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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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@Nori - Hard to tell if there's anything wrong there, the reasons its giving for not generating contracts is fairly standard stuff:

[LOG 15:15:19.946] [VERBOSE] ContractConfigurator.SCANsatCoverageRequirement: Contract SCAN_LoRes: requirement SCANsatCoverage was not met.
[LOG 15:15:19.946] [VERBOSE] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Didn't generate contract of type SCAN_LoRes: Failed on contract requirement check.

Basically - the requirement that is failing is the one that says you can't have already scanned the body - so I suppose it could be a bug in there, but hard to tell without more investigation (which I'm not able to do at the moment).  Or it could just be the bodies that it's checking are the ones that have already been scanned.

The other thing for @DMagic is I'd suggest changing it over to use a DATA_EXPAND node (example from RemoteTech pack).  This will make it so a contract is automatically shown for each celestial body (which can make it a lot clearer what's going on for the players with this type of issue.

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2 minutes ago, nightingale said:

@Nori - Hard to tell if there's anything wrong there, the reasons its giving for not generating contracts is fairly standard stuff:

[LOG 15:15:19.946] [VERBOSE] ContractConfigurator.SCANsatCoverageRequirement: Contract SCAN_LoRes: requirement SCANsatCoverage was not met.
[LOG 15:15:19.946] [VERBOSE] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: Didn't generate contract of type SCAN_LoRes: Failed on contract requirement check.

Basically - the requirement that is failing is the one that says you can't have already scanned the body - so I suppose it could be a bug in there, but hard to tell without more investigation (which I'm not able to do at the moment).  Or it could just be the bodies that it's checking are the ones that have already been scanned.

The other thing for @DMagic is I'd suggest changing it over to use a DATA_EXPAND node (example from RemoteTech pack).  This will make it so a contract is automatically shown for each celestial body (which can make it a lot clearer what's going on for the players with this type of issue.

Yeah I read that and thought it strange. I have at least 3 eligible bodies for scanning at the moment. The odd thing is it says the requirements are met but no contracts generate.

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27 minutes ago, Nori said:

Yeah I read that and thought it strange. I have at least 3 eligible bodies for scanning at the moment. The odd thing is it says the requirements are met but no contracts generate.

Yeah, there's definitely something not quite adding up, but might be a display issue.  Too many questions, not enough answer, and not enough time, sadly...

I'd suggest raising this on the tracker so it doesn't get lost.

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i too found the dev build unusable (aside from loading ships with the parts on them).


blizzy's bar isnt working, so no control there, and the stock toolbar icon is functionless for me.

probably related to not being able to interface the gui, but i also was innundated with the console spam for the "mapview"


but just being able to load a save without vessels being deleted is good enough for me, for now :P  so i'm happy.

Edited by TK421d
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SCANsat version 16.9 is out; get it on Space Dock.

It has been updated for KSP 1.2.

This version can detect new anomaly types, display new vessel types, and has been optimized to reduce some garbage creation in the background scanning mechanism. It also fixes the scanning gaps seen in version 16.8.

It has been updated to use the new stock resource handling system - @ShotgunNinja This may effect background EC consumption; SCANsat now uses the Part.resHandler ModuleResourceHandler to control resource consumption. Anyone else adding or modifying SCANsat modules should make sure to use RESOURCE nodes in their modules, rather than the old "power" field.

This version also removes the alternate zoom window module, SCANhiDefCamera, that was used as a replacement for the stock narrow band scanner. The standard zoom window works the same as always.

MechJeb integration is disabled and Blizzy's toolbar integration may not be working after that updates.

Let me know if there are any issues.

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It doesn't do anything with KerbNet.

In the future I want to redesign the zoom window to add some of features of KerbNet. I'll add support for using standard waypoints, and I'll use some kind of Orthographic map projection so that the center of the view is always undistorted. 

But otherwise there isn't much of any reason for the two systems to interact. The KerbNet resource map should already work with SCANsat resource scanning; you can specify a resource scanning threshold for SCANsat resource scanning to trigger the stock resource scan. So it will still show data if you scan most of the planet.

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52 minutes ago, Aethon said:

Hmm.  Love the mod, first and foremost.

The link is not getting me anywhere.  Captain Korhonen says spacedock is down.  Is there another place to DL ScanSat v16.9?

It's not down, just slow because it's getting so much traffic right now.

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@COL.R.Neville Both metal resources are supported, I'm not sure if they are both CRP, but SCANsat includes definitions for both.

The first post always has download links, both to the download sites and direct download links (the SpaceDock download servers have always been working fine for me, it's just the website that can be slow).

Edited by DMagic
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on start in the alt f12 screen. cant see that its being logged in either of the log files so it may just be informational  

[SCANsat] SCANsat resource [Karborundum] cannot be found in master resource storage list

[SCANsat] SCANsat resource [LqdHe3] cannot be found in master resource storage list


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Everything in the debug console is written to the logs (though there can be a delay in some cases).

Those messages are normal, they just mean that planetary resources have been found (from CRP in most cases) that aren't registered by SCANsat. If you want to add resources to SCANsat's list there is a section in the wiki that covers it.

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anybody else getting 

invoked member not a member of dynamic module

everything was going fine got to the part where i started getting contracts for scanning. and this error would flash whenever i hit the scan button for any of the sensors. 


alone scansat works fine

but scansat,  usi_tools you get this

[EXC 09:37:26.922] NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.
    System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetExportedTypes ()
    SCANsat.SCAN_Toolbar.ToolbarTypes.getType (System.String name)
    SCANsat.SCAN_Toolbar.ToolbarManager.get_Instance ()
    SCANsat.SCAN_Toolbar.ToolbarManager.get_ToolbarAvailable ()
    SCANsat.SCAN_Toolbar.SCANtoolbar.OnDestroy ()

if you install blizzy's toolbar it works again. so somewhere scansat and usi are fighting for the same stock toolbar spot seems like or there is some kinda hidden dependency on blizzy's toolbar. 

so scansat blizzy's toolbar usi_tools works 

scansat usi_tools hit the scan button you get the above error. 


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