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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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@Neeken: Not without KSP_folder/KSP_Data/output_log.txt I don't :)

@Steven Mading: You might want to record a video, but DMP doesn't really do stuff in this area - It only takes the flight parameters and gets the other clients to overwrite them each position update. DMP could be physwarping, but that still wouldn't account for that problem. The output_log.txt might come in handy, but a youtube video explaining it might be an even better bug report.

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  godarklight said:
@Neeken: Not without KSP_folder/KSP_Data/output_log.txt I don't :)

@Steven Mading: You might want to record a video, but DMP doesn't really do stuff in this area - It only takes the flight parameters and gets the other clients to overwrite them each position update. DMP could be physwarping, but that still wouldn't account for that problem. The output_log.txt might come in handy, but a youtube video explaining it might be an even better bug report.

If it's what I found then it seems the positional tracking.

Even when trying to line up for a circularisation burn, the RCS jets start turning you, the vessel jumps it's heading back a bit and loses all momentum. Then the RCS thrusters fire again and just start the turn again. It's uses RCS fuel as normal until it "jumps" and time ticks by as normal.

On bigger, less manoeuvrable ships it essentially makes changing heading nearly impossible.

It seems to be when the server is pinging the ships position.

Hope this helps, I've no log.

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  godarklight said:
@Neeken: Not without KSP_folder/KSP_Data/output_log.txt I don't :)

This is probably the relevant information: http://pastebin.com/28KnrfKg

I've tried deleting the folders and running the updater multiple times as well. I can't see how I did something wrong. You might... :sticktongue:

EDIT: Deleting the folder and downloading the dev build manually worked. Maybe something happened to the updater on my side. No idea...

Edited by Neeken
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@Harrekin: Ah, the active vessel does indeed get time skipped if your client clock falls behind. I might get DMP to go into a free-running type of subspace while you're the only player in it, that would prevent time-skips in that situation. This is sometimes accompanied with spam in the debug log (Alt+F12, Debug).

@Neeken: If it pops up again let me know, I'm not completely sure what happened there, Unless you tried updating DMP while KSP was running?

@FlightNewbie: Caused by my sillyness (The token authentication system was replaced by a secure private/public key challange/response system). In the process I had to remove the player tokens, but forgot to check if the directory existed or not first :P. Fixed in dev.

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Hi I am not sure if it is an issue or if it is not working correctly, but me and my brother are playing together and are using my computer as the server. We connect fine and can play together, but we can never seem to see each other, even when our times are synced together. We can be several thousand metres apart but still see nothing. The only time he has appeared on my hud us when he crashed into kerbin after landing. Any idea why we can't see one another. Or am i just being stupid? i couldn't find anything on the internet anywhere about it.

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Another issue, which I've seen others having, is the invisible load crafts window. I get the same msg in the debug window "[Exception]: ArgumentException: GUILayout: Mismatched LayoutGroup.Repaint". When I hit the load button, the DMP status window becomes empty and the load window is invisible. I can still load crafts if I'm lucky in hitting the invisible text. I'm running the dev build.

What's strange is that it doesn't happen every time I launch KSP, but most of the time.

Well, it's obviously Unity getting confused here. "Each frame Unity starts with a Layout, does some Events and a Repaint. However the number and type of controls in the Repaint doesn't match the Layout and thats the problem.".

Not sure if that's of any help though.

Edited by Neeken
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  Mr Tiddles said:
can i have some good server info?

also, every sever i try to join comes up with the unhanded error while syncing

Same with me.

I was able to connect fine the first run, but after that, nothing will connect.

The server is on my computer and my friends are all able to access it fine.

Here is where the error occurs (from KSP.log):

[LOG 00:15:39.473] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'InterstellarToolbar' from assembly 'InterstellarToolbar'

[LOG 00:15:39.558] [1258.699] DarkMultiPlayer: Threw in UpdateEvent, exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at DarkMultiPlayer.FlagSyncer.HandleFlagChangeEvent () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DarkMultiPlayer.FlagSyncer.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DarkMultiPlayer.Client.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

[LOG 00:15:39.561] [1258.7] DarkMultiPlayer: Sending disconnect message, reason: Unhandled error while syncing!

[LOG 00:15:39.563] [1258.701] DarkMultiPlayer: Disconnected, reason: Connection ended: Unhandled error while syncing!

[LOG 00:15:39.564] [1258.705] DarkMultiPlayer: Connection error: Read failure, System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags flags) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Strangely, after it tries to connect, it actually goes to KSC, but it still shows the 'connect' button and I am unable to exit from it - I must quit end task on KSP.


I had errors with syncing before this version of DMP (occurred only rarely), but they usually resolved themselves after a few reconnects. But I think that this is a completely new problem.


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@jakeb1993: After you leave the safety bubble (which is tiny) you should spawn in. Make sure you use the development version if you're playing on KSP 0.25.

@Everyone, thanks to @Neeken helping me test the disappearing GUI bug, things should be fixed in dev. Turns out the "get a new unique id" call wasn't so unique ;).

@The Jedi Master: Only the development version works with KSP 0.25 - Either download it from my build server, or if you're using DMPUpdater.exe, rename it to DMPUpdater-development.exe (This is the best way to keep DMP up-to-date on dev).

@inigma: Try to catch me on IRC, the more reports / videos I have of bugs, the better the chances of me fixing them :). Stock ships are disabled in career/science mode (because that's what KSP single player does), I haven't really tested the stock ships in a long time (because they aren't all that great...).

@Mr Tiddles: You need to be on dev on KSP 0.25, and dev servers appear at the bottom of the server list. I'm hoping to release DMP 0.1.6 around october 31st (which would celebrate 1 year of KSP multiplayer via mods - It was KMP's initial release date). At the moment, the protocol 29 is the latest protocol version, you'll need to connect to those.

@Rekrahttam: If you can reproduce this following some certain types of steps, drop by in IRC. It's much easier fixing things if we can actually speak in real time :). There's not a lot that can go wrong in FlagSyncer, apart from the (flagURL or HighLogic.CurrentGame being null...)

EDIT: I've taken a pre-emptive strike against that error, Test dev to see if that bug is still around :)

Edited by godarklight
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After I've finally to got my sevrer to work, and my friend able to join I have another issue. We can't see each other ingame (Yes, we're outside the safety bubble, and we even tried meetinch each other in orbit). My friend was able to spectate me but he couldn't see me moving, nor I could. I saw his ship launching once on the map but then it disappeared. Any solution to that?

Edit: Somehow we saw ourselves move with great amount of lag and then we seemed desynced cempletly

Edited by The Czosnex
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  Mr Tiddles said:
can i have some good server info?

also, every sever i try to join comes up with the unhanded error while syncing

Server List. Take note of the version number-- the stable release build for First Contract (.24) is version 1.5.6. If you are using KSP .25, you need to use the DMP Dev Build and find a server that uses it as well.

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You have to add mumech.MJ2.Pod to the partslist in DMPModControl.txt

My Request:

A option in the Server Config for the saving vessel Timer would be nice. I found out that this is happening every 30 secs and so my KSP stops a couple seconds to upload my large Ship (only DSL 6k).

A compression of this Data would be cool idea too.

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  Soundwave__007 said:
How can i change the serverdifficulty to easy? I want the "Revert Flight" button in flight. I can change the difficulty in the settings but if i respawn i must change it again to easy.

The revert function is disabled on the release version. Apparently it would occasionally delete every vessel on the server.

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  FKNPwnd said:

You have to add mumech.MJ2.Pod to the partslist in DMPModControl.txt

What does that have to do with blacklisting? And it is added to the partslist. The problem is that it says the craft is gonna get deleted because the small mechjeb part is a banned part.

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  FlightNewbie said:
What does that have to do with blacklisting? And it is added to the partslist. The problem is that it says the craft is gonna get deleted because the small mechjeb part is a banned part.

If it is only saying that the mechjeb part is bad, not the plugin, you can go to the mechjeb part's file and find where it references the plugin. Then you can copy that into another part so that it will function the same and not be blacklisted.

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Found a nasty repeatable bug. Using a savegame turned Universe, loading any pre-existing vehicle, and then disconnecting from within the vehicle and then reconnecting using DMP GUI, the server duplicates all assets in the area: ships, Kerbals, flags, etc... which on load causes explosions. I sent a bug report to dl.

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Today was my first chance to try DMP, and I have to say, I'm terribly impressed! It's a little glitchy here and there, but it's incredible for me and my friend to be playing KSP *together*. Keep up the good work, this is beyond incredible! I LOVE how I don't have to have KSP running on the server machine to play!

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