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Confess your KSP sins

Red Iron Crown

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Oh dear...

When I've established my mining rigs can harvest and bring resources to my in-orbit ISRU/refueling station, I'll never do it again and just hyperedit full resources to any vessel that manages to dock.

I cannot face the consequences of my mistakes:

  • If I mess up and get a ship stranded with too little fuel and no convenient save to return to, I cheat in some extra fuel and pretend I never made that mistake.

  • I've never ever let a kerbal rest in peace. Once, when Valentina crashed into minmus because I completely forgot about that mission and the correction burn I needed to do (last week), I hacked my save to drag her back to active duty because I couldn't live with the guilt.
  • When I forgot to test or add some important part to my ship (like that time I blocked the crew hatch with a parachute) I put a fixed copy of it on the launchpad and hyperedit it to to a rendezvous to replace the original. Now I can't look at the vessel logs because they prove I'm a fraud...

I put kerbals that I suspect are romantically involved in the same crews and have them man space stations or bases, away from the stress and dangers of everyday service. It makes me feel less guilty about stranding them in the middle of nowhere.

I think Val and Jeb are competing with each other, and I try my best to give them an equal share of high profile missions, but sometimes I neglect Bill who must have ambitions as well.

I use the Diverse Kerbal heads mod and I suspect Bob's getting to old for this ####.

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My biggest sin is using KIS to build space stations in orbit without using too many docking ports. I edited the cfg files increasing the max weight and distance of the grab feature, so now engineers are able to attach big parts to the station. Now, docking ports are only used for docking other ships or temporary modules.

It helps keeping the part count a bit lower. :)

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I've used hyper edit to assemble my Stations. :( I can Rendezvous well, and I even could dock without MJ. But I've got a schedule, I'm in college, and I really just wanna see the stations complete so I can relax in my IVAs.

- - - Updated - - -

Also I use MJ for almost every mission, I truly can't imagine KSP without it anymore. From Planetary voyages to landing and Docking (Well I admit I do take manual control when landing next to my bases because I want to land near not ON them).

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- I suck at landing planes properly and put kazillion parachutes on each and every of them.

- I sent a massive kerballed mission to Eeloo. It ran out of fuel, did a flyby and vanished into interstellar space. After a few years, I terminated it to clean up the bloated save that was turning into a slideshow, but then couldn't stand the guilt of looking at the names of the poor kerbals in the "lost" section of the roster... and edited the save file to erase all traces of that expedition and its crew as if they had never existed.

- I fired Jeb, Bill and Bob.

Edited by Haruspex
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I never encountered any bugs in 64 bit KSP-WIN until upgradeable buildings came out...

I switched to linux, 64 bit KSP was a driving factor.

[Non KSP Sin: I spent >250 hours doing it. I started with an empty 'ubuntu Server(64bit)' and learned how to get it to full desktop desktop version functionality. The hard way. By the time I finished learning all that I didn't even want the GUI except for web browsing and games]

I play 'Honor Mode' in all games I play, ESPECIALLY KSP. And I spend a lot of time doing it.

I have OOO Calc spreadsheets to calculate 'optimal' stage sizes and compositions for a given payload weight and target Apogee.

I do not use aforementioned sheet, as by the time I finished making it I had internalized 99% of the principles involved anyway.

When I first started playing KSP it took me 2 weeks to reach orbit, and when I did I broke free of kerbin, and had 6 probes with 1000ms of dV with me.

It took me 2 weeks to reach orbit because I refused to RTFM, and was 'staging' by [Right Click]->Decouple exclusively. Later I found custom stages and used them exclusively. Then I discovered I could drag/drop elements on the staging list by accident one day. Oh and I demanded my first ship to reach orbit MUST have a FULL orange tank left.

I added FAR as soon as I found it, and nuked all of my save files. Harder is better.

I have never played career mode at the 'Hard' Settings, I always reduced mission rewards to half the 'Hard' values, and all penalties to maximum. (But I enable quicksaving - 4 kraken only.)

( ^ Not a sin? I spent 3 weeks flying missions with a 5-10% profit margin and collected all available kerbin matl bay/goo/crew science before I started being able to operate normally. I couldn't afford building upgrades needed to make mun missions.)

I never revert, never quickload(except kraken). Because I never allow failure.

(^ Not a sin? I spend 5X longer flying missions than I really should. I could have spent that time doing... ANYTHING else.)

I consider mechjeb evil, and have flown 99% of all my missions by hand. Wasting valuable time.

I learned how to rendezvous by launching a liner of 30 or so kerbals over the minmus, and then jumping them out one by one, giving them each unique, messy, orbits. I then proceeded to launch 10 rescue ships that gathered the kerbals 3 at a time and returned them to the liner, refueling it with what little was left. The Liner burnt up on reentry. I now consider rendezvous and docking easier than driving a rover on minmus.

The first rover I ever built was deployed to minmus. Ultimately one kerbal was killed in a tragic tricycling accident.

I've been playing since .19 but didnt purchase the game until 1.0


I just spent 30 minutes typing about my space program, rather than flying it.

Edited by Kerr_
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I use Alt-F9 too much :(

I mean I guess everyone does. But I use it to such an extent that I don't "accept" Kerbal death or severe Material loss, even if it was clearly caused by my negligence.

I wonder if the game would be more "fun" if everything I did actually mattered.

Same here. But now that I've read your post I've sworn to myself that the next mission will be without F9!

Well Gilma Kerman is dead now and Nathy and Hading Kerman are both stranded in an orbit around Eeloo with only their EVA-suits.

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The only thing currently in orbit in my game is a 16 warhead orbital strike system.

I regularly refit my planes to carry not space stuff, but ludicrous amounts of bombs.

I use antimatter reactors and thermal turbojets to obtain stupidly OP amounts of efficiency and thrust.

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I tend to severely overestimate my piloting skills and therefore, inevitably, severely underestimate the delta-v required for a specific task.

Even now when the evidence of my sumptuously bad navigation skills are apparent, I still tend to underestimate my delta-v. That must be a sound definition of insanity: Keep trying the same thing which keeps failing and still be convinced that you are not the problem.

Oh and I consistently utilize the "kill rotation by time-warp" glitch. I would consider this a sin, especially in light of the mod which actually corrects that glitch.

I tend not to use the cheat menu or hyper-edit, though on some occasions I have definitely used them. Which is not necessarily a sin (it probably is, given the words edit and cheat are included), but definitely not how one is supposed to gather resources or achieve a slightly more convenient orbit - which is why I tend to stay away from it. But I have indeed sinned on multiple occasions.

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