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Confess your KSP sins

Red Iron Crown

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I spend hours and hours designing missions that don't leave the launchpad. For one reason or another, probably 60% of my missions are scrapped after I have spent a long time designing them.

I asparagus the hell out of launchers. Unrealistic, bizarre and ugly, but stupidly overpowered and incredibly effective.

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I have never left the Kerbin SOI and I have been playing before planes were invented

Its actually shameful- I envy those who experience it. I do, however, get a real kick out of landing on the Mun with stuff :)

I have only landed on Minmus twice and that was only one manned attempt

I did get a slingshot mission out, but have only landed twice

I can't do any form of flight

25% due to my computers ability to load the surroundings, 50% due to my consistent under-kill, 20% for my flying skills and 5% other

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I installed HyperEdit and attempted to use it. But failed to, never installed it since either.

I performed my first ever landing on another body using MechJeb.I really regret this one, the first landing was still rather magical, but my first manual landing was even better and I can't help but feel I kind of ruined it for myself the first time round. I still use autopilot when I don't have the time to fly everything by hand but it was a mistake to rely on it so much early on.

I hate going Interplanetary. I'm awful at planning manual intercepts and it seems MJ also hates planning them for me too as it always gives me a target windows that's years away even if I'm right on a supposed window. It usually just results in losing Kerbals or waiting hours in timewarp. I really wish we could see our trajectory when we leave the SOI while planning the node, rather than having to wait until we're well past the point of no return.

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I part-clip and airhog. Nothing makes me happier than having every fuel line, battery, light, RTG and strut hidden away. Sometimes I even clip fuel tanks inside each other because I don't like the RCS tanks much.

My favorite stock plane has no visible control surfaces and 48 RAM air intakes. I can get it into orbit with a nudge of RCS... =3

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I really wish we could see our trajectory when we leave the SOI while planning the node, rather than having to wait until we're well past the point of no return.
Go into the settings.cfg file and increase the number after CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT. 5 will cover you for most missions.
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I've never returned a Kerbal to Kerbin's SOI without Kethane

Before my current YouTube series started, I left Kerbin's SOI once with a Kerbal. I sent Jeb, Bob and Bill to Moho and they ran out of fuel just as they achieved orbit. I started an entire Kethane industry to refuel the ship that was to bring them back. This was before I learned the joys of KER.

Since then, I've basically only ever played my series (except testing in a sandbox game, mostly for the series), and in my series I also use Kethane. The only mission that's not got any Kethane stuff planned is my Dres mission and the guy is still sitting on Dres, waiting for a transfer window.

I put this here now because this weekend, for my new series, I'll be returning a Kerbal from Gilly. He'll be the the first Kerbal I've ever returned from another planet's SOI without the help of Kethane.

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I can't tell if you're confessing you didn't read the OP or that you don't follow directions well.

He's just making a joke i.e. implying he has committed atrocities to Kerbalkind and he won't confess to it unless you have proof.

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After several unsuccessful attempts at redirecting a class E asteroid (which was captured by my bro, the Mun) I used HyperEdit to put it on a circular orbit.

I once smashed the Mun into the Kerbal Space Center.

Cost doesn't matter: my spaceship must have at least twice the required amount of fuel. No exceptions.

And finally:

I'm better at flying vessels by hand than using MechJeb.

Edited by Wampa842
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i use F5 and F9 ... but often to realise that my last F5 was to long ago...

never installed a mod. some i want to install later (like the map mod, but i am too lazy or havent found the Need (e.g. Mechjeb )

had till now only unmanned crafts departing for duna and eve. and i did't bother such things like launch Windows, the eve probe still Needs 200+ days to have Encounter.

the first duna crashed due lack of electricity. i did transmit science but didn't notice that the System Setup was sun - ike - probe - duna. So the solar Panels where out but so sun to catch. when i wanted to stage the paracutes there was no electricity there.

jeb couldn't leave the capsule on his first mun landing. on my new designed lander there was a paracute on the hatch

i use nav nodes only for the direction and ignore the dv help or delete them altogether . just look how the burn works in map mode.

i build a space plane but it is useless. starting orbiting Docking returning for just to deliver about a FL-T2000 tank of fuel isn't worth the time. all bigger designs are epic Fails

Deleted my debris outside of kerbin sphere of influence.

gets annoyed by new asteriods. it itches me to capture all that would hit kerbin...

dropping all not used crafts on kerbin... and i use nuclear engine often...

Ignores the fact that the lander cans aren't meant for reentry.

Edited by shizophrenic
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I always use part clipping. It allows me to create designs that would be possible in real life, but aren't in KSP.

I consider myself a very good player, about as skilled as Manley, but I still haven't tried capturing an asteroid. I cba to wait for it to reach Kerbin.

I absolutely hate Jeb and the hype about him. I use RandomCrew to make sure he will never even appear in the game (thanks a lot, regex).

I still consider more boosters a valid way to fix lifters

Is there another way? :confused:

Yes, there are another ways. You can choose between different engines, the amount of fuel, plenty of little things like that. I always try to avoid adding more boosters.

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I absolutely hate Jeb and the hype about him. I use RandomCrew to make sure he will never even appear in the game (thanks a lot, regex).

Huh, someone actually uses that?

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Once, i was doing a replica of the Viking 1 mission, all right, after SEVERAL aerobrakings (that ended just A BIT high so yea, had low fuel) i got into a nice orbit, not even circular though, i released the satellite... Just after realising... I forget to open solar panels... And all the electric charge was on the batteries of the lander...

Most of the times i tend to have a full tank after orbiting Kerbin, and the full tank is the one i was supposed to use for circularisation

Once i was going to the Mun, but i under-powered my craft, so in the middle of the transfer burn i ran out of fuel, had to EVA and go with the pack, luckly i had Vanguard EVA Parachutes

I HATE autopilots such as Mechjeb, i love to do stuff by myself

And finnaly, i just cannot play without mods, such as Texture Replacer, Chatterer and other small mods...

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I'll never understand the hate for MechJeb. That mod gives so much wonderful information. Aside from mundane orbits around Kerbin, I don't use its autopilot function. But man how I love all of the useful information! What's not to love about that?

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I'll never understand the hate for MechJeb. That mod gives so much wonderful information. Aside from mundane orbits around Kerbin, I don't use its autopilot function. But man how I love all of the useful information! What's not to love about that?

I think the hate for MechJeb comes from the idea of having the game being played for you. Nobody has any grief for the information it gives.


I thought of another sin: I leave Kerbals in space station for years, sometimes decades at a time.

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I've never watched a Scott Manley video.

I've mostly watched Scott Manley videos so I can listen to his lovely voice.

I then get my husband who also has a lovely Scottish accent and who has watched the videos to show me what to do instead.

I find it a far more enjoyable way to learn but it does stop my husband from playing the game himself every waking hour.

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