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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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@DMagic I'm getting a crash.  It happens with both the 1.2 version in this thread and and the 1.3 dev version you posted above at startup.

Crash Dump

EDIT: Nevermind, that link was old.  Helpful Github hint, always link to https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/releases instead of say https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/releases/tag/v17.5

That way, if it changes users will always see the latest version.

Edited by Alshain
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@Alshain That's new. Has that ever happened before? Did you try deleting the BTDT part to see if it finished loading? I don't think there's anything different about that part in particular (except maybe that "®" in the title), so I don't know why it would fail there.

It's failing with an access violation error (code: 0xC0000005), which I've never seen happen before with SCANsat.

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  On 6/12/2017 at 8:06 PM, DMagic said:

@Alshain That's new. Has that ever happened before? Did you try deleting the BTDT part to see if it finished loading? I don't think there's anything different about that part in particular (except maybe that "®" in the title), so I don't know why it would fail there.

It's failing with an access violation error (code: 0xC0000005), which I've never seen happen before with SCANsat.


You saw my post before my edit, but 17.7 works, 17.5 was crashing.  I don't know why, but hey the latest works :D

Edited by Alshain
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Hey there

I've not played a lot of KSP, so not used much of the stock scanning system. I've downloaded the 1.3 dev version of this mod (since I'm playing 1.3). Should I just use the "disable stock scanning" option since I won't miss it, or does it offer something worth leaving in the game? My instinct suggests to just disable it and use this mods features exclusively. It's not like I'll be wishing I could do such and such that I could do in stock, since I don't know how stock works.

I realise this is pretty subjective, but I figure you guys have likely played both scan systems a great deal, so your insight would be useful.


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  On 6/17/2017 at 4:36 AM, strudo76 said:

... Should I just use the "disable stock scanning" option since I won't miss it, or does it offer something worth leaving in the game? ...


You can find information about what you might miss when you disable stock scanning on the Wiki. https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/wiki/SCANsat-Resource-Settings#top-disable-stock-scanning

The other important settings are described there too. I hope that answers your question.

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  On 6/17/2017 at 1:19 PM, dr_evil said:

You can find information about what you might miss when you disable stock scanning on the Wiki. https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/wiki/SCANsat-Resource-Settings#top-disable-stock-scanning

The other important settings are described there too. I hope that answers your question.


If you want the old SCANSat resource scanning behavior (which feels a lot more reasonable/realistic than the Baby's First Orbital Scanner by Fisher Price(tm) feel that the stock one has), then yes, 'disable stock scanning'.

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  • 3 weeks later...

SCANsat version 18.0 is out for KSP 1.3.0; get it on SpaceDock. There are lots of changes. Note that all, or most all of your current SCANsat settings will be reset. And note that, while scanning data is preserved when moving from version 16.x to version 18, it is not preserved when moving from version 17.x, or version 18 back to version 16.x.

This update has been in development for over 6 months, let's hope nothing explodes. :o Here are the changes:


Complete UI overhaul:

  • All aspects of the SCANsat UI have been replaced with the new Unity UI
    • This results in a significant reduction in performance impact and garbage creation, particularly when several SCANsat windows are open at the same time
    • UI scaling is integrated with stock UI scaling (master scale) – separate scaling for SCANsat only is also available
    • All text is rendered with TextMesh Pro, resulting in clearer text, particularly at small and large scales, and better compatibility with other languages
    • New option is available to switch between KSP UI styling and the old, Unity UI styling
  • New stock toolbar menu
    • In the flight scene, the stock toolbar button will now spawn a small menu with buttons for all of the SCANsat windows
    • Enable or disable this option in the settings window
  • New settings window
    • Features multiple pages for different groups of settings

New UI style; stock toolbar menu; new settings window; memory allocation reductions:

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Zoom map overhaul:

  • It now uses an orthographic map projection to eliminate distortion near the map center
    • This is similar to the polar map projection, but can be centered anywhere
  • Further separated from the big map
    • Menu to set the resource selection (if more than one is installed)
    • Menu to set the map type (altimetry, biome, slope)
    • Toggles for all of the map overlays
  • Three different map size options
    • Full map with top and bottom control bars
    • Medium map with only top control bar
    • Compact map with no control bar
  • Option to reset the map to the current vessel position
  • Option to lock the map to the current vessel position
    • Will re-center the map on the vessel position whenever it is refreshed, zoomed, etc…
  • Buttons to move the map center in all four directions
  • Fixes problems with the “Require Narrow Band Scanner” resource scanning requirement
    • Should function correctly with both stock scanning and SCANsat-style resource scanning

The new zoom map:

  Reveal hidden contents


  • Localization support for most aspects of SCANsat
    • Part descriptions, science results, part right-click menu fields, tooltips, settings window help tooltips, and some of the UI text
    • Planet names, biome names, and resources names are all localized
    • Some aspects of the UI, particularly the settings window, are not localized
    • The KSPedia entry is not localized
  • Spanish by Delthiago98
  • Chinese by Summerfirefly
  • Russian by Ser and RarogCmex
  • German by h0yer


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New Features:

  • Stock waypoint system integration
    • Big map and zoom map can be used to set stock waypoints
    • Click the waypoint button in the lower-right corner of the map to activate waypoint mode
      • Select a point on the map and left-click there to assign the waypoint location
      • Edit the waypoint name using the text input field
      • Click Set to generate the waypoint
    • Optional MechJeb integration
      • MechJeb integration toggled through the settings window
      • Click the MJ button instead of Set to use the waypoint as a MechJeb landing site
      • Requires MechJeb installed, and a functional and upgraded MechJeb core on the current vessel
  • Options for map generation speed
    • A slider in the settings window allows for three map speed options
      • 1 – One row of all map types will be drawn per frame
      • 2 – Two rows of all map types will be drawn per frame
      • 3 – Two to four rows of the maps will be drawn per frame, depending on the map type
  • Color Management Window updates
    • Integrated into the new settings window
    • Text input fields are available for most values with a slider
    • More biome options for the biome colors used and the white borders
    • New HSV color picker for all of the color management tabs
      • Uses a standard, saturation vs brightness (value) square color picker, with a hue slider to the right
      • Displays the current selection in RGB, HSV, and Hex color values
      • Allows for manual input of RGB values, using either 0-1, or 0-255 values
  • Updated KSPedia entry
    • Reflects all changes made for version 18
    • Several new pages with information about the different map windows
  • Miscellaneous new features
    • Scanning width now properly accounts for latitude, resulting in scans of even width at all latitudes
    • New settings file; generated in the GameData/SCANsat/PluginData folder after first running KSP
      • Contains most of the options found in the settings window
    • Settings windows options for resetting specific sets of scanning data for an individual celestial body, or all bodies
    • Biome map legend
      • Displays all of the biome colors as sections on the map legend
      • The zoom map legend shows only the biomes present in the map window
    • Map legend tooltips
      • Displays altitude or biome name when the mouse is over the map legend
    • Day/night map terminator overlay for all maps
      • Toggled with the sun and moon icon
    • New part module specifically for handling science experiments
      • Module: SCANexperiment
    • Celestial body list on the big map is ordered by distance to the sun
      • The current body is displayed at the top of the list
      • Moons are grouped together with their parent
    • New anomaly icon, a question mark with an open circle at the bottom
      • The open circle denotes the anomaly position

Various new features:

  Reveal hidden contents

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix some floating point errors that cause the big map to break at certain map sizes
  • Fix shader bugs preventing the BTDT anomaly readout in the Instruments window from working
  • Fix a science point exploit when collecting the same scan data from two different vessels
  • Fix a potential error with RPM maps with resource overlays
  • Fix errors in Module Manager patches for resource scanners used by other mods
  • Changes from version 17.9
    • More KSPedia pages
    • Fix an error with setting the UI scale of the zoom map
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I started a new game 1.3 with v18 of SCANsat. I have just made my first LKO and I have a SCANsat contract for a low resolution scan of Minmus? No other SCANsat contracts available. Is that to be expected? I understood that one of the contract requirements is to have orbited the body?

After advancing a couple of days, I got contracts for all three Kerbin bodies, but I am still to go further than LKO

Edited by strudo76
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@DMagic, I'm still having a problem between SCANsat 18.0 and GPP with being able to select moons from the celestial bodies menu in the big map view.  We discussed this problem earlier in the 17.X dev thread.

I put a scanner in orbit starting with the innermost planet and just starting working my way outward.  For all the inner planets and moons, everything seems to work fine.  I can scan bodies and select them from the dropdown menu in the big map view.  However, as soon as I get to the moons of the gas giant planets, the names of the these moons will not appear in the menu and I cannot select them.  Once I get beyond the gas giants to the solid outer planets, the names of both planets and moons again appear in the menu.

For some reason the names of the moons of the gas giants do not appear in the big map dropdown menu.  When switching to the Color Management screen, all the names are present.  The problem appears to be just with the big map.  Furthermore, when I'm in orbit around and scanning one of the gas giant moons, I can see it in the small map view.  But when I open the big map, the name of the moon is not there in the menu.

If there is anything else that you need from me, logs etc., just ask.

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  On 7/9/2017 at 8:00 PM, DMagic said:

@OhioBob The master branch of the GPP GitHub repo is up-to-date for the dev version? I'll install it and see what I can figure out.


Yes, if you download the master branch you should be using the same up-to-date version that I am.  You'll also need to download the textures from the GPP_Textures branch.

BTW, I've also have been running GPP dev version in KSP 1.2.2 using Kopernicus 1.2.2-9 and SCANsat 16.11.  I haven't had any problems with that setup at all.

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@OhioBob :confused: I see the problem now. It won't register any moon for the selection menu unless you have also started scanning the parent body. That should be a simple fix; it doesn't have anything to do with Kopernicus, or GPP.

Edited by DMagic
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  On 7/10/2017 at 12:07 PM, DMagic said:

@OhioBob :confused: I see the problem now. It won't register any moon for the selection menu unless you have also started scanning the parent body. That should be a simple fix; it doesn't have anything to do with Kopernicus, or GPP.


Ah hah, that explains it.  Of course I never tried to scan the gas giants, I went straight to the moons.  I'm glad it's an easy fix.

I also had problems with the planets of a companion red dwarf star not showing up in the menu.  I assume this should fix that problem as well (i.e. they didn't show up in the menu because I didn't first scan the star)?

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i have a problem on KSP 1.2.2 with Ore scanning on Laythe.

Biome scanning was perfect but for Ore here is the screen


impossible to have more detection, orbit is polar, color management is the following: green is ore, white is no ore, i just need to set the scaling better because it's too green.

But the problem is that the satellite can make as may orbit as i want, there's no more detection. Electricity is ok and the biome scan was perfect...I use M 700 scanner, M4335 scanner and all the scans scanners....

What am i missing ?

here is the biome, full detected....



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If you are going to use the dev version for 1.2.2 use the latest update, version 17.5. If there are bugs with that, then, well update to 1.3 :wink:, but don't downgrade back to version 16.x, unless you are willing to lose all of your scanning data.


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FIrst off - fantastic mod & thanks for your ongoing work - no career game is complete without it IMO.

I was going to ask a question about the BigMap Celestial Body selection menu that's been frustrating the hell out of me.

I'm playing with "New Horizons" & if I select Sonnah or Mun (Kerbin doesn't appear, but is the default Map until you change) then there is no re-selecting Kerbin :( !!

But I think you've just solved my problem in your answers to OhioBob above -I guess I'll get Kerbin (as a moon of Sonnah) on my Celestial Body Menu AFTER I scan gas giant Sonnah.

The kids on Kerbin are going to have to wait 'till then to get their Map back!

Thanks again!

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Contracts for duna high resolution scan and scan for ore keep flickering/disappearing before accepted.

Also, the contract for low resolution scan, biome scan and resource scan won't even show up.

Just updated to V18.0 but V17.9 was doing it too. Using KSP1.3


Edited by BlackMoons
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Either I'm getting a bug, or I broke something, or I'm badly misunderstanding something.

Have a Radar Altimeter in Kerbin orbit, altitude right around 100km. But when I start scan, it does not scan, the click box for the altimeter says "SCANSat Altitude: Kerbin: Scanning Disabled," the scanner status is solid orange, and I get no scan data..

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