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The unofficially official 0.24-Kerbapalooza Thread - Now extra #HYPETRAIN!


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With the new update update (can you guys trademark that? Because you should) out, I thought I'd jump the gun on this one before mods have their hands full with a bunch of speculation threads :)

How do you think the new Budgets system will work with science, will it bring balance to the Force? I certainly think so!

I'm also wondering, what has SQUAD got in mind for .25? Now that budgets are moved to .24, will that clear the way for optimization, aerodynamics upgrades or even multiplayer? I sense great awesomeness in the not too distant future!

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Well first I am more than happy to find out that budget will be included in .24 as this will bring much more challenge and fun into career mode. Its also nice to know that .25 will have less cleaning up career mode and more of adding new and unexpected features.

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I'm just glad the budget system will finally end the 'mobile science labs are useless, why not just fly back to Kerbin. why not just always fly back to Kerbin I don't get it' groaning once and for all.

Plus budgets add a whole new element to consider beyond the usual TWR/DV juggle of rocket design. Maybe I'll actually use Poodles for once.

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I'm glad that they decided to add money. Contracts alone would have been so meaningless...

I think this will add to science too. In the R&D once you unlock the node with science, it sometimes doesn't unlock the parts automatically (anyone who used mod parts knows what I'm talking about), then you have to click them, which brings up a "would you like to purchase" window. That mean that science will probably go like this" First you unlock the node with science, then you unlock each individual part with cash. This should fix the issue where a Kerbal can just collect samples of KSC and unlock several tech tiers... And the missions sound fun too.

  KvickFlygarn87 said:
How do you guys think it will affect existing saves? It is quite a large overhaul after all!

I don't see how this could break saves (they just need to add the new data to them). However old career saves may be interesting... It will probably start you off with the same amount of money as a new save. This may be bad if you like to use huge rockets and have space stations and bases.

Budget-cut time!

Edited by RocketPilot573
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Well this development is great indeed. But also made my heart drop a little bit. Will have to see what this update will do for Me and Mission Controller and if I can come up with some sort of future for MCE with the new KSP budget system. Still cool to see budgets though be actually in game. :)

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  KvickFlygarn87 said:

For example:

I thought I'd jump the gun on this one before mods have their hands full with a bunch of speculation threads <- you say 'speculation' yourself.

How do you think the new Budgets system will work with science <- we have no way of knowing

will it bring balance to the Force? <- we have no way of knowing

what has SQUAD got in mind for .25? <- we have no way of knowing

will that clear the way for optimization, aerodynamics upgrades or even multiplayer? <- we have no way of knowing

How do you guys think it will affect existing saves? <- what we think is uninformed

So uninformed, therefore pointless, speculation. As are ALL the "when will we get ...?", "what will be in ...?", "how will ... work?" threads.

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A rework of the Science System for 0.25. Some EVA Animations and Stuff to do would be great.

DanRosas animations are great for promotional stuff but I would like to see more of his work on the Kerbals themselves in the game.

In my opinion the science system is not very fun ATM. Only Text boxes appearing without much more happening.

It could be so much more. Science station which are needed to be deployed, surface samples which are needed to be taken ect. ect.

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That's just polish, though. Adding animations, sounds, effects, reworking models/textures. That all happens after the core elements are added.

My concern though is that once you complete the tech tree, right now, there isn't anything else to really do. Or rather, I find I get burnt out quickly once I've unlocked everything.

I build stations, rovers, landers, etc. to gain something from them, typically science (to unlock tech). Once I'm done right now, I don't know why else I'd play. "Art installations" aren't a strong enough drive for me, so I hope contracts fill that end-game burnout.

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I like how OP declared it a "megathread" before it got to that state, always cracks me up.

Anyway, hopefully we'll get some sort of lose condition for career mode. Without that budgetary restrictions are kind of pointless... Well, they'll be pointless for veterans of the game anyway, so maybe it really doesn't matter.

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  regex said:
I like how OP declared it a "megathread" before it got to that state, always cracks me up.

Its not a bad assumption though, lots of people are bound to start discussions about this topic...

Kvick's last one, the ARM Megathread, ended with 53 pages of posts... not bad!

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I expect either it will break saves or make you want to start over. I mean, if you've unlocked the entire tech tree that's a TON of money you won't have to spend, and so you'll start out so far ahead of someone starting over that you may as well not even worry about cash.

I personally am looking forward to restarting my career mode save(s).

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It will be interesting to see what happens to the jet engines once budgets are introduced. Make them too expensive, and spaceplanes become obsolete in the career mode. Make them too cheap, and conventional rockets become obsolete.

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  5thHorseman said:
I expect either it will break saves or make you want to start over. I mean, if you've unlocked the entire tech tree that's a TON of money you won't have to spend, and so you'll start out so far ahead of someone starting over that you may as well not even worry about cash.

I personally am looking forward to restarting my career mode save(s).

That's my feeling at this point. I had no desire to start a fresh career with 0.23.5, because I was knee-deep in unfinished missions. But now, I wrapped up everything I had planned on, so I'm looking forward to 0.24 to give me an excuse to experience the career mode from scratch.

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