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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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Ive been trying to get me and my friends to play together privately on dmp, but It never works with other people. The only way we can actually do it, is by playing local which we cant do because we live in different cities. Anyway, when any of us run the server, only the person can get on using localhost as the address. When others try to join with the public ip (saying we only tampered with mod control and just changing sandbox to science mode in settings) it just says connected and never actually joins, leading to a connection timeout. Anyone have a slightest clue why this happens? I mean the port is open on 6702 like the server and our input for adding the server.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 6/10/2017 at 4:13 PM, gamerscircle said:

I had my first experience with this and it was lots of fun!

Attempting to create my own server for some friends ; however I seem to be running into a problem with port 6702

6702/tcp closed e-design-net

Running Win10
I have created an inbound rule in the firewall for TCP 6702
I have done a port forward on the router for this port to my PC' IP
I have made sure that on the router that I have a static IP
I have also put my PC' ip into a DMZ

No joy, any suggestions?


Hi, yes i think i know what the problem is and i had a similar problem in the past where it was impossible to host any server even if i open all ports and turned off firewalls ect.... ( by the way DO NOT turn on DMZ this is VERY bad for system security, it is like turning all security off )

Many people who get internet are on a so called WAN network  ( wide area network )    =  a simple example... you have a internet supplier with one super high speed internet line, and then everybody use the same internet connection but all people have a different ip..
Normal this is not a problem when just surfing the net or gaming on the internet since your ISP router/modem make sure everybody so to speak "drive on their own highway".
BUT to be able to get "priority" on the highway and get more "rights" then you need a little extra service so you can use "another car on the highway "

What you properbly have to do is to call your ISP and ask to get a static permanent static ip address... This typical cost a little money to setup like 10usd. Then you will ALWAYS have the same IP address.
When you have a static ip address then i am pretty sure that your server will work. You will also be able to host a teamspeak server and other servers.


I hope this will point you in the right direction so you know what to try or read more about.


  On 6/14/2017 at 5:37 PM, Adamthescientist said:

Ive been trying to get me and my friends to play together privately on dmp, but It never works with other people. The only way we can actually do it, is by playing local which we cant do because we live in different cities. Anyway, when any of us run the server, only the person can get on using localhost as the address. When others try to join with the public ip (saying we only tampered with mod control and just changing sandbox to science mode in settings) it just says connected and never actually joins, leading to a connection timeout. Anyone have a slightest clue why this happens? I mean the port is open on 6702 like the server and our input for adding the server.


Hi, yes i think i know what the problem is and i had a similar problem in the past where it was impossible to host any server even if i open all ports and turned off firewalls ect.... ( by the way DO NOT turn on DMZ this is VERY bad for system security, it is like turning all security off )

Many people who get internet are on a so called WAN network  ( wide area network )    =  a simple example... you have a internet supplier with one super high speed internet line, and then everybody use the same internet connection but all people have a different ip..
Normal this is not a problem when just surfing the net or gaming on the internet since your ISP router/modem make sure everybody so to speak "drive on their own highway".
BUT to be able to get "priority" on the highway and get more "rights" then you need a little extra service so you can use "another car on the highway "

What you properbly have to do is to call your ISP and ask to get a static permanent static ip address... This typical cost a little money to setup like 10usd. Then you will ALWAYS have the same IP address.
When you have a static ip address then i am pretty sure that your server will work. You will also be able to host a teamspeak server and other servers.


I hope this will point you in the right direction so you know what to try or read more about.

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Hey, so I have been having some proglems regarding the server...

As I wanted to run the "DMPserver.exe" windows told me that there is a major security risk involved in that...

Why is this happening?

Edited by BikeSpike
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i have a quick question about dark multiplayer, if anyone knows, in career mode, is anything synced with other players? building tier? science? funds?

also, i heard something that you will stop supporting career mode? is this true? i love career mode in this game and id love to play a CO-OP career mode with my friends.


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I wanted to set up a KSP server for me and a few friends where the time is locked with real earth time. I imagined a routine wich is called each time the server stars and time warps to the Kerbal ingame time which corresponds to the system time of the server. After that no time warp is allowed and the ingame time will follow roughly the real time until the server is shut down again. Is there a way to implement this routine in a DMP server? Are ther commands available to automatically warp and get the ingame time?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 8/23/2017 at 11:04 PM, Scout1218 said:

Me and my friend want to set up a private server, and we don't want to use Hamachi. We probably can't do port forward, but is there any other way?

edit: actually I'm wondering if hamachi is safe to use for this application.


I have used both hamachi and tungle with great success - haven't seen any ransomware popups yet ;-)

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  On 8/23/2017 at 11:04 PM, Scout1218 said:

Me and my friend want to set up a private server, and we don't want to use Hamachi. We probably can't do port forward, but is there any other way?

edit: actually I'm wondering if hamachi is safe to use for this application.


Why can't you port forward? No router access or something?

It's quite easy to do actually, need any help with it?

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  On 8/25/2017 at 9:24 PM, Scout1218 said:

Well, we could port forward, but both of our parents wont allow it.


Still do it, what's the chance they'll find out lol.

Unless your parents both do excrements with IT, I'd still do it, my mom doesn't even know the router password and calls me when the TV doesn't work cuz there's no cable plugged in...

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Ive been playing dmp for quite a while, i love it but it needs one more thing, implemented or separate support for BDA so people can have a chance at dogfighting their own planes against somebody else's in real time and shown with actual skill. ( Highly suggest mouse aim flight mod if anybody is wondering how to beat the ai in a vulcan or browning only fight every time ) There was a mod for this back in 1.0.5 but I want to know if it's possible with the current version of DMP. If so i might just make an attempt using my poor c# skills and make it happen. You're doing a great job maintaining DMP but it has some more potential.

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  On 9/5/2017 at 1:11 AM, gamerscircle said:

Does anyone have a public DMP server that is available?

I know asking if there is a 'public" server available doesn't sound like a very well thought through question, but I wanted to see if I would be able to use it with a couple of friends.


There's a server list on the DMP website, the most populated server is nonameships.pw

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I've stumbled upon a problem - I am trying to set a server with a couple of mods and custom difficulty settings.

I would like to change the difficulty of any particular mod (done in "settings->DeepFreeze" for example in single player), but I don't know how to change it so the server saves the additional mod-related difficulties. Right now they are getting truncated each time I reload the game, and the only one difficulties saved by server are from "settings->Basic" and "settings->Advanced" tabs.

Any ideas?

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I haven't looked through all of the pages, so sorry if this has been asked before. 

Me and my friends have a server, and we want to do a space race competition, so we want to have different launch sites. Can we use KerbinSide and Kerbal Konstructs to set up bases that we can launch from? And if so, do we just all install the mod and run the server?

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A few friends and me started our own DMP server. While playing on it, I can see the server host and the server host can see me. However, I can't seem to see anyone else even though we are outside the safety bubble and well within range of one another. Some of the folks I cannot see, can see me.

I don't suppose anyone knows what might be causing this?


Edit: Turns out, there were using a mod that was banned on the server...

Edited by Bandus
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