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[0.90] TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (v1.50 - 2014-12-24 10:40 UTC)


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  santiagokof said:
Can i help making cfg files of "unsuported" mods for u? and for the community, xD

Certainly, go ahead. If you want, I'll even include them in the next release (which is taking far longer than it should, cause I got a job I love. Strangely, being a professional games programmer makes you program less games in your spare time).

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Sounds like you need to either update KWRocketry (clean reinstall, obv) or not use the engines as the first part. I use both KWR and TS with zero problems.

I reinstalled everything (including KSP itself) and still had the problem. So I don't think it comes from an update. It only occured to me while using Tweakscale.

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Hey Biotronic: thanks for the version of TweakScale! I'm grateful for the tool, so hopefully my bug report doesn't sound like a whining succubus.

As I recall, it used to be an issue in that tweaking RCS thrusters in symmetry caused issues. It seems like that's the case with this new version. Tweaking the scale of RCS works fine, and the thrust even tweaks accordingly, but the second I move the RCS thrusters the thrust changes. This would be manageable if the thrust on all symmetrically places RCS changed evenly, but it doesn't.

I'm not sure I described what I'm seeing with any kind of eloquence, but if you understood that, then cool. If not, let me know and I'll include craft files and images, etc.

Reverting to the previous 1.44 version solves the issue.


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On the newest version it seems like when you scale the stock radial RCS containers the weight scales appropriately initially but upon reloading the file the scaled tanks return to their original dry weight but retain their physical size and fuel volume.

I'm not sure if it applies to any other items.

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I'm looking into it. Thank you for informing me. I'm also trying to answer other issues that have come up lately, but my time is limited, so I have to prioritize. My apologies to those who did not make the front of that queue.

In other news, I have now implemented two new features, which will be included in 1.46:

  • Rescale chaining: If a rescalable part is placed on another rescalable part, and they have the same scaletype and scale, rescaling the parent will rescale the child part. In other words, if you have a rocket consisting of 1.25m parts, you can rescale it to 2.5m with one click (and a right-click to bring up the menu).
  • Automatic fit scaling: If a rescalable part has the same scaletype as the part it is first mounted on, it will automatically scale to fit.

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This awesome mod doesn't seem to work with Keramzit fairings.. maybe you guys already knew but it's kinda annoying so I hope it can be fixed!

Oh yeah and this is one of the best mods out there because being able to change the size of parts just creates so much more possibilities, thanks!

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  Carsaxy said:
This mod is awesome, but I think that something like this:

should be a bug...

At least I think that is cheating usig it in this way...

Ya, right now the mod doesn't affect crew capacity, but it'd be really cool if it did. If it scaled directly, a mark 2 inline cockpit could hold 6 times as many (12) Kerbals if you scaled it up to 7.5 metres.

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Wow, this new update changes everything. Did you saw my post or were contacted by EnterElysium? Because yesterday, we were talking about a mod that could rescale all parts at once. I even asked in the welding mod thread: Here a link

Thank you for making this mod even more awesome!

Edit: I have one more wish, can you add the option that the Rescale chaining applies to all scaletypes? So I rescale parts with different scaletypes. Would be helpful. Maybe make the option that all parts are the "free scaletype".

Edit 2: Ok, I changed a command pod to the free scaletype by hand. And the rest worked properly.

Here is the first result:

h04. Edited by Space Scumbag
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  Biotronic said:
I'm looking into it. Thank you for informing me. I'm also trying to answer other issues that have come up lately, but my time is limited, so I have to prioritize. My apologies to those who did not make the front of that queue.

Thanks, Biotronic, the new features are much appreciated. This plugin keeps getting better and better.

I don't know which problems you were referencing regarding, "I'm looking into it." I'm not trying to pester or be annoying by repeating the same post with different words. If, on the other hand, you were partly thinking of my post regarding RCS thrust, then I thought I'd include a few screenshots. I thought that it might help you in some form.

Image 1 shows a basic RCS thruster that is not Tweakscaled at all (it's from the HGR mod, but my observations apply to any RCS port).

Image 2 demonstrates that changing the thrust power works as intended on both ports, the second of which is placed in symmetry on the starboard side.

Image 3 shows the bug. All I have done is left-click the port RCS port to move it. Immediately after clicking it, the opposing RCS port's thrust power changes.

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Again, I hope this helps. My intent is not to pester, but to help in some way.


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Scaling seems to be generally bugged in 1.46. For example if you scale upwards then scale back the size will be scaled correctly but not the mass nor any other property like fuel capacity.

Also mk16 parachute are not scaled correctly when placed on a mk1 command pod.

I'll attach pics when I get back home.

EDIT: http://imgur.com/a/Nre8G#0

Edited by Scyth3
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Quick bug here concerning tweakscale 1.46 and realchutes.

In tweakscale 1.44 the realchutes had no option to rescale, which was fine because you use the realchutes scaling option. Yet in 1.46 the option to rescale is there and it breaks the realchute scaling completely, using the realchute scaling option does nothing, i can see the weight reducing or adding but no actual size changing. even when scaling it with tweakscale as soon as I launch, the scale defaults to the realchute scale. So basically its not changing appearance in the VAB only at launch. Also something is going wrong behind the scenes because attaching any realchute slows the game down exponentially, FPS wise, which never happened before I suspect these problems might be releated to the "chain rescaling" introduced in the new version, but thats just hazarding a guess.

I'm reverting to 1.44 for now. Hope this helped. Great mod by the way!! Sorry for my first post in tweakscale being about a bug.


Edited by velve
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Thank you very much Master Tao that resolved the problem, should have tried that first before posting here. Sorry.

//alright so with a bit more playing around I seem to be having a problem with this new version. It has to be something to do with either the autoscale feature or the part chain hierarchy scale system, or something else. Basically. when building on any scale if I alt copy a part like a fuel tank the new copied part has a significantly less fuel. here is an example of the chain please note the 22.500/22.500 meter.


Then the second "alt copied" part.


And third


When launching with this setup for example, the fuel guage will not move until the last 0.352 is being used, then it goes so fast you barely see it. This happens if I select a new fuel tank and it autoscales to the root scale as well. Making it impossible to use a larger first stage on my rockets.

Perhaps There is a setting in the mod folder I'm not aware of? Perhaps a conflict of some sort, my mods list is pretty extensive but tweakscale worked fine with version 1.44, so I don't think it's a conflict

Edited by velve
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  Sleeeper said:
Same problem with rescaled engines in 1.45. They keep original mass and thrust, while 1.44 works fine.

I seem to be experiencing a problem like this in 1.46. Upon reload, my engines thrust is nerfed. If I revert to version 1.44, there is no problem. Is there any helpful information I can provide to help identify this issue?

Edited by JedTech
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  starkline said:
Thanks, Biotronic, the new features are much appreciated. This plugin keeps getting better and better.

I don't know which problems you were referencing regarding, "I'm looking into it." I'm not trying to pester or be annoying by repeating the same post with different words. If, on the other hand, you were partly thinking of my post regarding RCS thrust, then I thought I'd include a few screenshots. I thought that it might help you in some form.

Image 1 shows a basic RCS thruster that is not Tweakscaled at all (it's from the HGR mod, but my observations apply to any RCS port).

Image 2 demonstrates that changing the thrust power works as intended on both ports, the second of which is placed in symmetry on the starboard side.

Image 3 shows the bug. All I have done is left-click the port RCS port to move it. Immediately after clicking it, the opposing RCS port's thrust power changes.


Again, I hope this helps. My intent is not to pester, but to help in some way.


Ooh, thanks a lot. I'd misunderstood the problem. Will see what I can do after work today. As goes for the fuel tanks above, which should be fairly easy to fix.

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