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Confess your KSP sins

Red Iron Crown

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When the 0.25 came out, I downloaded the bomb mod that appear in "modding monday".

I was making plane with HEAVY load with, and because it was new to me(the part about having a small but heavy plane) there was a lot of crashes.

And in most nearly every crashes, the pilots were dying.

My sin: not using the new probe core for the test

another one: I wasn't bothered by the dead kerbal.

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I once made a bomber plane which used the bomb as a major structural element. Upon dropping it, it spiralled out of control.

I can't land on the runway.

I've never returned a Kerbal from somewhere outside the Kerbin system.

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I once send a kerbal to Duna in the smallest command pod.

He spent a LOT of time in that small pod(just make a mission to Duna and you will see);even worse, since the beginning of the mission I perfectly knew he would have no chances of coming back:the "lander" just consisting of the pod and a chute...

He still in that pod(simply because new updates came out and I didn't bothered playing "old" version for saving the kerbal(plus, my landings on Duna aren't precise enough for a rescue).

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I have a laptop that I have to use for school. Nothing amazing but it has 0.18 still on it (before i got this pc!). I would play KSP at the back of the languages class (what else am I meant to have done?) and always used mechjeb because I can't be asked to pilot by hand. With the later versions, using it on rather awful hardware.

Oh, I lost\killed\intentionally murdered Jeb in all my saves.

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I edit my save games a lot.

I Edit it when TAC lifesupport decides that I have run out of a resource when I know full well that the recyclers are generating more than the kerbals are using.Recently I have just started setting the available space for oxygen and water to be really large and just periodically using hyperedit to fill them up fully.

Most recently I edited a ship to change where its antenna was pointing when I found that Kerbin at opposition was a couple of % to far away from my probe for me to execute a maneouvre. I repointed the antenna at a cratf that luckily had 2 high power antennae and was half way between.

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On my first Mun landing I promised myself I would accept whatever happen.

About 12 Save/Loads later I finally landed on a 25 degree incline and I nearly cried....It was a happy moment but I felt dirty about it later.

The screen shot I got from it was spectacular though.

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I can't build launch vehicles very well, I usually have to refuel once I'm in orbit.

I exclusively use part clipping in the editors. I don't edit without it.

I'm 9 parts plane engineer and 1 part astronaut, I probably won't go to space today.

I rarely use solid rocket boosters.

I have only ever made a single one way probe trip to Duna without refueling. I forgot to add a parachute. I have never traveled to any other planet without cheats.

I don't quick save.

I like making military things in KSP.

I landed on the Mun in my first try, but the engine fell off (this was before we had lander legs) and Jeb remains there to this day.

Edited by scotty93
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Most of my highly unstable test aircraft that probably are impossible to land within the length of the runway are flown manned with no escape system.

I tested a 660-Kerbal spaceplane loaded completely full. When it exploded over the ocean, I clicked space center.

I build SSTOs that I know have not the slightest possibility of landing safely, and have only a fractional chance of getting the whole thing to orbit.

I occasionally exploit challenges with glitch craft unless the rules state otherwise.

I have never successfully returned a Kerbal from the Joolian system, despite having made dozens of craft capable of such a feet.

I intentionally leave large amounts of debris in orbit as "target practice." I even once tried to make a Kessler bomb, a satellite that explodes into 511 pieces of debris in a retrograde orbit.

I've abused time warp by switching to other objects to allow SSTOs above 23 km to reach apoapsis.

I've flown a plane with 3790 Kerbals onboard. It didn't fly very long. Nonetheless, it killed well over 90% of the passengers, causing more death than any aircraft incident in IRL history.

I've spent an inordinate amount of time trying to crash a manned supersonic jet into a manned low-altitude space station.

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My sins (thus far) are:

1) I don't often use Kerbals, most of my missions are unmanned and designed for SCIENCE! I have started mapping Kerbin, Mun and Minmus with Satellites and I have got a little way into creating an effective Kerbin GPS network (a few rover missions are in preliminary phases of testing).

2) I use MechJeb for everything (except landings) and I justify it to myself thusly: this is how it is done by less successful agencies like NASA!

3) Up until my current save, I have never returned to a previous one.

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i was already pretty good at space flight before ksp thanks to orbiter. ksp just made it more fun.

In that vein, I'll confess one of my Orbiter sins. I always did interplanetary transfers by escaping Earth, going into a circular solar orbit, and then initiating the Hohmann transfer.

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I have FAR installed. For some inexplicable reason, I take one of my maneuverable designs (usually an F/A-18 inspired design), empty most of its fuel, turn infinite fuel on, and then put the liquid fuel RCS thrusters. It becomes super maneuverable, and its hilarious fun to do aerobatics in it. I can make it even better by putting engines that put the TWR above one, so I can do VTOL. I find this cheating so I consider it a sin. Sometimes, I put a bunch of thrusters underneath the aircraft, and use the k key to lift it off the ground like a VTOL.

I use infinite fuel to test VTOLs.

I often get so lazy I don't install mods I should really have when I start a new install.

Also, like many other people, I keep part clipping on.

EDIT: I don't mean FAR is a sin btw, I meant that as "Why do I do this hilariously maneuverable aircraft in FAR, when stock can actually do this?"

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Launched three Kerbals on a daring tour to Jool. They had plenty of legroom in the hitchhiker storage, four lander modules, several small disposable science probes... and just about enough fuel to either return home or visit one moon. Which of course i only noticed after arrival... That was in 0.24. I since played 0.25 for some weeks - leaving the ship in orbit around Jool. Recently finally decided to visit at least one of the moons, since this would be the last mission in this savegame anyway - loaded, and somehow every single flight in progress was deleted... missing part or something. I think it was the upgrade of Kerbal Engineer Redux from beta to 1.0 that sealed their fate...

Still sad about it. So much preparation and the long trip out... and they didn't even set foot on one of the moons :-( Mission Commander Obmore Kerman, you will be missed!

Edited by heng
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