I share that file with the mod, I don want to abuse the current implicit consent, because the redistribution of the assets is not allowed.

Anyways, I keep working on KSPRC in my free time... And I'm doing deep improvements.

¿An example? For the last version, thanks to Kopernicus, Minmus is bit a more "realistic" body, with a new 4K-16 bit height map, but completely based on the stock characteristics (stock biomes are still valid and so on).

Awesome! If you need someone to work on cloud textures for the next release I could be all over that too. :) I just released a cloud pack in fact. I'd love to integrate it with EVE when the new release comes out and get it compatible with KSPRC.

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Joe, many thanks for your offerings, but I already have clouds and parts basically done.

If you can, please pop a screenshot from time to time Sr. Proot. Thanks for your work.

Let's see a pic of Kerbin's moons, Mun and Minmus. Comparation:



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Joe, many thanks for your offerings, but I already have clouds and parts basically done.

Let's see a pic of Kerbin's moons, Mun and Minmus. Comparation:



How did you get the heightmaps? I would love to do this myself for my re-sized system. PM me if you don't want to derail the thread.

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Joe, many thanks for your offerings, but I already have clouds and parts basically done.

Let's see a pic of Kerbin's moons, Mun and Minmus. Comparation:



Ah okay. I thought that was the case. I'll be making it KSPRC compatible anyways, as I love your mod too much to not. Amazing textures too! I always love when Minmus textures outline the mesas and high lands, and your textures does that extremely well. :) - As well as emphasizing the discolorations! Beautiful. ^-^

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Really looking forward to the update.

me too

Sorry if this has already been covered but it's a long thread, @Proot a while back I saw some amazing pictures of new water shaders, I'm 99% sure it was your post.

Is that going to be part of a future KSPRC release?

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me too

Sorry if this has already been covered but it's a long thread, @Proot a while back I saw some amazing pictures of new water shaders, I'm 99% sure it was your post.

Is that going to be part of a future KSPRC release?

No, that is a feature from the marvelous Scatterer Mod, by Blackrack. But I want to add Scatterer in the next version, as least for the atmo effects. Water can be a medium-term feature, Blackrack is still working on it.

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No, that is a feature from the marvelous Scatterer Mod, by Blackrack. But I want to add Scatterer in the next version, as least for the atmo effects. Water can be a medium-term feature, Blackrack is still working on it.

ah I knew I'd seen it somewhere.

hopefully unity 5 is going to help with all these new effects you guys are working on.

many thanks proot, keep up the awesome work!

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Question of technical ignorance / search-fu failure: If I want to use the clouds from KSPRC, but I don't want to have any auroras, can I just delete BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/Aurora, or will I need to monkey around with anything else to prevent the game from giving me any shenanigans about this?

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Okay, Proot has allowed me to share my config, and here is it! https://www.dropbox.com/s/ow9h5fspmm1eerl/KSPRC_Kopernicus.zip?dl=0

Unzip the contents of the .zip into your GameData folder and delete the KittopiaSpace and RealSolarSystem folders. They aren't needed anymore. :)

Does your config work for 1.0.4 or is it still limited to 0.90?

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anybody know how to remove the sun flare texture completely? I'd like to get some screenshots of a transiting Minmus from Kerbin

Well, sort of. I'll have to check when I get in from work, but one of the asset files in the KSP_Data contains some textures including the sun flare and the loading icon. So if you were to back it up, then delete it from you KSP_Data, there would be no sun flare. Again, I can't remember the name of the file, so I'll have to check :P

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I'm still on 0.90 but if Phoenix's method doesn't work I'll throw together a basic 1.0.4 build


well I think I exhausted all my 0.90 options. I checked KSPRC's archive to see what shared asset file it was replacing for the sun flare and renamed it in the directory. Then I tried moving it out of the directory. Then I tried moving out the same asset file (#10) from the KSP_x64_Data folder as well. Then I realized I had a new sun flare texture in Texture Replacer's default folder so I moved that out. Then I removed TR completely. Then I tried the givesOffLight property in my 0.90 Kopernicus but I guess that's a newer feature. At the end of it all I still have a sun flare. Dammit :P

Unless phoenix can confirm I removed the wrong shared asset file, guess it's off to set up a basic 1.0.4...

Edited by Gaiiden
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... delete the KittopiaSpace ...

Wrong. At least, for me on 1.0.4 when I tried to install your patch it refused to work until I added KittopiaSpace from the KSPRC download. I downloaded the latest game files from Steam, dropped in MM.dll, dropped in your files from the zip archive, and all I saw was white atmo and no sun particles until I then added the KittopiaSpace folder.

You can actually do this with Kopernicus, simply download my patch from above and add

givesOffLight = false

to the SolarLightColor { } node in @Body[sun] { } :)

unfortunately something's not right with this property name or value because including it in the KSPRC_Kopernicus.cfg file causes the game to not load the settings at all (white atmo, no sun particles, etc)

givesOffLight = false
sunlightColor = 1.0, 0.98, 0.96, 1.0
sunlightIntensity = 0.55
sunlightShadowStrength = 0.7523364
scaledSunlightColor = 1.0, 0.985, 0.965, 1.0
scaledSunlightIntensity = 0.55
IVASunColor = 1.0, 0.985, 0.965, 1.0
IVASunIntensity = 0.55
sunLensFlareColor = 1.0, 0.985, 0.965, 1.0
ambientLightColor = 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 1.0

I tried changing it from false to 0 but that still didn't work. I see you're the Kopernicus dev though so I suspect it's me that's doing something wrong but I can't figure out what. Again, here's what I have in GameData:

KittopiaSpace (from latest KSPRC)

Kopernicus (from your patch)

KSPRC (from your patch)



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Hello! MatoroIgnika suggested I make WindowShine Compatible with KSPRC (And I was already wanting to), so I did it.


1. Install KSPRC

2. Install WindowShine

3. Overwrite TextureReplacer with this: KSPRC+WindowShine (Dropbox)

- Edit: Proot, also note that there are a few textures that are still .dds in parts. I think the Gigantor is one of them.

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@Gaiiden: Could you please upload your output_log.txt and the KSPRoot/Logs folder?

Uhm, ok weird! I moved out KittopiaSpace and ran the game, planing to get an instance of that problem, save the logs then modify the cfg and re-run for another instance of that problem... but the atmosphere and sun particles showed up with KS folder gone. However when I tried adding the cfg line and loading a ship out onto the launchpad the sun flare was still there. The node says ScaledSpace so do I need to be up in orbit for it to take effect? Anyways, here's the log files from the run with the edited cfg file:


Again, things worked without the KS folder this time, but still no effect on the flare presence

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