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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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[UPDATE: I'll leave this post here, but I suggest starting with my new info 2 posts down. I found that the Orbital Overlay wasn't the main issue and gathered more details.]

Is the "orbital overlay" on the Big Map known to cause a big frame rate slowdown? I'm using SCANSat v20.4 with KSP 1.10.1.

To summarize, my basic frame rate while in orbit looking into space is around 60 fps. If I open SCANSat's Big Map, frame rate drops to 20 while the map refreshes, then stabilizes at 30 fps. If I toggle "Orbit Overlay" off while keeping the Big Map open, frame rate jumps back up to around 57 fps.

I can also see slowdowns on the Zoom Map but to a lesser extent. Most of my testing was done while viewing biomes in the Big Map, but similar things happen if I use the visual map. I didn't test altimetry or slope because those scans haven't been done yet.

I'll note that 30 fps is still more than adequate for playing the game. However, I've seen additional gameplay cases where my frame rate starts off much lower (giant ships, other ships within physics range, looking down at complex terrain instead of into space, etc.), and then the additional load from the SCANSat map become a larger issue.

Log file https://drive.google.com/file/d/17Kzd8KfL4pOWHJqI-vIgPPAoN8heKcLl/view?usp=sharing

Edited by DeadJohn
did additional testing and created new post
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@DMagic or anyone else who can help. I collected additional diagnostic info on the low fps problem I reported 2 posts up. This new info looks like a much better test case.

I am getting very low fps from SCANSat's Map Icons / Waypoints on the Zoom or Big Map. The Orbital Overlay further slows things down, but only when the waypoints are enabled. The other display options don't seem to cause further slowdowns.

Here are my fps counts testing the Zoom Map. My ship is very high above Kerbin, and I'm using the biome display.

  1. Frame rate with no SCANSat windows open: 60 fps
  2. Open SCANSat Zoom Map, all options at the bottom of the zoom window have been turned off: 60
  3. Orbital Overlay + Map Color + Day/Night + Map Legend + Resource Overlay enabled (everything but Map Icons): 59
  4. Map Icons enabled (everything else disabled): 24
  5. Map Icons + Orbit Overlay: 4

Similar testing on the big map shows that the Waypoints display causes the biggest fps drop.

Turning off SCANSat's background scanning settings made no difference.

Here's my ksp.log, player.log, and a screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JwgUMKCLjfhyDyIMYzTdj9k55lgjzvQz/view?usp=sharing


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I'm having to reinstall my KSP instance and all mods due to file corruption.  I'm hoping my game file will work fine in a new install context.  How to I preserve all my SCANsat data results from the old install directory to the new?  Or will this work at all.  It just occurred to me that a new install might put the resources in different places on the planets than the previous did, though I think that is hinged upon some random seed or similar in the sfs file, not sure though

Edited by darthgently
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Hi there DMagic. I've been using this excellent mod recently and have encountered a couple of issues with the most recent update (20.4). One of them is more of a nitpick than a real issue, and one is probably just a bug introduced in the latest update.

The nitpick one is that Scansat persists in showing resources that I'm not using in my current save. Perhaps some way to exclude resources manually would be in order?

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The second issue is an annoying flickering in the tooltip when I enable the SCAN overlay.

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Has anyone run scansat 20.4 with RO? Earlier I wrote that the missing parts can be added to the manual editing of the cfg, but there are still problems:
1) there is no SAR-C, SAR-L, VS-1, VS-3, VS-11.
2) The details in the research tree are very far away (most of the details are in the 2000+ period).

Edited by omG?!
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  On 9/17/2020 at 3:29 PM, VoidSquid said:

I still have my pre-20 build rockets, can be loaded w/o any issue. Can you maybe describe your problem in a bit more detail?


It can load and those are flying can be used (or let's say still function) but when i want to load those old designs in VAB but there's a pop up saying 

"Vessel XXXX is missing part SCANsat Scanner 2"

And it is unable to launch saying

"This vessel contains experimental parts which are not available at the moment:
2x SCAN SCAN SAR Altimetry Sensor"

Edited by Carrot
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You're right, @Carrot !

I have to admit, I never tried to launch one of my old ScanSat rockets since version 20.

Out of curiosity, I replaced the respective 20.x folders of the old parts folders (BTDT, MapTraq, MULTI, RADAR, SAR) with the 18.14 version, and now I can launch the rocket.

In the end, I think modifying the cfg files should do it (my experiment was just brute force), in particular the entries "TechRequired" and "category".

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Hello my dudes

Just a quickie: 

I'm using the latest ksp 1.10.1 with the newest Scansat.

My KSP log shows the following  error: [ERR 13:26:42.579] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: SCANsat.Unity, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

Does this error matter or is it a just a quirk of ScanSat's implementation and nothing to be concerned about?


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  On 9/18/2020 at 1:15 PM, rextable said:

Hello my dudes

Just a quickie: 

I'm using the latest ksp 1.10.1 with the newest Scansat.

My KSP log shows the following  error: [ERR 13:26:42.579] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: SCANsat.Unity, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

Does this error matter or is it a just a quirk of ScanSat's implementation and nothing to be concerned about?



Depends on when it happens which no one can answer conclusively without a log to look at.

Does SCANsat work? If it does then it'snot a problem. 

Is SCANsat spamming your log frequently with exceptions due to a missing .DLL?  If it is, then it may be a problem. 

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  On 9/18/2020 at 11:47 PM, Tonka Crash said:

Depends on when it happens which no one can answer conclusively without a log to look at.

Does SCANsat work? If it does then it'snot a problem. 

Is SCANsat spamming your log frequently with exceptions due to a missing .DLL?  If it is, then it may be a problem. 


It seems to be working just fine. I didn't post a log because I suspected as much but thought I'd ask anyway.



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It's been a while since I've played KSP properly... updated my mods yesterday and WOW. Few extra parts since I last used SCANsaT!

Feedback-wise I have two things to note - 1) the models/textures are almost too good for ksp :P 2) more of a request but, could it be possible to use the telescopes to see through? There was a mod ages ago that gave you a telescope to look through... was a bit annoying thinking about it because at extreme zoom everything vibrated even in space... still fun though :P

But yeah! I'm so glad to see the mod is still being worked on! :D It's the only mod I use that adds parts lol

Keep up the good work!

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