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[1.12.x] Custom Asteroids 1.9.0 - January 24


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Sweet, I found two asteroids swinging past again within 2 earth years, a couple that will be affected by SOIs of Jool and Eve (not in any reasonable time though, 14-30 years) - I even found one with a Moho close approach but no encounter within 50 earth years. I did however find that there is a Class-C rock coming back around for a second pass and hitting Kerbin in 9 years. Regardless of whether my in-game time ever gets that far it still provides incentive sometime long before then for me to launch a mission to nudge it just a hair. Look ahead, people - who knows what you may find...

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So I've played around a bit with the potatoroids to try to get asteroid clusters.

I've added breakingForce and breakingTorque, set to 1-50, but I don't get far enough to test that because...

I've added a node_attach, which works ok in the VAB, but when "launching" (intending to use Hyperedit to put it somewhere sensible), the roids are intersecting when they spawn, independent of what node_attach distance I set. As soon as physics enables, they eject themselves spinning wildly.

Has anyone successfully "attached" asteroids? Was this ever done with FASA asteroids?

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So I've played around a bit with the potatoroids to try to get asteroid clusters.

I've added breakingForce and breakingTorque, set to 1-50, but I don't get far enough to test that because...

I've added a node_attach, which works ok in the VAB, but when "launching" (intending to use Hyperedit to put it somewhere sensible), the roids are intersecting when they spawn, independent of what node_attach distance I set. As soon as physics enables, they eject themselves spinning wildly.

Has anyone successfully "attached" asteroids? Was this ever done with FASA asteroids?

I've seen several people who attached multiple asteroids together when looking for things to do with asteroids. My understanding is that its Kraken bait...

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I was going to ask the same question, but seeing as how that post is a month and a half old and no response, I'm going to start putting one together.

Awesome! This will go nicely with my upcoming real-ish ice miners/water crackers/steam rockets :)

Let me know if you'd like a tester.

Edited by curiousepic
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks, but as mentioned in (a corner of) the first post, I won't have time to do more work on this mod before August. Sorry, and thanks for your patience.

I think that was referring to me. That being said, I should have a beta version of the RSS config ready to go in a day or two.

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Can someone who knows more about asteroids and distant objects clarify some thing for me? Do asteroids and Kuiper belt objects have the same LAN / APE for the most part? Most diagrams I've been able to find seem to indicate this, but such an occurrence seems unlikely...

Edited by SpacedInvader
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Just wanted to pop in and let you all know that my RSS asteroids config is now part of RSS v7. It includes the NEOs and long-period comets from Starstrider42's original config, 3 zones of main belt rocks, the Trojans and Greeks (also from the original config, but positionally corrected to match Jupiter's position), Plutinos, and the beginnings of the Kuiper belt. I'm going to be refining it eventually to have a more expansive Kuiper belt as well as better representations of the rest of the objects in the solar system.

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this is the .cfg i use with BA. its a combination of the defualt one and the one from BA

// Custom Asteroids: Better Atmospheres Joolvian Ring System Asteroids
// JoolRingAsteroids.cfg
// by Thesonicgalaxy
// For Custom Asteroids 1.0+
// Compatible with:
// Stock KSP 0.23.5 Yes
// Alternis Kerbol No
// Planet Factory Yes
// Boris/Fearless/Wot Pack No
// Cerrakk's Pack No
// Hercules/Titan/Hypatos Pack No
// Kaiser No
// Kerbal Universe Project No
// Kerbin+ No
// JTG Industries Pack No
// Sido's Urania Pack No
// Super Eve No
// Real Solar System No
// 6.4ï¾— Kerbol No
// 10ï¾— Kerbol No
// 0.1ï¾— Solar System No

// Stock intercept trajectories
name = kerbinIntercept
title = Potentially Hazardous Ast.

// One incoming rock every 50 Earth days or 200 Kerbin days
spawnRate = 0.02

// NKO orbits based on NEO population from "Debiased Orbital and Absolute
// Magnitude Distribution of the Near-Earth Objects",
// Bottke et al. (2002), Icarus 156, 399
name = innerAsteroids
title = Near-Kerbin Ast.

centralBody = Sun

// With default lifetime settings, 3.2 NKOs will be around on average
spawnRate = 0.3

type = SemimajorAxis
min = Ratio(Kerbin.sma, 0.5 )
max = Ratio( Jool.sma, 0.77) // 4 AU, rescaled from Jupiter's to Jool's orbit

avg = 0.5

avg = 7.5

// Ignore Kirkwood gaps -- they won't have much of an impact on gameplay
name = mainBelt
title = Main Belt Ast.

centralBody = Sun

// With default lifetime settings, 5.3 asteroids will be around on average
spawnRate = 0.5

type = SemimajorAxis
min = Resonance(Jool, 4:1)
max = Resonance(Jool, 2:1)

avg = 0.18

avg = 7.5

// Trojan orbits partially based on "Population and Size Distribution of Small Jovian
// Trojan Asteroids", Jewitt et al. (2000), Astronomical Journal 120, 1140
name = joolTrojanLeading
title = Trojan Ast.

centralBody = Sun

// With default lifetime settings, 4.8 Trojans will be around on average
spawnRate = 0.23

type = SemimajorAxis
min = Resonance(Jool, 1:1)
max = Resonance(Jool, 1:1)

avg = 0.07

avg = 13 // For now, just merge the low- and high-inclination groups together

type = MeanLongitude
epoch = GameStart
dist = Gaussian
avg = Offset(Jool.mnl0, 60)
// Real Trojan belts have a standard deviation of 13 degrees in longitude,
// but I'm assuming a lot of that is from inclination. Allow +/- 10 degree
// variation in longitude instead
stddev = 10

name = joolTrojanTrailing
title = Trojan Ast.

centralBody = Sun

spawnRate = 0.23

type = SemimajorAxis
min = Resonance(Jool, 1:1)
max = Resonance(Jool, 1:1)

avg = 0.07

avg = 13

type = MeanLongitude
epoch = GameStart
dist = Gaussian
avg = Offset(Jool.mnl0, -60)
stddev = 10

// Long-period comets only; short-period comets depend on the location
// of the scattered disk
name = oort
title = Long-Period Cmt.

centralBody = Sun

// One comet every 20 Earth days (80 Kerbin days)
spawnRate = 0.05

type = Periapsis
//min = 261600000 // Sungrazers
min = Ratio(Moho.sma, 0.2)
max = Ratio(Jool.sma, 1.0) // Ignore comets outside the orbit of Jool

dist = Uniform
min = 0.98 // Minimum apoapsis: 1.7× Jool's orbit
max = 1.005

dist = Isotropic

// Let comets be discovered only on approach, so that the player has
// time to prepare a flyby mission
type = MeanAnomaly
epoch = Now
min = -2.0 // Extremely elliptical orbit; little time spent near periapsis
max = -0.1
name = Joolinnerrings
title = C Ring Ast.

centralBody = Jool

spawnRate = 0.4
type = SemimajorAxis
min = Ratio(Laythe.sma, 0.3)
max = Ratio(Laythe.sma, 0.3)

avg = 0.0

avg = 0.0
name = Joolmidrings
title = B Ring Ast.

centralBody = Jool

spawnRate = 0.5
type = SemimajorAxis
min = Ratio(Laythe.sma, 0.35)
max = Ratio(Laythe.sma, 0.35)

avg = 0.02

avg = 0.5
name = Joolouterrings
title = A Ring Ast.

centralBody = Jool

spawnRate = 0.9
type = SemimajorAxis
min = Ratio(Laythe.sma, 0.4)
max = Ratio(Laythe.sma, 0.4)

avg = 0.04

avg = 1.0

if u getting to many astroids check your .cfg something is probaly off in it.

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Is there a way to limit the max number of asteroids, or get rid of excessive ones? Thousands of asteroids keep being spawned and never go away

Not directly. You can't explicitly state anywhere the max number. You need to adjust the MinUntrackedTime and MaxUntrackedTime values in the config located in the PluginData folder. Shrinking this time span will reduce the amount of asteroids present at any one time. Also reducing the spawn rate will lessen the amount generated to begin with. At worst you can edit your save file directly and just delete a bunch at a time

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Wonderful mod :) Been using the mod for its Jool asteroids. But am now looking to create a large number of 'roids intercepting Kerbin. In the basic Asteroids.cfg file i change the spawn rate around to diffrent settings (i assume this is the right settings.) But after timewarping several hundred days, i dont see any change in asteroid rate.

Any help ya can offer would be great!

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Can someone who knows more about asteroids and distant objects clarify some thing for me? Do asteroids and Kuiper belt objects have the same LAN / APE for the most part? Most diagrams I've been able to find seem to indicate this, but such an occurrence seems unlikely...

For main belt asteroids and 3/4 of the Kuiper belt objects, no. For Kuiper belt objects in a 3:2 resonance with Neptune (aka Plutinos), I think there are specific ranges that are stable while others are not.

I'd have to look at a diagram to be sure, but they were probably just trying to make the drawing easier to visualize for people who don't know about orbital elements. :wink:

this is the .cfg i use with BA. its a combination of the defualt one and the one from BA

if u getting to many astroids check your .cfg something is probaly off in it.

I'll see what I can do about the Linux bug (though I myself don't have a copy of KSP for Linux, so no promises), but BA does in fact generate more asteroids than I'd recommend. Take the spawn rate, multiply by 10 (rough average of 1-20 day lifetime), and that's about how many asteroids you can expect from a group if you never manually delete anything...

Wonderful mod :) Been using the mod for its Jool asteroids. But am now looking to create a large number of 'roids intercepting Kerbin. In the basic Asteroids.cfg file i change the spawn rate around to diffrent settings (i assume this is the right settings.) But after timewarping several hundred days, i dont see any change in asteroid rate.

That's pretty wierd. Can you confirm that in `Custom Asteroids Settings.cfg` you have `UseCustomSpawner = True`? If it's false, then no matter how high you make the spawn rate for the `DEFAULT` group, you'll spawn asteroids at the same rate as in stock KSP.

Edited by Starstrider42
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Would it be possible to add the ability for the mod to only allow asteroids to spawn within a certain cone of visibility that extends out from Kerbin's night side? In this way it would be more realistic in terms of where untracked asteroids should be popping up. Instead of a certain number of days an untracked asteroid lasts, it would just disappear when Kerbin's orbit moves the cone off its location. The cone would of course need to be configurable so the RSS/PF people can use it, and additional cones could be added for space telescopes.

Just a thought. Inspired by this video by Scott Manley.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the offer. I think I will need Linux users' help with tracking down Linux-specific bugs (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90503). Unfortunately, I'm a bit busier in RL than I thought I would be, and I've somehow ended up being the RT2 manager even though I didn't intend to be. So actual coding for Custom Asteroids will probably have to wait a few more weeks. :( Sorry for the delay!

@Gaiiden, I won't be using realistic elongation/brightness checks in CA itself, but people have requested support for telescope mods, so I plan to include that along with the "asteroid discovery API" mentioned in the first post. But that's a long term goal at present.

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